
Well Known Member

We started providing free software upgrades for Garmin Mode S transponders used in Experimental aircraft at Oshkosh 2014, and it was such a bit hit that we decided to offer this again at Sun-N-Fun 2015.

Just bring your GTX23ES, GTX330, or GTX330ES transponder in to us at the Garmin booth at SNF (Northeast Corner of North Hangar building) and we will install V7.04 software into your transponder while you wait. It only takes about 2 minutes to accomplish this update.

Sorry, but we are not equipped to perform sign-offs for certified aircraft, so please only bring us transponders that are installed in experimental aircraft.

Even if you don't have a transponder to upgrade, be sure to drop by our booth to say hello and/or attend a seminar.

Hope to see you at Sun-N-Fun!

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This is a great service to the Experimental community.

I may have missed it in previous threads so please forgive me if this is duplication of a question previously answered... 7.04 (I believe) broke the ability of the GNS480 to control the GTX330 et al. What is the plan to restore this capability?

Thanks in advance for your patient reply.
This is a great service to the Experimental community.

I may have missed it in previous threads so please forgive me if this is duplication of a question previously answered... 7.04 (I believe) broke the ability of the GNS480 to control the GTX330 et al. What is the plan to restore this capability?

Thanks in advance for your patient reply.


You are somewhat correct, but the truth is that GNS 480 units have never supported controlling the ADS-B Out (ES) versions of the GTX 33ES/330ES transponders and thus GTX V7.04 had no impact on that story.

Due to this software limitation, GNS 480 owners with an ES transponder have been "held back" at the pre-ADS-B Out GTX V5.01 software pending a GNS 480 software update. GNS 480 owners using non-ES versions of these transponders that don't support ADS-B Out have not been required to continue to use V5.01.

The good news is that the next update to the GNS 480 software is planned to provide full compatibility with current GTX 33ES/330ES software as well as provide an ADS-B+ output that supports 2020 ADS-B Out compliance when used with these transponders (and the GTX 23ES).

We haven't announced the schedule for this GNS 480 software upgrade, but it does appear that "soon" is finally an appropriate term to use.

To piggyback a bit, what does V7.04 do for the 23ES?

Hello Todd,

Please refer to the Purpose section of this service bulletin, or read what is copied below.

This Service Bulletin incorporates new unit Software Version 7.04 for GTX 23, GTX 33(D)(ES)(H), &
GTX 330(D)(ES) units. Software Version 7.04 incorporates the below functionality.
? Ensures Flight ID changes are properly transmitted to ATC
? Decreases the time needed to communicate small changes in the horizontal radius of containment.
? Ensure proper function of devices connected to the GTX via RS-232

Thanks Steve. If you guys happen to offer the same service at Osh this year, is there anyway you guys can be persuaded/bribed to bring a laptop out to the plane to perform the upgrade (assuming a D-sub dongle has been wired in expressly for this purpose) vs having a pilot pull the unit? :eek:
For some reason, I was under the assumption that the GTX23ES would be updated during the G3X firmware update process, but now thinking about it, there is no CANBUS connection to the transponder. Anyway, is there a way to determine what firmware is currently loaded into the transponder without it being powered up? I am so close to getting my G3X avionics upgrade online for the first time, but I'm not sure if I'll make it by the end of this week. I purchased the transponder from Stein in November/December 2014 I think.

How long does it take to update the GTX23 at the show? I'll be at SnF Wednesday - Saturday.

Related: I'm thinking that I'll need to purchase the Garmin roll servo mount, so I was wondering if I could connect the servo electrically so it can be updated. The wiring is already installed, but the servo is not. I'd place it on a ladder to plug it in, but the servo would not be mounted in the aircraft - would this be OK?
Anyway, is there a way to determine what firmware is currently loaded into the transponder without it being powered up?

No. In the "field", it has to connected to the G3X and both powered up. Then when the G3X is in setup you can read the 23ES info.
Snafu at SNF

I went to the Pacific Coast booth at SNF and they have no idea about this software upgrade deal. Uh oh. I will swing by the Garmin folks in Bldg. D to see if they know the deal.
Hi Steve,

Sorry, I thought I was clear in my posting that this update is being performed at the Garmin booth.

Come to see us in Hangar D. We will fix you up.

Update: I just saw the front page of VAF and realize where the confusion might come from!

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Unable to attend sun and fun but will be at Airventure. Will the upgrades be available there as well? Thanks for your response and for offering this service. Bill
Unable to attend sun and fun but will be at Airventure. Will the upgrades be available there as well? Thanks for your response and for offering this service. Bill

Hello Bill,

We will indeed be providing Mode S transponder software updates at Airventure 2015. We hope to see you there.

Can I stop into a Garmin aviation dealer and have the update installed?

Hello Roger,

Yes, any Garmin dealer around the country should be able to provide this service. Please give the dealer a call and check to make sure.

I had my uninstalled GTX23 checked - it already had the latest firmware. There are two Garmin guys armed with laptops ready to update your Garmin devices at the Garmin booth. I think it's Hanger D, on the right side as you walk in from the airside.
G3X & GTX330ES

G3X Expert,

I have recently updated the software on my G3X to the latest version. My G3X has been providing GPS data to my GTX330ES and proving ADSB out. Since I have updated the G3X software my G3X indicates NO ADSB as does the GTX330ES. I don't have the latest software on the GTX330ES which I plan to update soon as well as my GNS480 which I will eventually wire to the 330ES when I have some time. I would not to loose the ADSB out funcion while wait to wire the GNS480 to the GTX330ES.
Any ideas?


G3X Expert,

I have recently updated the software on my G3X to the latest version. My G3X has been providing GPS data to my GTX330ES and proving ADSB out. Since I have updated the G3X software my G3X indicates NO ADSB as does the GTX330ES. I don't have the latest software on the GTX330ES which I plan to update soon as well as my GNS480 which I will eventually wire to the 330ES when I have some time. I would not to loose the ADSB out funcion while wait to wire the GNS480 to the GTX330ES.
Any ideas?



Hello Mark,

Please make sure the "Position Integrity" field on your transponder configuration page (configuration mode setting) is set to "VFR GPS" when you want to use the G3X VFR GPS built into the displays for ADS-B Out.

We made a recent change to stop sending the non-certified GPS data to the transponder when the system is configured for a certified position source like provided by a GNS 4XXW/5XXW or GTN 6XX/7XX (with a position integrity of 1E-7).

If the ADS-B Out+ serial link from the GTN/GNS to the transponder is inoperative for any reason, we want the pilot to see the NO ADSB annunciation.

You can still use the G3X internal WAAS GPS as the ADS-B position source anytime you wish, you just have to set the Position Integrity to "VFR GPS" to enable it.

That explains things...

Hello Mark,
We made a recent change to stop sending the non-certified GPS data to the transponder when the system is configured for a certified position source like provided by a GNS 4XXW/5XXW or GTN 6XX/7XX (with a position integrity of 1E-7).

Does this explains why I'm seeing "NO ADSB" on my recent flight after upgrading to 10.10 on my G3x? I didn't see any notes about this in the change notes?
Does this explains why I'm seeing "NO ADSB" on my recent flight after upgrading to 10.10 on my G3x? I didn't see any notes about this in the change notes?

Hello Greg,

Yes, the Position Integrity should already be set to VFR GPS for systems using the G3X internal GPS as the ADS-B Out position source, but if not setup this way, the NO ADSB annunciation is present at all times and is a reminder to set this to the correct choice.

Please send us an email if you have any questions on this.

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Motivation to go fix whatever my wiring problem is from the GTN650 to my GTX23es I guess... Previously the only way to know that connection wasn't working was ADSB integrity reports (either from the FAA or a local device), this seems like a good change, but I would have liked to see it documented in the change notes.