
Well Known Member
Do any of you know if the Garmin Pilot app will allow you to file (and close?) VFR flight plans in Canada? Does the app somehow integrate with Nav Canada's flight planning system? I've never really used one of these phone/tablet apps before.
Hi Phil,

I have no idea about the Garmin App but tried the Fltpln Go version and found it painful. The Nav Canada online flight plan filing system is reasonably straight forward and I set up a couple of templates that make subsequent filings really easy. If you have not tried it, I highly recommend. I got a call from the FSS the first time I used it but after that it worked seamlessly.

Cheers, Sean
Thanks Sean! I've never used Nav Canada's online filing system, but I will definitely check it out. I've been playing around with Garmin Pilot, but I'm thinking I need to buy the Canadian subscription for it to work well (the free trial is a US subscription).
By the way - could you send me a photo or a link to a photo of your RV-6? It's always great to see another Canadian RV.
Fltplan.go is 100% free US, Canadian, & Caribbean charts, plates, geo reference, wx, etc. I have filed many times in Canada to US destination with the app with no problems. I have never used it to file wholly within Canada. I can't say enough good about the app and the money that it saves me. I only hope that now that Garmin bought the company, they don't change the business model.

I only hope that now that Garmin bought the company, they don't change the business model.

It's been 3 years since this purchase, hope that means we're good the way it is.

To the original question, I haven't used Garmin Pilot at all, Foreflight works great for filing flight plans in Canada.
I have used Garmin Pilot to file and fly in Canada, but it was 3 years ago. Filing worked great but canceling did not. In particular, a planned flight across the border that was scrubbed and cancelled via Pilot did not get conveyed to both sides (resulting in NavCanada searches by phone even though plans were canceled). This may have been fixed (NavCanada said it was an ongoing problem at the time with both Garmin and ForeFlight), but I would recommend closing/canceling by phone with both sides of the border.
Hi Phil

I have used FltPlnGo for years on Android. I have also logged into Nav Canada and done my filing on line through their website. But you know what ? I actually like to call and do it with a real live person and it is quick and painless :) 1-866-WxBrief (not 1-800-WxBrief which is the US). Same number to cancel when you arrive. I do my flight plan in FltPlnGo (actually, I do it on my laptop at home then retrieve it onto both my phone and tablet for the airplane) and just have it in my hand when I call to file.

I was always nervous about filing a flight plan and then getting delayed on the way to the airport, or doing my walkaround and finding something broken on the airplane, etc, etc. I never spent more than maybe 2 minutes on the call with Nav Canada doing the filing and 99 times out of 100 they prompt you for the data field they need. You just read your answer off of your tablet/phone.


Thanks Mark, and everyone! I was inches away from selling my RV-9A for a very solid price, but my family had an intervention and I was convinced not to sell. My enthusiasm has been waning the last couple of years, although part of that has been not being able to go places during the pandemic. I've now decided I alleviate my flying malaise not by stopping flying, but by making a real effort to go more interesting places and get more meaningful use out of my aircraft (which has been in my life for 15 years, since I began building, and flying for 11 years).
There are lots of cool little places in Canada I haven't seen, and I've never flown into the US. Someone told me about a VFR scenic route that sound totally cool. Hence I'm working to re-acquaint myself with filing flight plans, flight following and all that stuff that I haven't been making use of for quite some time. I'm having lunch today with an old aviation buddy i haven't seen in a couple of years.
Time to rekindle the enthusiasm and stretch my wings!
If any fellow canucks or northern US folks have any ecommendations of must-fly destinations within reach of Ottawa, please reach out!
Come on over to CYQA

You're welcome to drop in for a visit anytime. With a bit of advanced notice I can meet up with you at the airport and take you to a local restaurant for a $100 lunch. FWIW, the Fall colours up here are just reaching their peak.
CNJ4 Orillia Rama Regional

Great little airport with very nice restaurant. About an hour from Ottawa at RV speeds.

Cheers, Sean