
Well Known Member
If you were building a 12 EAB would you put in the Garmin with a TruTrak or stay with the Dynon...particularly in light of the recent rebate offers? I realize its not apple/apples but still worth an analysis.

For an RV-12? I think the G3X is overkill IMO. Depends on your mission. The added capability, if you're not going to use it, could pay for a lot of gas.
I am afraid that I would agree that the G3X seems to me to be WAY overkill for an LSA....but then again, the G300 (on which the G3X is based) is the standard package for the Skycatcher....

If you were building a 12 EAB would you put in the Garmin with a TruTrak or stay with the Dynon...particularly in light of the recent rebate offers? I realize its not apple/apples but still worth an analysis.


Your gonna spend quite a bit of money just on the basic plane , whats a little more, build the plane the way you want. I'm going with the duel skyviews. Thinking of adding a 430 latter.

Sure. Dynon Skyview is overkill for the 12 as well. Shoot, the existing system is overkill (most glass is overkill and pulls that head inside the cockpit where it doesn't belong.) But soon, there will be no steam gauges or anyone to work on them so here we are. See what you started with the Shuttle Paul! Just curious how it would all wash out in terms of expense, reliability (Garmin/Dynon), rebates etc. And of course your mission or "wants" factors in. The 200 plus hours on my 12 all over the U.S. could have been done just as easily with my IPad. But you never know when you'll want to build all over again huh?


I disagree with the "dude, that's overkill" argument. The G3X certainly offers more capability, but "over/under-kill" is in the eye of the builder.

I know if I were in the market for an already-built 12 and had a choice between a Dynon and a Garmin one, I would personally pay more to get the Garmin stuff. :cool: