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Well Known Member
Hi All,

As I'm heading out to OSH I thought I'd drop a quick line for anyone who hasn't spoken with me or their dealer regarding the new G3X pricing. Before everyone gets all crazy and publically starts ranting (those of you who just very recently purchased your G3X system), please note that Garmin already has a process in place to take care of you. You will need to contact the dealer you purchased the unit from in order to get all the bits and bytes of the details for your specific case, but here's what I know now. It will consist of a combination of both a hefty monetary discount on future/other Garmin equipment as well as 12 months off free flight charts on your G3X.

If you are at OSH stop by your dealers booth or Garmin for details, or if not give them a call and you'll get taken care of. I would recommend calling your dealer directly to get the final details for each persons specific set of circumstances.

C-YA'll at the show!


PS..this is one of those posts that is inteded as info only and not meant to elicit a discussion, so if one of the mods could lock this up that would be great! [ed. done! dr]
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