
Well Known Member
Now that the Garmin Pilot app has been out for a few months does anyone have a PIREP on it? They advertise it to be very similar to their 4/6/796 products. Is this true? I know the problems with the Ipad in the cockpit but im looking for just the App itself Is it dependable? Reliable? or just go with a 96 product?

Darn would love to read it but im not currently an AOPA member, membership ran out while I was gone :(

It's "similar" in that if you've used an x96 or Aera product the UI will be familiar. But after playing with it for an hour, I have to say that I'm disappointed. If you're hoping that Garmin has duplicated a 696 or even 796 onto the iPad screen, you will be disappointed too.

Of course, if they did make a full-functioned Aviation GPS app, they'd rob a bunch of their sales of the standalone units. So I understand their business reasons for not doing that, even if I don't agree with them.
Darn would love to read it but im not currently an AOPA member, membership ran out while I was gone :(


Did you try to go the site: ? You should still be able to get to the forum and read the threads even as a non-member, you just can't post. The thread in question is under the Flight Bag sub-forum.