
I just bought a GPSMAP 496 and have started playing with it.

I can't find a way to use the Mapsource software to build an aviation route and upload it to the GPS. Am I missing something, or does it not do that?

I'd like to be able to build routes on the computer using aviation waypoints and then upload them to the GPS. It seems like it would be a lot easier to type in waypoint names using a keyboard than it would to select them one letter at a time using the keypad on the GPS.

Call Garmin

Hi Geoff,
I also have a new 496 and have installed Mapsource. I transferred 135 user waypoints from an older Garmin 95 to Mapsource and then into the 496. Garmin has been really great in their willingness to help. I also had to turn off the Terrain avoidance and track logging feature since I'm in the crop-dusting business and it maps all my passes in the field, really eating up bytes.

It takes a bit of tinkering and reading the manual but if all else fails, their phone number is 1 800 800 1020,

pierre smith said:
Hi Geoff,
I also have a new 496 and have installed Mapsource. I transferred 135 user waypoints from an older Garmin 95 to Mapsource and then into the 496. Garmin has been really great in their willingness to help. I also had to turn off the Terrain avoidance and track logging feature since I'm in the crop-dusting business and it maps all my passes in the field, really eating up bytes.

It takes a bit of tinkering and reading the manual but if all else fails, their phone number is 1 800 800 1020,

I have no trouble transferring data back and forth between the GPS and the computer. I think the crux of it for me is that there seems to be no aviation database in the Mapsource program, so if I want to make up a route using VORs/intersections I have to do it in the GPS itself and then transfer it into Mapsource.

Interestingly enough, my track logging feature says it's turned off when I vew that menu, but it still logs tracks anyway. Hmmm.

I'll play around some more and then call Garmin this week.


Hi Geoff and others,
Garmin told me this morning that they don't have an aviation database CD that you can load onto the Mapsource program.

However, a friend and I played around with it yesterday and one of the options when creating a route is a "Direct" button option. Then when you click on a waypoint (even on the roadmap) and then another waypoint, it will draw a striaght line between the two, so you can make up a route that way but it's not very accurate.

Perhaps someone on here knows of a PC friendly aviation database system that's compatible with Mapsource.'

Guess I will spout off as this is one of my 'pet peaves'.

I feel the 'mapping program' that is bundled with an aviation GPS, portable or otherwise should be very close to the GPS functionality itself, primarily with the ability to load the avaition database and use it in flight planning. Things like street maps, topo, hunting, restaurants, etc are of much lesso value and can be optional overlays. If you look at Garmin (Mapsource), no avaition functionality there at all. If you look at Lowrance (Mapcreate), you can might be able to see the aviation data, if you get lucky using their card reader set up correctly; but they put so much effort into securing the database that things become difficult. Of course, hunting data is there but its illegal to shoot a deer from an airplane. Maybe there will be a better solution come out of te open source database efforts associated with the Enigma EFIS.

Garmin & Lowrance, are you listening?

PS: Actually Mapcreate is better than Mapsource in this respect. At least you can see the aviation data in the mapping program but the route planing still leaves a lot to be desired.
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