
Well Known Member
Garmin Pilot can be improved!

Please give your thoughts on this. I've been making some requests for Garmin to add to Garmin Pilot, and they've been great at replying. They haven't implemented them and maybe with the other VAF users we can show more interest. I can't imagine i'm the only one who things about these things.

1 - AIRSPACE awareness. They added smart airspace, but what i'm really hoping for is a profile view of airspace and terrain based on our heading / flight plan. I fly in LA airspace all the time which can be quite complicated, having this view adds great awareness. Currently I use air navigator pro alongside my garmin product.

Here's an example of the airspace to Big Bear. It looks quite complicated from the map view but see how easily it can be understood when you look at the profile view.


currently G3X touch has terrain, i believe. So adding airspace shouldn't be too crazy.


2 - Single touch information - Garmin Pilot. Would be great to touch on an area and have some basic information appear without going through a multi-tier menu system. I know this can be controversial statement because it's easy to want too much. I'm not suggesting to completely change the radial menu, but have the option to see airport elevation, rwy info, frequencies etc. I'm a big fan of direct and simple. Air Nav Pro isn't the holy grail, but it does a few things really well. Touch an airport and see this (touch airspace you get airspace info only).


Couple ideas with the radial menu mocked in photoslop - open to suggestions.


3 - This is more of a wish list - Glide Ring based on altitude, terrain, winds etc. How nice would it be to have an estimate based on glide ratio like Xavion does.
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I like option #1 very much. One of the things I like least about Pilot is the inability to see what the elevations for any upcoming airspace is without tapping a couple of times. I find myself shifting back to chart view just so I can see stuff like that at a glance. I purchased Garmin pilot for the clean view but I think its just a little too clean. I would love the option to add airspace to it.

Option #2 would be ok but for two clicks I can get that information so it would have to be done right to prevent cluttering the screen.

Option #3- Oh yea... I have Xavion for that exact reason but I don't run it all the time so having that type of functionality in Pilot would be excellent.
I love the app but I wish it could talk to their portables like my 796. It would be great to make a flight plan on my iPad and then fly it into my mounted portable just like what you can do with the G3X and their new connect feature
I think the lack of the profile is one of the biggest disadvantages that Pilot has to Foreflight (I have and use both.) Foreflight only has terrain in their profile view, so having terrain AND airspace would put the advantage on Pilot's side.

I personally like the control wheel (#2) the way that it is now. Fast, easy and intuitive IMO.

The glide ring would be a great safety feature. My ancient Cheltons had that feature years ago.

Best regards,
Great suggestions. I like them all. One thing I have asked for a couple of times is to add "AGL" as a widget...seems simple enough and I would always like to know how high above the ground I am w/o having to search...just as a safety feature. Thx
Got to play around for a few minutes with Garmin Pilot on my iPhone connected via Bluetooth to a brand new G3X Touch that we managed to get up and running tonight (after troubleshooting come CAN bus issues). Got the bluetooth connection made, and within a few seconds sent a cross-country flight plan from Garmin Pilot to the G3X touch. The UI of both systems is pretty great, and a lot of it is common design. I'm sure it will only get even better. A couple of us were standing there wishing we'd had our Virb cameras with us at the hangar tonight so we could hook that up. Next time. :)
+1 for 796 integration

Run both Garmin and Foreflight as each has strengths but would like the ability to upload from the iPad to the 796
+1 on the AGL display request. I had it on my old Blue Mountain E1 and have missed not having it on my G3X.
Satalite View

Satalite view would be VERY useful for me, that is the biggest thing I miss about Foreflight. Handy for lots of reasons... Is there an email you can send garmin pilot requests to?

Thank You Garmin Pilot team!

So extremely happy to see this!!!! I'm sure it was already on their list but like to believe somebody listened :)

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I'd like to see GarminPilot accept and display ADS-B "in" (FIS-B and Traffic) from other UATs, not just the GDL 39.
I'm pretty disgusted with Garmin. As the OP noted, they reply right away but they don't do anything much. No Garmin Pilot for Windows tablets yet, and the G-900X software has yet to be updated to work with the Garmin ADS-B version of the transponder. I get the impression that they are too busy developing stuff for the larger consumer market. Notice how the Sports and Recreation products list has exploded.
G900X currently supports ADS-B Out compliance / Upcoming G900X software release

I'm pretty disgusted with Garmin. As the OP noted, they reply right away but they don't do anything much. No Garmin Pilot for Windows tablets yet, and the G-900X software has yet to be updated to work with the Garmin ADS-B version of the transponder. I get the impression that they are too busy developing stuff for the larger consumer market. Notice how the Sports and Recreation products list has exploded.

