
Active Member
Hi everyone,
I don’t know if anybody else has experienced this, but I just renewed my subscription to the NAV database for the Garmin GTN 650,. After I downloaded the new data On the SD card and placed it into the unit, I failed to receive the splash screen that asks if I wanted to update. Checking under the systems page, the data is clearly On the SD card, because I can see it in the standby section. However, I cannot seem to find place where I can update the standby data to the current data. Has anybody else experienced this, and if they have please help me with this, because I cannot update my data

Ted Chipps
RV10 498EC
Not quite sure what you're seeing, but here's what I expect:
* Restart the GTN, holding down the HOME button
* The unit will come up in configuration mode, or whatever it's called. The left button in the top row will be for database upload. Don't remember what it's called.
* If the button is grayed out, push any other button, then push the BACK soft key button and the database upload button will not be grayed out.
* Push the database upload button and it will ask you if you want to upload.

Update: Third step did not occur this morning, and it might have been changed in a recent software rev.

I'm doing this from memory, so I may not be 100% accurate.

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Proper dates.

It will not use the the new data until the correct date, for instance, if you download the update a few days before it actually goes effective and put it in the radio, it will not show or use it until that database becomes actve.
Just a thought.
It will not use the the new data until the correct date, for instance, if you download the update a few days before it actually goes effective and put it in the radio, it will not show or use it until that database becomes actve.
Just a thought.

Widget is correct. You can search the menu (Utilities icon?) to ensure the data is loaded on the card, which it sounds like you did, but it won’t become “live” until the data goes into effect. This issue bit me once too. A rare consequence of being overly prepared ;)