I have a GTN 650 in my RV6A and misplaced the SD Card. I tried to use a store bought Sandisk but I keep getting errors when updating my Navigation Database using Fly Garmin as I usually do.(Unknown Error Has Occurred) I have been searching for hours but no luck. Do I have to purchase one from Garmin? Thank You
Card can’t be too big

You have to try and find an 8GB card, 16GB Max. For some reason high storage cards won’t work.
When do you get the error...

If the error is occurring trying to download the database to the card, I had that problem last time I tried to download new databases to my SD card. I called Garmin and they helped me figure out that for some reason my settings had changed and I was trying to download the incorrect terrain database. Be sure you’re set-up to download the 9ARC Second Terrain database. There is another that is for helicopters which will cause an error. Also go into settings and clear the CACHE prior to starting the download.
I tried everythig!

I tried 2 different computers and about 5 different cards. I can get the terrain database but the navigation database has the same error every time. I will call tech support on Monday. thanks again
Might be the $10M ransomware attack on Garmin.

Will Garmin Pay $10m Ransom To End Two-Day Outage?

Yeah, given that "everyone" is reporting that they're unable to download the nav databases from Garmin, I'd suggest at least waiting for them to sort this mess out before you spend more time on the problem. Chances are good that's the solution. You won't be able to call them anyhow, since the ransomware is blocking their phone lines from working.
Yup...looks like just bad timing for me to lose my card. Ill wait a few days for Garmin to get it fixed. Thanks!
GTN 650 SD card

I'm updating the 650 Nav data only for $299/yr, can I put the latest software upgrade on the same SD card I use for the Nav data?