kurt klewin

I'm New Here
I have had a GNS430 for 5 years or so and have used it mainly VFR and as a backup to IFR flying. I would like to update it once a year or so. Anyone know the most inexpensive way to do this? Jeppesen sells the nav/date loader for $150 and a one time update is $105 ($315 for the year). Thanks.

I'm pretty sure they offer a exchange type service also. They send you an updated card and you ship them the expired one back. This way you don't have to buy the data loader. I don't know the price for it though. Hope this helps

Ive found the cheapest way to do it is to swap chips with someone on the field who swaps theirs every month. Usually your friendly neighborhood Cirrus, Mooney or Bonanza buddy will be glad to swap with you. You will end up with one a month behind, but its cheap. Offer em a ride in a real plane for their efforts. :p