
Well Known Member
I post this so others will avoid the aggravation I've endured and hopefully Garmin will fix it soon.

On my iPad 3 retina with iOS 7.1.2 I've run Garmin Pilot version 6 Bluetooth connected to my GDL39 version 3.10 without any issues. I also have the GDL39 hard wire connected to my G3X which runs well, without any issues.

Last week, I upgraded Garmin Pilot to version 7.0.0 last week and promptly lost the function of the GDL39 on my iPad. Two dozen attempts to transfer the version 4.0 firmware to the GDL39 were unsuccessful. It still performed well on the G3X.

Tonight, I downloaded and installed Garmin Pilot version 7.0.1. After another 2 dozen attempts, the GDL39 will get no further that halfway through the transfer of the 4.0 firmware.

By "upgrading" the software, I've lost an important part of the capability of a $700 device. Hopefully, it will still provide data to my G3X. It's hard not be caustic, but I need Garmin to give access to the earlier version of Garmin Pilot or fix these issues soon.

Success! After changing the the Auto Lock setting in the General settings to Never, I was finally able to complete the transfer.
Mike, I was "slightly" more fortunate than you. It took three trying three different mobile devices, cycling the GDL39 several times, forcing it's Bluetooth "discoverablility" and about eight attempts.

It was unnessesarily finicky.

My advice to others is (1) have patience, and (2) have a backup plan.
GDL 39 update

After numerous attempts to update the GDL 39 firmware this morning using my ipad, I gave up. Out of frustration I decided to try to the update using my IPhone 5. Update when though first attempt, and much faster.! Good Luck.
Yes - in recalling what worked for me - the Nexus 7 did not work; an iPad Air did not work; I did have success from an iPhone 5.
I ran into the same issue this past Saturday on a flight up to Plymouth (KPYM). I am using a Nexus 7 (2013 edition) and the original GDL-39. In flight I was able to upgrade on my first try. Perhaps you should reset the Bluetooth pairing table in the GDL39? This is accomplished by pressing the button on top of the GDL39 for 5 seconds, and once released the LED status indicator will blink. Press the button again for another 5 seconds and the pairing table will be deleted. Power cycle the GDL-39, repair and try again?

One thing I did notice on the way back from KPYM was although the Garmin Pilot application was indicating it was receiving ADS-B METAR's, they weren't being updated in the app. I noticed the app updated itself on Sunday night, so hopefully it was just a bug.
I have a question for you guys. I have a GDL 39R in my -6, and the current installed software version is 3.10. When I read your posts above about an updated version 4.0, I went out to the airplane with my iPhone 5 and the Garmin GDL 39 Utility app, connected via bluetooth, but it informs me that I have the current version installed, vers. 3.10. What am I missing here?

Perhaps vers. 4.0 is for the 3D version of the GDL 39?? Can't find anything about the current software version for the GDL 39 on the Garmin site. The GDL 39 Utility app has worked well for me in the past to upgrade software on the GDL.
Hi Pat,

I think Garmin has discontinued the "Utility App". I no longer find it in the App Store.

The GDL39 v4.0 is part of the Garmin Pilot App. Only the Garmin Pilot App will update the GDL39 to v4.0

If you are using the GDL39 with an Aera 795/6 it will not update the GDL39 to v4.0. My guess is that the v4.0 firmware has something that is only needed by the Garmin Pilot App.
Same problems updaing the GDL39

GDL39 at version 3.10, hardwired to 796, iPhone 6 with Garmin app at 7.01, iPad 3 also with Garmin app at 7.01 both connected to the GDL39 via bluetooth. Both Apple units running IOS 8.02. Both apple devices recognised the GDL39 in the Garmin app and in the GDL39 utility app but neither device managed to update the GDL39 to 4.0. Tried multiple times and it seems that as soon as the firmware update starts the bluetooth link loses connectivity and the update fails.

Hopefully Steve or someone from Garmin will jump in with a solution, in the meantime I will fly with the GDL >>796 and Foreflight on the IOS devices.
Hi Pat,

I think Garmin has discontinued the "Utility App". I no longer find it in the App Store.

The GDL39 v4.0 is part of the Garmin Pilot App. Only the Garmin Pilot App will update the GDL39 to v4.0

If you are using the GDL39 with an Aera 795/6 it will not update the GDL39 to v4.0. My guess is that the v4.0 firmware has something that is only needed by the Garmin Pilot App.