Good morning Patrick,

The current version of G900X software supports the GTX 33 ES which is an ADS-B Out capable transponder. ADS-B compliance with the GTX 33 ES and G900X has been supported since the -14 loader card (available since July 2014).

We are also excited for an upcoming version of G900X software which will add support for the GDL 88 and Flight Stream 210. The GDL 88 is our UAT ADS-B Out, dual frequency ADS-B In remote mount box that brings ADS-B weather and traffic display to the G900X. The addition of the Flight Stream 210 will give you the ability to transfer flight plans to/from G900X using our Garmin Pilot app or ForeFlight. For a full list of features, please go to the specific product pages linked above.

We are always moving the product lines forward and have continued to offer new products and features in the experimental market. Maybe we just need to make more noise about it :).

If you have any specific questions on how to get your G900X up to date, I'd recommend contacting us directly using the G3X support information below.

ADS-B compliance with the GTX 33 ES and G900X has been supported since the -14 loader card (available since July 2014).

As of last Fall, Aerotronics was trying to verify that they could replace my 33 with the 33ES. As explained to me, the problem wasn't hardware but whether it would work with the 900X software. They finally got that verification and are replacing the original transponder while they do the rework to replace the VP-200 system.

Maybe we just need to make more noise about it :).

Since even a shop like Aerotronics was having trouble getting answers, I'd say that was a given. Maybe I'm stirring up trouble where I shouldn't, since I'm not privy to the communications channel between Garmin and Aerotronics, but I've dealt with them extensively and trust them. Garmin, not so much.

And the GDL 88? When? And how much? Next year I won't care, because my panel will be closed up and I will not be likely to do any further work on it until it is time to upgrade the whole panel. As for FlightStream, big deal. Your supported products do not work on Windows tablets; I could care less. I'm not about to shell out for a tablet that is not as good as the one I already use, and then software, and then a system for my panel for so little added functionality. The world is bigger, much bigger, than Apple and Android, Garmin.
Your supported products do not work on Windows tablets; I could care less. I'm not about to shell out for a tablet that is not as good as the one I already use, and then software, and then a system for my panel for so little added functionality. The world is bigger, much bigger, than Apple and Android, Garmin.

Do ForeFlight or Wing-X offer Windows versions? If so why not just opt for one of those?

FYI Apple and Android combined have something like 98% of the tablet market share with Android based platforms having the larger share if the two. Yet ForeFlight has yet to port over an Android version and Wing-X has only recently done so.
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And the GDL 88? When? And how much? Next year I won't care, because my panel will be closed up and I will not be likely to do any further work on it until it is time to upgrade the whole panel. As for FlightStream, big deal. Your supported products do not work on Windows tablets; I could care less. I'm not about to shell out for a tablet that is not as good as the one I already use, and then software, and then a system for my panel for so little added functionality. The world is bigger, much bigger, than Apple and Android, Garmin.

Patrick- Your attitude is terrible my friend, you need to realize you're the minority with your setup and unique challenges and following the crowd and switching to more compatible hardware will solve a lot of your supposed issues, what's the market share of Windows tablets? Lol....right
Patrick- Your attitude is terrible my friend, you need to realize you're the minority with your setup and unique challenges and following the crowd and switching to more compatible hardware will solve a lot of your supposed issues, what's the market share of Windows tablets? Lol....right

You're right, I should go with the herd ("Baaaa")... NOT! Todd's numbers are wrong ( though his message is pretty much the party line. But by that thinking, I should also be flying a Skyhawk or Skylane instead of building my own airplane. Sure, let the sheep settle for whatever is offered them; they deserve it.

I'm not knocking IOS or Android tablets; a lot of my former students' salaries depend on that market demand. But I use my Surface Pro daily to do real programming, and also do writing and manage grading for my students on systems that won't work on those other tablets. So even if I was so inclined, I could not stoop to that level without excessive effort and expense. And a growing share agrees with me. So why should I not ask for solutions for my extant equipment?

