iPad works well

Cannot help with the comparison with android but can say garmin pilot works very well on the ipad mini. I have been running both GP and Foreflight for a number of years and initially Foreflight was much better but each release of GP gets better. As I have the 796 in my panel I have decided to just use GP this year due to the similarity of the operation, icons, look and feel etc. (same rationale as you for the G3X).
I started off with GarminPilot on an Android tablet years ago. When that tablet died I switched to an iPad mini which we already had and switched over to the iOS version of GP. The iOS version was significantly better than the Android version - at the time. I don't know if that is still true today, but if it is I'd go with the iPad/iOS GP combo.

PS-- I'd rather have an Android tablet, but have learned to live with the Apple architecture/eco-system.
I have both. I use GP on my android phone and an iPad mini 4, and also have a backup tablet (older Samsung Android). I slightly prefer the iOS version. There is some minor feature lag between iOS and Android with iOS seeming to be a couple of versions (feature wise, not number wise) ahead. The difference used to be a lot more significant than it is now.

I am not a big Apple fanboy but in this space and for this one app, garmin seems to have decided to give iOS the edge. But it is a narrow edge.
If you're using AirNavPro now, and are happy with it, then you owe it to yourself to at least *try* FltPlan Go. It's free. Garmin owns it now as well, so you're technically still within the Garmin ecosystem.

The Android version is excellent, but I understand the iOS version leads when they add new features.
Garmin Pilot issue

Just found an interesting issue with GP, with their document feature you can add cloud based providers iCloud, Dropbox, and Google Drive. When syncing documents from the Garmin Pilot folder in each of these I found that the PDF's downloaded from Google Drive are not readable (blank screen). The same documents read fine when downloaded from iCloud and Dropbox.

Not sure whose issue this is but hope it gets fixed as the google drive free version is 15GB versus 5GB for iCloud and Dropbox. Hopefully GP will also add onedrive in the future.
Garmin Pilot on Droid vs IOS

I use Garmin Pilot on both my 10 inch iPad Air II and Android phone. The IOS is much better. One time I called Garmin and asked, "why the Droid version didn't have a certain feature that was on the iPad." They said, "Hey 99% of pilots use iPad. When are you going to get it? And our iPad version will always be better than the Droid version."
If you're using AirNavPro now, and are happy with it, then you owe it to yourself to at least *try* FltPlan Go. It's free. Garmin owns it now as well, so you're technically still within the Garmin ecosystem.

The Android version is excellent, but I understand the iOS version leads when they add new features.

Will Flight Plan Go transfer the flight plan to G3X Touch like GP and Foreflight? If so, I will give it a try.