Yeah, Glenn, I usually update the GDL through the G3X updates, but I've noticed that the current G3X update, version 8.9 that came out yesterday, doesn't contain a GDL update. The G3X updates are usually a version behind on the GDL 39, so I've been using the GDL 39 Utility app. I'll try using the Garmin Pilot app on my iPhone and see what happens. Thanks!
GDL39/39R V4.10 Software


The G3X V8.90 software released this week and the G3X Touch V2.70 software to be released in the next few days both contain GDL39 V4.10 software.

Just update your G3X system using the SD card and it will automatically update any GDL39/39R connected to the system.

I haven't used a Garmin Pilot device to update a GDL39 to V4.10, but I am sure that if this isn't working correctly to do this now, it will soon. We will post an update if we learn more.

Future updates of the portable GPS unit software will also pull in the latest GDL39 software, but no releases are imminent for these products.

I was able to successfully (first attempt) update my GDL 39-3D firmware last night using Garmin Pilot running on a Nexus 7 2013 after first letting Garmin Pilot upgrade itself.

g3xpert - Any ETA on when the Android version of Garmin Pilot will display the attitude and synthetic vision info from the GDL 39-3D? I purchased the 3D version of the GDL 39 without knowing the the attitude and synthetic vision was ONLY available on the iPad version of Garmin Pilot. So, I paid the extra $$ for a 3D, but basically have a non-3D version. :(

The G3X V8.90 software released this week and the G3X Touch V2.70 software to be released in the next few days both contain GDL39 V4.10 software.

Just update your G3X system using the SD card and it will automatically update any GDL39/39R connected to the system.

I haven't used a Garmin Pilot device to update a GDL39 to V4.10, but I am sure that if this isn't working correctly to do this now, it will soon. We will post an update if we learn more.

Future updates of the portable GPS unit software will also pull in the latest GDL39 software, but no releases are imminent for these products.


I went out this morning and updated my GDL 39R (using the Garmin Pilot app on an iPhone 5S) to ver. 4.10 with no problem (you need a cellular connection to do this as the update is downloaded after pairing with the GDL 39). Then, I updated my G3X displays with the ver. 8.9 software using an SD card. At the time I was not aware that the ver. 8.9 update contained the GDL 39 ver. 4.10, as the Garmin web site does not list the GDL 4.10 update on its list of enhancements. (So Steve, I guess the iPhone update of the GDL was redundant!)

Just to show how things can go wrong, I then rebooted everything and turned on my iPad Air to check the Garmin Pilot app with the new GDL 4.10 software. No joy, my iPad Garmin Pilot app had not been opened after the latest update at home so I didn't have my subscription info refreshed in the iPad (no cellular plan). So I pulled out my iPhone, made a personal hotspot, connected it to the iPad, and the Garmin Pilot app downloaded my subscription information, all good. So in the event you have no cellular subscription, just be aware that you may need to refresh the Garmin Pilot app on the iPad at home occasionally to make sure your subscription data is current before going out to the airplane. If you have a cellular plan on your iPad, you're good. :)

Or you can do the personal hotspot thing. First time I'd tried to use it and it worked surprisingly well.

Any update on a solid process to update the GDL393D, I have tried with ipad and iphone 6 and both failed when trying to transfer the firmware, lost the BT connection (blue light went out on the 39) in every case.
39 was on power cable and connected to 796 (hardwired) and via BT to the ipad/iphone.
I purchased the 3D version of the GDL 39 without knowing the the attitude and synthetic vision was ONLY available on the iPad version of Garmin Pilot. So, I paid the extra $$ for a 3D, but basically have a non-3D version. :(

Thanks for sharing this. I had been planning to purchase a GDL-39 to get the synthetic vision feature on my Samsung tablet. Now I know to wait...

Thanks again.
Any update on a solid process to update the GDL393D, I have tried with ipad and iphone 6 and both failed when trying to transfer the firmware, lost the BT connection (blue light went out on the 39) in every case.
39 was on power cable and connected to 796 (hardwired) and via BT to the ipad/iphone.

Hello Dave,

I was testing pushing the GDL39 software to a GDL39 from an iPad running iOS 8.0.2 while the GDL39 was connected to an operating G3X Touch system and also had problems.

I shut down the system communicating to the GDL39 and just left the GDL39 powered up by itself, and the software push over Bluetooth from the iPad worked first time.

In other words, please try turning off the 796 before attempting to load new software from the iPad, so the GDL39 isn't being asked to do two things at once.

