
Well Known Member
Just curious if anyone is using their G3X with Garmin Pilot and has successfully had the flight logs transfer from the G3X to Garmin Pilot. The only reason I switched from Foreflight to Garmin Pilot was so that when I’m done flying, the flight log would get transferred and have all the engine data and a logbook entry created for me. Between this issue and the crappy wx briefings that Garmin Pilot offers, I’m thinking I should have stayed with Foreflight.

use bluetooth

When you startup the iPad and g3x connect the Bluetooth for the engine data to transfer. Works fine, nothing else to do, just go to setting in the g3x menu page to make the connection under Bluetooth. iPad Bluetooth needs to paired the first time to be setup.
Yep, it works.

Just asking because I have no idea about your setup, do you have the config module with the special Apple Tax feature built into it? If not, you will need to update your config module to one that does.
Yep, it works.

Just asking because I have no idea about your setup, do you have the config module with the special Apple Tax feature built into it? If not, you will need to update your config module to one that does.

I have no idea what a “config module” is...
Configuration module is the little box, usually near the rear connector, that tells the box its serial number, among other things. I have no idea what an Apple tax is.

Really shouldn't need any Configuration module or apple tax. Not sure what you all are talking abort. Its really quite simple once you make the Bluetooth pairing.
The original G3X config modules did not have the Apple license to be able to connect to an iPad. Apple charges a fee for a license to be able to connect to their toys.

Garmin provided new config modules for many of us back then.

If your system has a new style config modules, that is likely not the issue but if it has one of the original ones without the Apple chip/license, you will need to swap it to make it work properly.
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