
Has anyone had any issues or advice on GRT settings when upgrading a GTX 330 to an "ES" with a Garmin 480 and GRT horizon WS

regards Jerry
You'll need a WAAS gps source

I also have dual Horizon WS EFIS systems, dual Garmin 430s (non-WAAS) and a Garmin 330 (non-ES). For ads-b "in"you have multiple options of which several can actually port data to your WS. I am in the process of wiring up my Stratux FlightBox to my bottom WS. It doesn't look to difficult.

The issue with upgrading your 330 to ES for ads-b "out" is the need for a WAAS gps source which your 480 will not provide. I am thinking seriously about also upgrading my 330 to ES. You may want to consider installing the Garmin 20A WAAS gps. This unit will cost you approximately $850 plus the purchase of a Garmin WAAS antenna and appropriate wiring and connections. The 20A is only good for experimental aircraft and you'll have to purchase it through a Garmin dealer.

I estimate total cost for 330 upgrade, new 20A and antenna plus wiring should be less than $2,500 - assuming you do the work yourself.

Another option that was recommended to me is purchase of the Appearo ESG transponder. I understand that unit is around $3,000 and will accomplish the same thing and qualify for the FAA $500 rebate. This could be a less total expense option if you then sell your 330.
The issue with upgrading your 330 to ES for ads-b "out" is the need for a WAAS gps source which your 480 will not provide.

Actually, if you upgrade a 480 with the latest software I believe it will output Garmin's secret "ADSB+" format, which the 330S-ES can read, to get the needed data.

Another option: Buy the special Trig TT-22 from GRT. ($2200) It can read "ADSB+" from a garmin 480, 4xxW, or GTN series, or it can be fed from GRT's new $500 GPS box. It can be remote mounted and controlled thru a HX or HXr, etc. Not sure about the legacy boxes, but for about the same price you can just buy a regular TT-22 (you'd have to figure out how to feed the same encoder data from the GRT to the -22). (I think the new "mini" GRTs will drive it, too.)
I my case the upgrade is done and reinstalled. I put back old settings but ATC says they do not see mode C (altitude). This prevents me from checking ADS-B data.
Was wondering if anyone had experience with my config
330-ES and GNS-480

Regards Jerry
I believe that the 480 (which is a WAAS already) needs an update and an extra wire run to the 330ES as the 430W and 530W series need as well for the GPS source. This is then your OUT source only. You will need something else for the IN portion to work with the GTR. Verify this with your avionics shop but this is what a few of us have had to do. Larry
Actually, if you upgrade a 480 with the latest software I believe it will output Garmin's secret "ADSB+" format, which the 330S-ES can read, to get the needed data.

Another option: Buy the special Trig TT-22 from GRT. ($2200) It can read "ADSB+" from a garmin 480, 4xxW, or GTN series, or it can be fed from GRT's new $500 GPS box. It can be remote mounted and controlled thru a HX or HXr, etc. Not sure about the legacy boxes, but for about the same price you can just buy a regular TT-22 (you'd have to figure out how to feed the same encoder data from the GRT to the -22). (I think the new "mini" GRTs will drive it, too.)

The GRT stuff is a non-issue in this case.

The 480 and 330 can both be upgraded to work if that is your choice. I helped a friend do just this. His GRT setup is HXr + 2x Mini.

As Bob mentioned, there are other options as well. BUT(!!!), we decided that the LEAST work was to use the exisiting Garmin 480 (software upgraded) and the Garmin 330 (upgraded to 330 ES). May have involved adding one wire to the 480 and one wire to the 330 connectors as I recall (my memory MAY be off).
Thanks all
The 489 and 330 upgrade are complete.
Monday morning will tell if garmin dealer did not know of the need to pull a new wire
Cheers have a good weekend
One easy check: bring up the 480's configuration menu. You should see an RS232 output configured for "ADSB+" (make sure you see the +). If it's not there it won't work.
Not seeing mode C sounds like a different issue, however.
BTW, I think despite it coming from the factory upgrade, a new transponder test is required.
Good results

It was of course a setting but as Bob remarked it was a -480 setting.
All of the upgraded -330 settings were lost on return from Garmin and had to be reset as an ES. The ADS-B Performance Monitor Public ADS-B Performance Report
came back fine