Found update solution

FYI as it may help stabilize the update process, tried your suggestion with all the avionics switched off (including the 796) except for the GDL39 and the same problem occurred (dropped BT connections and failed update. Decided to remove the 796 completely from the cradle and the update proceeded smoothly with no problems. Seems like even in the 796 standby/off mode there is something that interferes with the GDL39 BT update process, no idea what that could be.
Hope this helps.
OK, after reading all of the previous posts, here comes a curve ball. I updated my ipad and GDL 39. Today, I went out flying, and it shows "connected" and the navigation seems to be fine, but now I can't get any ADS-B weather.
Same problem here

I have a GDL39R and hadn't flown since August - at that time everything was working well.

Since then I updated my iPad Pilot app to the latest version and when I went to fly yesterday I got a "You must update the firmware to continue using this device" on the iPad, and worse there didn't appear to be any connection now with FISB data to my panel mount 696. Pics attached. Will try several of the other update methods described.

If I lost my NEXRAD capability because of a GARMIN update screw up I am upset. That could be a safety of flight if you are IFR. There should be a soft fail mode that allows you to keep your weather capability.


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I have a GDL39R and hadn't flown since August - at that time everything was working well.

Since then I updated my iPad Pilot app to the latest version and when I went to fly yesterday I got a "You must update the firmware to continue using this device" on the iPad, and worse there didn't appear to be any connection now with FISB data to my panel mount 696. Pics attached. Will try several of the other update methods described.

If I lost my NEXRAD capability because of a GARMIN update screw up I am upset. That could be a safety of flight if you are IFR. There should be a soft fail mode that allows you to keep your weather capability.




From the 696 picture in your posting, the GDL 39R appears to be working fine with the 696. We can't tell from this picture if the aircraft is airborne, but with a indicated pressure altitude of 1090 feet, we are guessing the aircraft is sitting on the ground.

There is a comment that "and worse there didn't appear to be any connection now with FISB data to my panel mount 696". Perhaps this comment is based on not having a ground uplink signal, but it is very rare to receive FIS-B data on the ground unless you have a ground station on your field, and even then it is not guaranteed.

We aren't tablet experts, but as mentioned in our previous post in this thread, we haven't had much luck letting a tablet update the GDL 39/39R while it is communicating with another device like the 696.

Please make sure the 696 is turned off before you attempt to push software over using the BT link from the tablet, and then it should work fine.


Thanks for your review and recommendations. Affirmative - at the time I took the picture I was on the ground - was a busy flight - but it appeared when airborne I wasn't getting the FIS-B station connect. Will try again to update the GDL39R with the 696 off. Part of the problem may be the cellular connection.

Another question if you see it - I can't get to my GDL39R without taking it out from behind the panel - I assume there is no special configuration requirement (i.e. external power) for the GDL39R since it is hardwired and no switches accessible. I wonder if there is anyway to reset the BT on it like the regular GDL39?

Lastly, some country airports here in Texas don't have great or strong cellular. Another poster had speculated that the update process uses an upload from the cellular device in real time - the update file is not stored. Wonder if that makes the update process more problematic if the updates times out if the cellular is slow or has breaks.

I was able to update the GDL39R today - thanks to previous poster uk_figs who noted that he was able to update only after he disconnected his display unit - same with me - got the same failure and error message when I tried to update with the 696 just turned off - but when I disconnected it, then it did update.

I did notice that with 4.10 the BT seems to work faster and better. Thanks Garmin.

The ADS-B was working fine through the 696 previously when the Pilot app was in fauiure mode - so the failure mode only affects the Pilot app (on my case on iPad mini). All working now.

I did notice an oddity - that even though I got full TIS-B targets the 696 unit (see pic link) had the "TIS-B Uplink Signal" as "No Service" even though it displayed all the same targets that were on the iPad Pilot app, which was indicating as "Full TIS-B".

An other note it was worthwhile to focus on how the FIS-B weather data updates - the info page showed how the loading sequence for the data and the currency. Hadn't had the chance to really see how this operated. There is a priority in the downloading that seems to be appropriate (NEXRAD first).

