
Well Known Member
Anybody having anomalies with Garmin Pilot Auto generated logbook entries?
I'm getting log entries generated automatically with someone else's N-number.

I can't find another forum to ask.
I've told Garmin and they are considering it. I guess.

Several times my auto-generated logbook entry will have an unknown N number in it. I've done searches on these unknown numbers and discovered they belong to airplanes at the same airport from where I'm departing.

Also, this anomaly started happening when I started used GDL-39. So I think these unknown N numbers are getting picked up by the GDL ADS-B In and some how winding up in my auto-generated log entry.

No big deal, I just edit it back to my number. But weird and Garmin's email reply implies I'm nuts. But it is happening.
Me too

I noticed the same thing recently. A fairly large number on entries are for the wrong N number. I do not look forward to going back and changing them all!
Hello Steve and Duane,

Thank you for reporting this issue.

As you indicate, your flight is correctly being logged to your logbook, but the N number is not for your aircraft. This has mostly been a problem for aircraft which do not have ADS-B Out landing at airports with other aircraft which do have ADS-B Out and the system incorrectly determined ownship on the ground before logging the flight.

Corrections have been made to Garmin Pilot to improve the method used to determine ownship and a new software release incorporating these changes should be available in the next update expected to come out in Oct.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I had that happen to me too. Also other glitches like it would not pull up any airport info. I called Garmin and they told me to reinstall the app. Bummer because I then had to redownload all my charts and i have a painfully slow internet.

Today I noticed that the Garmin radar won't update on it's own. I have to restart the app to get the latest feed. Also sometimes the metars are way old, even when using it in flight with the fis-b weather. that may not be Garmin's fault but I do think it is the app because my 796 is picking up the newer metars from my GDL-39, which is also feeding the Pilot app.

I have been thinking about switching to foreflight especially since it will not hook up to the GDL-39 but i really love Garmin stuff.

I hope they fix these bugs.
Foreflight now works with the GDL39

I have both and a recent update of Foreflight added compatability with the GDL 39, work well.
Time to Make the GP vs. Foreflight Decision...

I've done as much research as I can, and despite my aversion to all things Apple, I went with the weight of authority and bought an iPad Air 2.

However, I now have to make the Foreflight vs. Garmin Pilot decision (the CFI who's getting me current uses WingX, but it sounds like GP and Foreflight are simply more powerful).

Having no experience whatsoever with EFB's, which is easier to learn/more intuitive for a PC/Android guy: GP or Foreflight?
I have both on my iPad mini. Can't say one is better than the other.
I use them for charts only and cannot comment on the flight planning aspect
of either.

GP is more intuitive to look up airspace and airport info. When you tap
on the screen, a circle pops up with easy to understand symbols that take
you to the info you desire. Foreflight's airport page is easier to search
with and their download page is also more intuitive than GP's.

In flight they both work equally as well. Now that Foreflight talks to my
GDL 39, I might use it more in flight. Up to this point, GP has been
my inflight choice.

I continue to have issues with my iPad mini connecting via Bluetooth
to the GDL 39. I have to ask it to connect several times to connect.
Occasionally have to reboot the iPad. Once connected however, there are
no issues. (no connection issues ever between my GDL39 and Garmin 796
which also uses Bluetooth).

If I had to pick only one, it would be GP. Although both continue to improve.

Thanks Tom.

One of the other differences I've been hearing is that "basic" Garmin Pilot gives you more bang for your buck than "Basic" Foreflight; i.e., downloadable charts (which I believe are extra on FF).

Any thoughts on the differences between "Basic" versions of both?
I have the standard for both. You can download terminal charts with both, but they are not geo referenced like on the sectionals. They are on the more expensive subscriptions. Foreflight just came out with their own maps (similar to the Garmin portable GPS map), that requires the a "plus subscription". For me, I use these programs for aviation charts only. Don't carry any paper except a current LA Terminal Aeronautical Chart.
Garmin PIlot vs Foreflight

Garmin, thanks for replying and addressing the wrong N number issue. I'll look forward to the next software update.

I use Garmin Pilot for planning and in flight. I used it Seattle to KOSH and back. Garmin Pilot has a split screen mode that is really great and lets you put several other things on the split screen like Traffic, Synthetic Vision, Route Weather, charts and more. It is the best function. Everything is georeferenced. Charts can now be overlay-ed and highlighted with the pen.

And the auto generated log entries are terrific even if it doesn't get the right N number. Most of the time it does. The log data/reports are useful too, especially at insurance renewal time.
I, too, have had the mystery N-numbers entered into my flight log, and I mentioned it to the guy in the tent at OSH, who was very polite and suggested I re-boot my iPad...

My biggest beef is that I experience intermittent bluetooth drops to my GDL39 while in flight, which is irritating. Sometimes I can reconnect; othertimes not so much, and sometimes it works great...

If there's some way of hard-wiring the iPad to the GDL39, I'd be interested in knowing it..
I, too, have had the mystery N-numbers entered into my flight log, and I mentioned it to the guy in the tent at OSH, who was very polite and suggested I re-boot my iPad...

My biggest beef is that I experience intermittent bluetooth drops to my GDL39 while in flight, which is irritating. Sometimes I can reconnect; othertimes not so much, and sometimes it works great...

If there's some way of hard-wiring the iPad to the GDL39, I'd be interested in knowing it..

Sorry OP re: thread creep. I've had bluetooth issues since beginning, I think because the PFD has to connect to both the GDL39 and iPad via bluetooth (MFD is wired directly to GDL39) while the iPad is also connected via bluetooth to the GDL39. However, I've found the latest G3X Touch update 4.70 to be pretty stable. 4.60 broke ADS-B in my panel, but with a couple emails G3Xperts quickly corrected w/ 4.70.

With ForeFlight now having Garmin style maps and the ability to load flight plans directly to G3X, and Garmin Pilot maturing, it seems FF and GP have achieved parity. More a taste/familiarity/cost decision.