I got excited when I sat in a Garmin presentation at OSH and they talked about the features in 5.1. I promptly went to talk to Aerotronics and was disappointed that there was no scheduled release. Hopefully, it will be released soon.


O.T. P.S. Still waiting for the Navworx board update too! :(

The reply I just got from the G3xperts was "Scheduled for sometime Oct, but we do not have a firm date." :eek:
how much?

I'm ignorant in most things GTN but I do have a shiny NIB one that is not even a month old. Is this a pay for update? Are they done by the user or send to Garmin/shop? I suppose I could read the manual but this is often faster!
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I'm ignorant in most things GTN but I do have a shiny NIB one that is not even a month old. Is this an pay for update? Are they done by the user or send to Garmin/shop?

When Garmin formal releases and update, it will indicate what type of update it will be and if they'll cover the costs. If you are out of warranty, expect to pay your avionics dealer for labor costs. Garmin requires all updates to be performed by a dealer.
Anyone have a link on what to expect in the GTN update?

edit: Just saw the link Mark had in the original post.

A "banana bar" would be nice to show top of descent based on the vertical navigation calculator.
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