Thanks to Steve and other posters.
-- Show how the mini usb and data/power cords needed to be disconnected to update the GDL39R
-- Shows the FIS-B weather data being sequentially downloaded
-- Shows the 696 indicating the TIS-B Uplink Signal as "No Service" even though it was displaying all the targets
-- Pilot app showing full TIS-B - this photo taken at same time as previous photo of 696 showing "No Service"
Not updating for me

Well, guys, I have read everyone's posts, including Figs and g3expert's posts. None of the mentioned processes is working for me. I have completely removed the GDL39 from the airplane. I have had it sitting on the kitchen counter plugged into the electrical outlet since 3:00 pm Sunday. It is now 10:00 pm and I am giving up for the night. I have repeatedly attempted to update the firmware with absolutely nothing attached to the GDL39 nor having no other item Bluetooth connected except the Ipad or the Iphone I have been trying to use. I have tried using my Iphone 6 and 2 Ipad 3's all day today with no results. NOTHING IS WORKING!

G3expert, I would appreciate any advice on why this firmware update is not working. What occurs is every time I press "update firmware" Garmin Pilot will show that data is transferring. Then after about 10-20 seconds Garmin Pilot will disconnect the Bluetooth from the GDL39. When I go into the Ipad Bluetooth settings I see that the GDL39 shows it is still connected to the Ipad.

Since it appears the update does not like being disconnected during the update it posts an error message:
FIRMWARE UPDATE FAILED. DISCONNECTED IN MIDDLE OF TRANSFER. Garmin Pilot just automatically disconnects the Bluetooth connection.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Well, guys, I have read everyone's posts, including Figs and g3expert's posts. None of the mentioned processes is working for me. I have completely removed the GDL39 from the airplane. I have had it sitting on the kitchen counter plugged into the electrical outlet since 3:00 pm Sunday. It is now 10:00 pm and I am giving up for the night. I have repeatedly attempted to update the firmware with absolutely nothing attached to the GDL39 nor having no other item Bluetooth connected except the Ipad or the Iphone I have been trying to use. I have tried using my Iphone 6 and 2 Ipad 3's all day today with no results. NOTHING IS WORKING!

G3expert, I would appreciate any advice on why this firmware update is not working. What occurs is every time I press "update firmware" Garmin Pilot will show that data is transferring. Then after about 10-20 seconds Garmin Pilot will disconnect the Bluetooth from the GDL39. When I go into the Ipad Bluetooth settings I see that the GDL39 shows it is still connected to the Ipad.

Since it appears the update does not like being disconnected during the update it posts an error message:
FIRMWARE UPDATE FAILED. DISCONNECTED IN MIDDLE OF TRANSFER. Garmin Pilot just automatically disconnects the Bluetooth connection.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hello Steve,

I think I can tell that you haven't installed the V7.10 software into your 695.

I attached a GDL39 using V3.10 to my 696 this morning, went to the Datalink Information page, and watched it update it to GDL39 V4.10 in just a few minutes using the ever reliable RS-232 interface.

If that doesn't work, I will meet you at K81 We-B-Smokin for lunch and update it for you. :)

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Hello Steve,

I think I can tell that you haven't installed the V7.10 software into your 695.

I attached a GDL39 using V3.10 to my 696 this morning, went to the Datalink Information page, and watched it update it to GDL39 V4.10 in just a few minutes using the ever reliable RS-232 interface.

If that doesn't work, I will meet you at K81 We-B-Smokin for lunch and update it for you. :)

Thanks for the reply Steve. I updated the 695 last night while I was sitting in the kitchen in between attempting to update the GDL39 firmware. It was not connected to the GDL39 in any way (unless by being in close proximity to the GDL39 there was some kind of electron transfer going on I was not aware of). Consequently I am having difficulty understanding how that would affect the update to the firmware. The 695 does now have 7.10 installed along with updated databases, but the GDL39 is still AWOL.

I have the GDL39 and the Ipad at work with me today. I am hoping I can call Garmin and someone there can talk with me about this. If not, I most definitely will need to make a trip up to We-B-Smokin' to get together with you and fix this issue. Oh, and I guess if I have to I will go ahead and eat some BBQ while there. :) If you have any other thoughts on what is failing and how to fix it please let me know.
Instead of editing my previous post I thought it would be better to ask this question separately. After rereading your post about the 695 I thought more about what I think you were saying.

Am I correct in understanding that when the 695 is reconnected to the GDL39 via the hard-wire cable the updated 695 software will pass the firmware update to the GDL39?
Instead of editing my previous post I thought it would be better to ask this question separately. After rereading your post about the 695 I thought more about what I think you were saying.

Am I correct in understanding that when the 695 is reconnected to the GDL39 via the hard-wire cable the updated 695 software will pass the firmware update to the GDL39?