By the way, that market share argument only holds so much water. If we're talking the few VP systems that got abandoned recently, well, I don't have to much to say. But the number of Windows tablets out there is more than a few or even a few thousand. They are in the millions. How many of those top-end consumers are pilots, I wonder?
The article you posted quotes market share projections in 2019 not today. The iPad will be 9 years old by then. The Surface is a great device-- I bought a Surface Pro for my wife as laptop replacement. Yes it is way more powerful then a tablet, but as an EFB it's overkill IMO. The surface or follow-on device will undoubtedly supplant tabs like my Samsung Galaxy pro 8.4 but not in the near term. The market has spoken and you are very much in the minority as platforms go. It simple economics-- as market share increases developers follow the money. Oh and just because the surface market share might increase over time, that doesn't mean the pilot pop wIll follow suit and adopt. I would hazard to guess that most pilots will continue to opt for the a cheaper tab over a more expensive windows computer. YMMV.....In the meantime I'll to be a lemming and follow the herd all the while enjoying GarminPilot on my inferior Android tab while you continue to complain and go without. Betamax much?
LOL, Todd. Some good points in there. As a matter of fact, I *can* still make a betamax work, along with other old tech. But I'm talking about stepping up, not back. And, yes, a Windows tablet *is* overkill just as an EFB ... as if that's all I would do with it. I'm just fighting the trend of: a tablet for the plane, a tablet for travel, a desktop or laptop for home, and a desktop or laptop for work. I have ONE device, it goes everywhere with me, and my life is organized. It is even my current EFB. All I'm asking is that it be able to integrate with my panel like the lesser tablets can.

I know that some people think "Why support a niche?" Not too long ago you could get iPod inputs on auto and home stereo but it was hard to find generic MP3 player inputs. Now, no problem; my Zune and iPod both work in home, car, and even my RV-6A (and someday the -10). "Why support all devices; iPod clearly has the market share? Oh, wait, there's a niche with money and we aren't getting it." I'm hoping Garmin will 'get it'.
Oh, you're the Zune user Microsoft swears exists

in all seriousness, i don't see any need for an EFB with a good glass setup- I have my iPad but it remains stowed for the most part, every chart I need is on the EFIS or GPS navigator, I can understand using an EFB in a rental airplane where you can't do much about the avionics, but in these experimentals, the "right" solution can be head for a very small fraction of the total cost of these airplanes, why not shoot for that?

I have a surfacePro, it's a great little device for replacing a laptop- but in my lap in the airplane? I'll take an iPad Mini, that surfacePro in turbulence could become a hazard to the flight crew!
Just downloaded 8.1.0 and have to say new profile tool is perfect. Winds, cloud cover, airspace, terrain, obstacles, all laid out in a clean presentation. Great job Garmin! Keep it up!
Oh, you're the Zune user Microsoft swears exists

That's me! ;) My 'obsolete' 160GB Zune still runs circles around my iPod. But that's another thread on a different forum.

in all seriousness, i don't see any need for an EFB with a good glass setup- I have my iPad but it remains stowed for the most part, every chart I need is on the EFIS or GPS navigator, I can understand using an EFB in a rental airplane where you can't do much about the avionics, but in these experimentals, the "right" solution can be head for a very small fraction of the total cost of these airplanes, why not shoot for that?

Fair observation. In flight, I don't rely on an EFB much. But it holds my backup charts in case the primary systems fail and I have to rely on my steam gauge backups. For the -10, the backups will be EFIS also, so the requirement goes away ... but not every panel has backups like that.

But the feature under discussion here is an on-ground feature. Pilots can get their weather and create a flight plan using an Internet connection, and store it on their EFB. Then, instead of having to re-enter the plan laboriously through the EFIS interface (which is easy and fun, said nobody ever) they can just upload it quickly and be ready to go. Not necessary at all, but a great convenience.
Split screen with syn vision

Now that I've integrated an IPad with Garmin Pilot into my panel, I'd like to be able to split screen the synthetic vision with a map/traffic/terrain etc. I would also again ask if magnetic heading, indicated airspeed and altitude could be sent to the IPad through Connext. It's still cool as is, just dreaming.
I would like some more aural / spoken voice indications (or the option to configure preference for either tone or verbal alerts.) Now that Lockheed Martin's human voice for "Bitchin' Betty" has retired, maybe she could consult...
I would like some more aural / spoken voice indications (or the option to configure preference for either tone or verbal alerts.) Now that Lockheed Martin's human voice for "Bitchin' Betty" has retired, maybe she could consult...

i second this, i miss having the aural call outs associated with the auto pilot reaching altitude, or capturing glideslope, etc

so does my passenger, seems like an easy fix for the software guys
i second this, i miss having the aural call outs associated with the auto pilot reaching altitude, or capturing glideslope, etc

so does my passenger, seems like an easy fix for the software guys

I'd like this too (but not critical).

The most useful audio alert is the "500" aural callout! It's a good check to make sure you're where you need to be at that point!
I third this request. I also like the "500" alert but it unfortunately seems to be tied to the terrain audible alerts which I don't like so I lose even that audible alert.
Garmin Pilot error when requesting briefing

I found a bug in the Garmin Pilot trip planning page. When attempting to get a briefing on the trip planning page and filing an ICAO flight plan, a message will tell you ""Z" must be included in Aircraft Equipment field when NAV/ or COM/ or DAT/ data is in Other Information Field".

The problem is the "Z" has been selected.