
Well Known Member

I use the Garmin Pilot App for my VRF flying with a WiFi only Ipad.

My main questions are:

1. How can I be sure the App has updated with NOTAMS and fuel prices and weather if I connect to the internet for 5 minutes before I fly? Is there a "refresh" button or some indicator? Once I am in the air I am only receiving ADS-B from my GDL-393D antenna and sometimes it takes many minutes for this information to transmit to me.

2. I understand it is the pilots responsibility to have charts, NOTAMS, and weather for the applicable flight. Do you (should I) trust the Garmin App to provide this information if used as my only source?

3. I plan to use the App in the future for my IFR flying once I pass the rating. Are there any drawbacks?

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Select “more” in the bottom right hand corner. Then select “data services “ on the left side of the screen. Once that comes up, look towards the bottom of the screen. You’ll see a line that says “refresh text weather”. Hit “refresh”. If you have NOTAM coverage turned on (at the top of that same page), weather and NOTAM data will both refresh. Not sure about fuel prices, but honestly that info doesn’t change that often.

I’ve been flying with GarminPilot for 10 years now and love it. The iOS version has been rock solid. When flying approach’s I typically bring it up on my iPad vs my EFIS (non-touch G3X) as it’s easier to manipulate on the tablet.

As far as IFR, the only issue is you’ll want to get the Premium Upgrade if you haven’t already. I would also highly recommend getting a Garmin GDL ADS-B out device for inflight weather via GarminPilot if you don’t have some other Wx display capability in the plane.
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Premium upgrade - Yes I have.

I do have ADS-B Out via my GTX330-ES transponder. Nevertheless in some areas here it takes many minutes to get the ADS-B In data onto my displays. Our coverage is spotty.
Premium upgrade - Yes I have.

I do have ADS-B Out via my GTX330-ES transponder. Nevertheless in some areas here it takes many minutes to get the ADS-B In data onto my displays. Our coverage is spotty.

To get FIS-B weather and GPS on your WiFi only iPad you need an ADS-B “in” device, like a GDL 39 or 52.
Yes, I also have the GDL-393D for my ADS-B IN.
I found the "refresh" button and the updates are working.
thank you.