Hello Steve,

Yes, this is exactly what I was suggesting.

Just connect the GDL 39 to the 695 now that it has V7.10 software and it will automatically update the GDL 39 to V4.10 using the good old RS-232 interface. Works every time.

working now

Well Steve,
The 695 with the hard wire cable worked as you said. The firmware update pushed to the GDL39 and it is now happy. Now if I can just find a good weather day to fly to We-B-Smokin' anyway.
Different problem, but GDL39 related

So I recently bought an RV7 with Garmin G3X dual screen and a remotely installed GDL39. Today I tried to hook up my Galaxy Tab to the GDL, and could not find the device on my bluetooth list. I cycled the power and still no GDL39 BT on the tablet list.

Anyone have any ideas how to hook up to it? Am new to this, trying out the Garmin Pilot ap, but did not open up the Pilot Ap.
Well, guys, I have read everyone's posts, including Figs and g3expert's posts. None of the mentioned processes is working for me. I have completely removed the GDL39 from the airplane. I have had it sitting on the kitchen counter plugged into the electrical outlet since 3:00 pm Sunday. It is now 10:00 pm and I am giving up for the night. I have repeatedly attempted to update the firmware with absolutely nothing attached to the GDL39 nor having no other item Bluetooth connected except the Ipad or the Iphone I have been trying to use. I have tried using my Iphone 6 and 2 Ipad 3's all day today with no results. NOTHING IS WORKING!

G3expert, I would appreciate any advice on why this firmware update is not working. What occurs is every time I press "update firmware" Garmin Pilot will show that data is transferring. Then after about 10-20 seconds Garmin Pilot will disconnect the Bluetooth from the GDL39. When I go into the Ipad Bluetooth settings I see that the GDL39 shows it is still connected to the Ipad.

Since it appears the update does not like being disconnected during the update it posts an error message:
FIRMWARE UPDATE FAILED. DISCONNECTED IN MIDDLE OF TRANSFER. Garmin Pilot just automatically disconnects the Bluetooth connection.

Any help would be appreciated.

Steve et. al.,
Need further assistance.

Back at the first of December I upgraded Garmin Pilot. That version required an upgrade to the GDL39 firmware before it would work correctly. At that time I was not able to upgrade the firmware for the 39 using the Garmin Pilot install. I was able to successfully upgrade the firmware using my 695. However, in subsequent flights since that upgrade Garmin Pilot has not had any GPS data on any flights I have taken. I have no speed, altitude, etc. data nor do I have the moving map showing my location. It appears to have no GPS data feeding the ipad and Garmin Pilot at all. the 39 is hardwired to the 695 and bluetoothe connection is functioning on the iPad. Traffic and Wx are displaying on both the 695 and Garmin Pilot. Just no GPS data on the iPad. Can someone please talk with me about resolving this issue?

RV9A w/ GRT HX dual EFIS, Garmin 695 GPS hardwired to the GDL39, Garmin 327 transponder, TruTrak Digiflight II, GDL39 ADS-B IN, iPad 3 running Garmin Pilot.
Steve et. al.,
Need further assistance.

Back at the first of December I upgraded Garmin Pilot. That version required an upgrade to the GDL39 firmware before it would work correctly. At that time I was not able to upgrade the firmware for the 39 using the Garmin Pilot install. I was able to successfully upgrade the firmware using my 695. However, in subsequent flights since that upgrade Garmin Pilot has not had any GPS data on any flights I have taken. I have no speed, altitude, etc. data nor do I have the moving map showing my location. It appears to have no GPS data feeding the ipad and Garmin Pilot at all. the 39 is hardwired to the 695 and bluetoothe connection is functioning on the iPad. Traffic and Wx are displaying on both the 695 and Garmin Pilot. Just no GPS data on the iPad. Can someone please talk with me about resolving this issue?

RV9A w/ GRT HX dual EFIS, Garmin 695 GPS hardwired to the GDL39, Garmin 327 transponder, TruTrak Digiflight II, GDL39 ADS-B IN, iPad 3 running Garmin Pilot.

Hello Steve,

Sorry to hear you are still having troubles after the GDL39 software update.

I read your post carefully, and I believe everything is working fine with the GDL39 and 695, but not with the Garmin Pilot device.

We have a whole team of Garmin Pilot experts, so you would probably get to the bottom of this issue quickly by discussing your experience with one of them. Please call into the number shown below.
