
Well Known Member
I just spent 30 minutes trying to locate current version of the Garmin GTN 650 installation manual. I have failed miserably. Is the manual still available on the Garmin site?
Any help would be appreciated
Thank you
Garmin does not make public the installation manuals for their certified products. You?ll need to ask the seller for it.
Change policy

It was available on the website in 2015 when I did my initial install. They must of had a change of policy if it is no longer available
I need the most current install manual. There?s a feature in the GTN 650 called Mark On Target (MOT). With a switch installed you can push a button and mark your present position as a user defined way point. The 2012 install manual doesn?t mention this feature. I?m looking for the pin-out for that feature. I suspect it?s just a single wire that goes to ground but until I see the diagram I won?t know for sure.
I purchased my avionics from Stein. I?ll call him on Monday..... unless the G3xperts chime in here

I need the most current install manual. There?s a feature in the GTN 650 called Mark On Target (MOT). With a switch installed you can push a button and mark your present position as a user defined way point. The 2012 install manual doesn?t mention this feature. I?m looking for the pin-out for that feature. I suspect it?s just a single wire that goes to ground but until I see the diagram I won?t know for sure.
I purchased my avionics from Stein. I?ll call him on Monday..... unless the G3xperts chime in here


Good Morning Bob,

The installation manual doesn't say a lot about this feature, but it appears to be as simple as you state. Just configure an input discrete for "Mark on Target", and when this input is grounded, it captures the current lat/lon to create a user waypoint at this point.

Mark on Target (input)
This momentary discrete input may be used to create a target waypoint at the user?s current latitude/longitude.

There is also a "Navigation Features Configuration" page on which this feature must be enabled.

Please contact us directly if you need more information.

Number of discretes

Thank you Steve,
Am I correct that the total number of discretes in the G3X is limited to 4?
I thought the discretes are a function of the G3X and the MOT is a function of the GTN 650

I am currently already using 4 discreet inputs on the G3X for other functions.

I wanted to add a backseat auto pilot “level” button in case the front seat Pilot gets incapacitated. I also wanted to add the mark on target feature.

It sounds like I might have to eliminate two of my other discreet in the G3X to make this happen unless there is a separate discrete menu in the GTN where I can program the MOT??????

Am I correct on this?
Thank you.

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Thank you Steve,
Am I correct that the total number of discretes in the G3X is limited to 4?
I thought the discretes are a function of the G3X and the MOT is a function of the GTN 650

I am currently already using 4 discreet inputs on the G3X for other functions.

I wanted to add a backseat auto pilot ?level? button in case the front seat Pilot gets incapacitated. I also wanted to add the mark on target feature.

It sounds like I might have to eliminate two of my other discreet in the G3X to make this happen unless there is a separate discrete menu in the GTN where I can program the MOT??????

Am I correct on this?
Thank you.


Hello Bob,

The "Mark on Target" feature is a GTN feature which has nothing to do with your G3X Touch system and is only activated by using one of the available input discretes on the GTN and will only create a User Waypoint on the GTN.

Not sure that this GTN feature has much value for most of us that only consider the GTN to be an IFR navigator for the G3X Touch system.

That helps

Thank you
I will use the feature to mark ?show center? during the Renegade airshow. That will help with the timing for the various elements of the team to head inbound while another element is exiting the box
I looked through my files from the panel upgrade, looks like all I could find was the aeroelectric version from 2012.

I'd love a current version if someone has it. Perhaps it could be hosted as a dropbox link or ... ?
Thank you
I will use the feature to mark “show center” during the Renegade airshow. That will help with the timing for the various elements of the team to head inbound while another element is exiting the box

Hello Bob,

To answer your previous question about how many discrete inputs are available on your GEA 24, the GEA 24 discrete input configuration page shows the 4 primary discrete inputs, plus another 8 possible inputs that may be used if those inputs are not being used for other functions.

Also don't forget that you could mark "show center" by touching the ownship icon or map and creating a user waypoint on your G3X Touch system.

That show center user waypoint can then be used for Direct-To or other navigation and you can use the Time Over Target (ETA Waypoint) and/or Time To Target (ETE Waypoint) data fields to assist in arriving at show center at the desired time.

No GTN required.

Something else to consider is that the geometric center of the airport defined by the available runways might, in many case, be good enough to define show center, and is readily used with Direct-To and ETE/ETA fields for this purpose with no user waypoint definition required.

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GREAT Solution and easy. I bought the right avionics package!!!!!!

Thanks to the entire G3X team

How can we get a link to download the latest GTN-650 installation manual? I?m running wires now and could sure use the latest edition. Thanks! Dave
Contact Your Vendor

There is no Garmin link... They only provide the Installation Manual to designated, approved installation activities.

Unlike their decision to allow us homebuilders to install software updates, they seem to not want us to do our own installations.

Having installed my original GTN-650 four, or five, years ago I too went in search for a newer version to install my second GTN-650 - couldn't find anything newer than version F. I called the vendor from whom I purchased the new GTN, and they provided a version R copy.

Indeed there are some significant differences in versions. One of those differences saved the bacon on connecting the Nav functions.

CONTACT YOUR VENDOR to see if they will provide you a latest version of the Installation Manual (version R at this time).
The problem I see with the posted GTN650 manual, is that it is for the AML STC. It only refers to integration with certified products. I can?t find any information about integrating the unit into the experimental side of Garmin. Specifically, the G3X, GSU73, GTX23 ES, GDL 39, etc. No information on pin outs or how to configure the 232 and 429 ports. I?m receiving my GTN 650 this week, and hopefully Steinair has included some documentation. If not I?ll give them a call. I hate to bug them for every little issue.

I guess I?m typing out loud to ask if such documentation exists? Is there a Garmin installation manual or supplement such as described above?
The problem I see with the posted GTN650 manual, is that it is for the AML STC. It only refers to integration with certified products. I can?t find any information about integrating the unit into the experimental side of Garmin. Specifically, the G3X, GSU73, GTX23 ES, GDL 39, etc. No information on pin outs or how to configure the 232 and 429 ports. I?m receiving my GTN 650 this week, and hopefully Steinair has included some documentation. If not I?ll give them a call. I hate to bug them for every little issue.

I guess I?m typing out loud to ask if such documentation exists? Is there a Garmin installation manual or supplement such as described above?

All of that information is in the G3x install manual
The problem I see with the posted GTN650 manual, is that it is for the AML STC. It only refers to integration with certified products. I can’t find any information about integrating the unit into the experimental side of Garmin. Specifically, the G3X, GSU73, GTX23 ES, GDL 39, etc. No information on pin outs or how to configure the 232 and 429 ports. I’m receiving my GTN 650 this week, and hopefully Steinair has included some documentation. If not I’ll give them a call. I hate to bug them for every little issue.

I guess I’m typing out loud to ask if such documentation exists? Is there a Garmin installation manual or supplement such as described above?

Shane is correct here. You will want/need the GTN650 installation manual also so ask Stein to send email you the PDF, almost 900 pages. I took the time to print out a full copy and put it in a huge binder. For whatever reason, I could not find a current version posted on the web and I just emailed Steinair for it.
The problem I see with the posted GTN650 manual, is that it is for the AML STC. It only refers to integration with certified products. I can’t find any information about integrating the unit into the experimental side of Garmin. Specifically, the G3X, GSU73, GTX23 ES, GDL 39, etc. No information on pin outs or how to configure the 232 and 429 ports. I’m receiving my GTN 650 this week, and hopefully Steinair has included some documentation. If not I’ll give them a call. I hate to bug them for every little issue.

I guess I’m typing out loud to ask if such documentation exists? Is there a Garmin installation manual or supplement such as described above?

Hello pecanflyboy,

Page 28-10 of the Rev. AH G3X Installation Manual explains how to wire and configure the GTN 650 to your GDU and GSU 73.

The GTX 23ES to GSU 73 wiring and configuration is shown on page 28-6.

The GDL 39/39R wiring and configuration is shown on page 27-20.

We are always available and happy to help. Our email and phone number is shown below.

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Hello pecanflyboy,

Page 28-10 of the Rev. AH G3X Installation Manual explains how to wire and configure the GTN 650 to your GDU and GSU 73.

The GTX 23ES to GSU 73 wiring and configuration is shown on page 28-6.

The GDL 39/39R wiring and configuration is shown on page 27-20.

We are always available and happy to help. Our email and phone number is shown below.


Thank you sir. I was focusing on the GTN manual, and did not see it in the chapters of the G3X. It's amazing how smart you look when you CNTL-F the document for GTN......errrrr..... Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

FWIW, I have Rev R of the GTN install manual, TSO version. If I could attach it, I would. PM me is you want it, or just email me at [email protected]
Just a half baked thought . . .

While all you guys are looking at the G3X and GTN650, for the usual connections, you might consider what you would like to do for thermocouples and pressures after first flight.

There seem to be a number of options for reading various temperatures and configuring for pressure transducers that will go unused with the standard RV installations. You might want to study the manual and make a provision for a few extra temps (4) and a pressure or two - if possible.

It will make your testing adventures much more easy with full data acquisition system built in the units.
I was asked to update the links to my GTN manuals. These may not be the latest manuals. I get mine from the place where I bought my Garmin boxes:

If you know where they were purchased, send the company an email, tell them you are experimental, and they should send you the manual.

Here are my latest:

GTN 625/635/650

GTN 650Xi/750Xi