Driving '67

Well Known Member
I was out flying with a friend in his RV10 today and was wondering how to do a couple of modifications to the active flt plan. (Checked the Garmin manual and couldn't find any information).

- add a crossing constraint to a waypoint? (Atc request cross ABC above 4000')
- add a range ring to fixed waypoint? (ie. 20 mile ring KJFK)

Thanks Jim
Range is adjusted on the moving map "+" and "-" buttons. Ring options are in the moving map "Menu" touchscreen button. If you select auto zoom (which I hated and found very annoying), it can automatically change the scale based on your GS.

The range ring is based off the ownship, and to my knowledge, can't be added to a fixed waypoint. You can always tap the moving map and the selected bearing and distance will show on the bottom of the screen.

Easiest way to set crossing altitudes was in the VCALC menu. If memory serves, that was in the Home Page, and under "Flt Plan".

Been a while since I played with the GTN series, but they were a 20-day a month joy for the better part of 2 years for me.

VCALC is in the Utilities menu. Select Home, then scroll down to Utilities. VCALC should be the first item available in the menu.
I would strongly encourage you to study the data entry required while on the ground as this tool does take some practice to get used to.
It will only work - I find - for a calculation used immediately after pushing the Enter key.
I've not found any way of "storing" height data for any leg of a Flight Plan.

VCALC is in the Utilities menu. Select Home, then scroll down to Utilities. VCALC should be the first item available in the menu.
I would strongly encourage you to study the data entry required while on the ground as this tool does take some practice to get used to.
It will only work - I find - for a calculation used immediately after pushing the Enter key.
I've not found any way of "storing" height data for any leg of a Flight Plan.