
Well Known Member
I successfully downloaded and installed the GTN software update on the extra card included in the GTN package. I also loaded the most recent map cycle on the same card. After the update on the GTN-625, every time I restarted the unit it came up in configuration mode as long as that card was inserted. I ended up bringing the other card home and loading the map cycle on that also. It works great with the other card inserted.

After loading the software update, is that card only to be used for software, or is there a way to remove the update files and make that a map only card?

I?m sure there is a simple answer. Just don?t want to delete the wrong files on the software loader card and ?brick? it.
I successfully downloaded and installed the GTN software update on the extra card included in the GTN package. I also loaded the most recent map cycle on the same card. After the update on the GTN-625, every time I restarted the unit it came up in configuration mode as long as that card was inserted. I ended up bringing the other card home and loading the map cycle on that also. It works great with the other card inserted.

After loading the software update, is that card only to be used for software, or is there a way to remove the update files and make that a map only card?

I?m sure there is a simple answer. Just don?t want to delete the wrong files on the software loader card and ?brick? it.
Hello Joel,

The last page of the GTN V6.51 service bulletin on our website has this note:
"The GTN Downloadable Software Data Card is a blank SD Card. Other commercially available 2-32 Gb standard-size SD cards formatted for FAT32 may be used. ".​

The point being, you can buy good quality (we like SanDisk) SD cards, format them for FAT32, and keep one for database updates, one for software updates, and one to fly with.

This will keep everything straight, and you won't have the issue you ran into trying to double-duty an SD card for database and software updates.

The GTN SD card you fly with only has to have the terrain data base installed, but that large database doesn't get updated very often, so you can bring that card home and update it on an as needed basis.

I do the same thing (use 3 SD cards) for the GNX 375 in my plane.

Make sense?


I just read through all the SD and database information for my G3X/GTN system and just want to confirm the G3X SD card used in flight does not require any databases to be on it as they are all stored internally, unlike the GTN card which does require the Terrain data base. Correct?

Hello Tom,

Yes, that is correct. The in-flight use of a SD card in a G3X/G3X Touch is only used for flight data logging.

Just a note that the new GPS 175 and GNX 375 navigators also store all their databases internally and don't need an SD card to operate, but can be handy if you want to take a screen shot.

Steve, can you clarify a point for me. I have a GTN 650 in one of my Certified aircraft. When I talked to Garmin support folks, they indicated that only a Garmin provided SD card was legal for use in that equipment for data / software updates. They also said that other SD cards would work ok, they just were not legal. Does this also apply to the same GTN 650 if installed in an Experimental aircraft and used for IFR flight?

As a data point, the Garmin SD card cost $95.00 and a commercially available SD card of the same capacity is $15.00.
Steve, can you clarify a point for me. I have a GTN 650 in one of my Certified aircraft. When I talked to Garmin support folks, they indicated that only a Garmin provided SD card was legal for use in that equipment for data / software updates. They also said that other SD cards would work ok, they just were not legal. Does this also apply to the same GTN 650 if installed in an Experimental aircraft and used for IFR flight?

As a data point, the Garmin SD card cost $95.00 and a commercially available SD card of the same capacity is $15.00.
Hello Noel,

Good question. We don't believe this limitation applies to EAB aircraft which is one of the reasons why the software installation service bulletin for EAB aircraft is different from the one used for certified aircraft which calls out a specific part number for the card used for the installation.

Thanks for the excellent help. Would have contacted you directly but figured this thread could help others also.
thread drift / updates for garmin portables


I need to update the database in my Aera 795. Is there a way to buy/swap out a card with the new database, as there once was with older Garmin units I've had? I'm not seeing it on the website anywhere - just downloads.

The last time I updated this and my GDL-82 using a Mac and cable, I found myself wishing I was removing my own appendix with a razor blade and a YouTube tutorial instead. It wasn't pretty, nor did it work the first few tries. I prefer not to go there again if there is a different route available.

Thanks for any help here.

I need to update the database in my Aera 795. Is there a way to buy/swap out a card with the new database, as there once was with older Garmin units I've had? I'm not seeing it on the website anywhere - just downloads.

The last time I updated this and my GDL-82 using a Mac and cable, I found myself wishing I was removing my own appendix with a razor blade and a YouTube tutorial instead. It wasn't pretty, nor did it work the first few tries. I prefer not to go there again if there is a different route available.

Thanks for any help here.
Hello Bill,

Sorry, but we don't offer pre-loaded SD cards for the Aera 795 to update databases.

Not sure how long it has been since you last updated, but perhaps some of the improvements to the flyGarmin desktop application will make this go more smoothly this time.

If you haven't updated your software to V5.60, you will want to do that as well.

I hope you're right, Steve. It's been probably three years.

I'll take a shot at it this weekend. Good use for a low IFR stretch of weather in the mountains :rolleyes: