
I completed the installation and flew an ADS-B validation flight yesterday. I'm glad to say everything passed "in the green" and qualified for the $500 FAA rebate.

Traffic and weather display on both the GNS430W and iPad. Sweet!

Dynon EFIS-D100/EMS-D120, pressure altitude source
Garmin GNS430W, position source (updated to v. 5.30/5.00)
Garmin GTX345, ADS-B In/Out (replaced original GTX327)

Installation consisted of replacing the transponder tray and connector, adding an ARINC cable and audio cable, and configuring the communication setup.

No extra modules to mount. No extra antennae to install. No extra cables cluttering up the cockpit. No question about future manufacturing support.

Final cost after the FAA rebate and selling off the GTX-327 and Stratus 2 and doing my own installation is about $2700.

Larry G
No extra modules to mount. No extra antennae to install. No extra cables cluttering up the cockpit. No question about future manufacturing support.

Well said! I'm glad I went the the GTX-345 and GNS 430 W route as opposed to the GTX-335 and a GDL-39 3D with an extra antennae, wires, clutter...

Final cost after the FAA rebate and selling off the GTX-327 and Stratus 2 and doing my own installation is about $2700.

I need to sell or trade my GTX 327 to recoup some $$$.

Are you using Foreflight or Garmin Pilot?
Excellent! I have just installed the same setup, but airplane hasn't flown yet. How complicated is the $500 qualification process?

Excellent! I have just installed the same setup, but airplane hasn't flown yet. How complicated is the $500 qualification process?

Short answer - quite complicated. It is the FAA, after all. But it's not impossible. You must reserve your rebate before you fly with ADSB Out activated, otherwise you won't qualify. When you reserve the rebate, give them an estimated installation date of, say, tomorrow. Then you can fly the day after that and get your validation. -LG
Subpanel conflict with GTX-345

Reviving this old post because I haven’t been able to find anything specific to my question. My new-to-me 7A Slider needs ADS-B capability added, and I’m going to go with the GTX-345 (using the 430W for position source and GRT for altitude encoder). I know the subpanel will need to have a hole cut in it to accommodate the 10”+ of depth, but it appears I have a stiffener angle directly below the existing subpanel hole for the 430W where this new hole will need to go.

Suggestions from the brain trust on making room for the 345 and keeping things structurally in order would be appreciated. Bonus points for pictures of your install! I’m including the best picture I have at the moment.

Thanks in advance!


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Reviving this old post because I haven’t been able to find anything specific to my question. My new-to-me 7A Slider needs ADS-B capability added, and I’m going to go with the GTX-345 (using the 430W for position source and GRT for altitude encoder). I know the subpanel will need to have a hole cut in it to accommodate the 10”+ of depth, but it ...

Thanks in advance!

Have you already purchased the gtx-345? If not I’d suggest a re-think. A Trig TT-22 can be had for less than half the list price of the 345; it’s a remote mount so can go almost anywhere. Your GRT HX efis (you didn’t say what model you have) can control a TT-22, so you free up panel space. And the TT22 can ‘read’ the Garmin adsb+ format from your 430W. That leaves adsb-in. I doubt the 345 can display wx/traffic on the grt. But there are lots of <$700 options that can. I use a SkyRadar. Save space, save money, get larger traffic display.
Trig consideration

Have you already purchased the gtx-345? If not I’d suggest a re-think. A Trig TT-22 can be had for less than half the list price of the 345; it’s a remote mount so can go almost anywhere. Your GRT HX efis (you didn’t say what model you have) can control a TT-22, so you free up panel space. And the TT22 can ‘read’ the Garmin adsb+ format from your 430W. That leaves adsb-in. I doubt the 345 can display wx/traffic on the grt. But there are lots of <$700 options that can. I use a SkyRadar. Save space, save money, get larger traffic display.

Thanks for the response, Bob. I actually did look at the Trig T22 but ultimately elected to go ahead and pay the “Garmin tax” and ordered the 345 for the following reasons.

1) I’m a long-time Garmin Pilot user with Garmin avionics and FlightStream 210 in the other plane I fly. I wanted to be able to feed the ADS-B wx and traffic to GP (I admittedly feel that I’m rewarding Garmin for failing to play nice with others).

2) I have old, original 2006-ish Horizon EFIS’s, so from what I could garner on GRT’s documentation transponder integration of any kind was going to be limited, and no option for a remote mount unit.

3) At some point down the road I’ll likely do a panel upgrade, and I’ll likely go with Garmin stuff. So having the 345 seemed to make sense for that reason as well.

I took a better look at my mounting challenge today, and grabbed a better photo. Doesn’t look like it’s going to be a lot of fun. I think the access panels in front of the windscreen may get added before the 345 install.


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New picture

The picture attached to the previous reply somehow turned inverted when flying through the cloud to VAF. As such, it’s really confusing! I tried again with the same result, even turned the pic upside down and uploaded it again, and it just won’t turn right side up.