Well Known Member
Is a GDL88 the only way to get FIS-B weather into a GTN650xi?
Did Garmin really make the GTN650xi weather input a proprietary format?

Just removed a GNS430w and installed a GTN650xi in its place. Trying to figure out how to get ads-b traffic and weather on the 650xi.

The 430w was wired with arinc in for ads-b traffic data. On the 430w that was in GTX330 high speed data format on arinc in. The 430w did display traffic which came from a Navworx ads600-b.

The 650xi is wired with the same arinc in for that ads-b data. The 650xi arinc is set to high speed data concentrator format.

I am not seeing any traffic or weather on the 650xi.

Does the 650xi need "interfaced equipment" of GDL88 set to present (even though I do not actually have a Garmin GDL88)?
If so, what settings should be used on the interfaced equipment for the GDL88?
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It has been awhile since I have dug into this but I believe the RS-232 lines between my GTX45R and my PFD1, MFD, and PFD2 provide this information. I believe you can also get the information via Bluetooth but only to one display. For the 650xi the Ethernet provides the data from the GTX45R.
It has been awhile since I have dug into this but I believe the RS-232 lines between my GTX45R and my PFD1, MFD, and PFD2 provide this information. I believe you can also get the information via Bluetooth but only to one display. For the 650xi the Ethernet provides the data from the GTX45R.

That’s not the OP’s question. If everything is Garmin it will work. The question was, can a non-Garmin device display data on the Garmin navigator? I do not know, but I think the answer is ‘no’. Certainly needed adsb-out data from the navigator is in a Garmin-proprietary format (adsb+ or ++)
Yep, just trying to help out with what connections I am using as that might help in talking with the manufacturer of his avionics.

That’s not the OP’s question. If everything is Garmin it will work. The question was, can a non-Garmin device display data on the Garmin navigator? I do not know, but I think the answer is ‘no’. Certainly needed adsb-out data from the navigator is in a Garmin-proprietary format (adsb+ or ++)
ADS-B Receiver Compatibility

Yep, just trying to help out with what connections I am using as that might help in talking with the manufacturer of his avionics.

The TSO on a GTN 650 Xi covers a limited number of weather inputs to the unit. In addition to the GDL 88, the GTX 345(R) transponder and GNX 375 are able to provide ADS-B Information to the GTN series navigators. GDL 5X and 39 series ADS-B receivers and other similar devices are not able to be used for these purposes.


Thanks for the enlightenment Justin. I didn't realize the Garmin navigator had this disadvantage. For clarification, the 3 devices you mentioned are also the only means to get traffic on the 650xi, correct? Also, the addition of a FS510 could not serve as a means of weather input from any other devices could it?

Not having any of the 3 devices listed and already capable of displaying ads-b traffic and weather on a tablet limits the marginal benefit of adding that capability to the 650xi. As such, absent other options for ads-b input to the 650xi I will likely just live with the issue.
ADS-B Source Options

Thanks for the enlightenment Justin. I didn't realize the Garmin navigator had this disadvantage. For clarification, the 3 devices you mentioned are also the only means to get traffic on the 650xi, correct? Also, the addition of a FS510 could not serve as a means of weather input from any other devices could it?

Not having any of the 3 devices listed and already capable of displaying ads-b traffic and weather on a tablet limits the marginal benefit of adding that capability to the 650xi. As such, absent other options for ads-b input to the 650xi I will likely just live with the issue.

Correct, those are the three device families capable of providing ADS-B data to the GTN Navigator. The FS510 does not serve to receive ADS-B Data in any capacity.

This is often the case, it can be advantageous to use other displays in the cockpit to view weather and traffic data. A G3X Touch for example, not carrying TSO designation, can use the much cheaper GDL 5X portable ADS-B receiver as an ADS-B source, while the GTN IFR Navigator can not.


This is often the case, it can be advantageous to use other displays in the cockpit to view weather and traffic data

I couldn’t agree more.

It’s a no brainer for many of us old farts wearing bifocals. Seeing traffic on a 10.5” EFIS or the gtn650 screen is not even a question for consideration.
I agree regarding traffic being easier to view on the tablet. I believe I would also prefer radar on the tablet. It would be nice though to be able to pull up the latest metar for destination without having to jump through hoops on the tablet.
It would be nice though to be able to pull up the latest metar for destination without having to jump through hoops on the tablet.

I use a SkyRadar for adsb-in. Hard wired (USB) to the GRT Hx (and that’s how I usually use it). But it will also connect (wifi) to my iPad mini running WingX. WingX moving map shows traffic and wx radar. Want destination wx? Tap on airport, tap on ‘wx’, up comes METAR.
I use a SkyRadar for adsb-in. Hard wired (USB) to the GRT Hx (and that’s how I usually use it). But it will also connect (wifi) to my iPad mini running WingX. WingX moving map shows traffic and wx radar. Want destination wx? Tap on airport, tap on ‘wx’, up comes METAR.

Hey Bob

GRT HX here also. Tablet is Avare. Similar tap sequence on Avare, but first one has to pan the map to locate the airport. Would be easier to simply tap the 650 as it already knows the destination. Garmin has the competition beat in many aspects; this is not one of them.