
Well Known Member
Simply curious about the varying thoughts surrounding the question, "Is there enough value in the new Garmin GTN series, vs the GNS (430/530) series, to justify the additional cost?" Let's assume you are putting one or the other into an IFR panel, which is probably where most of these go.

How about it?

Hello Rich, I fly a C172 with a GTN 750 and a GTN 650 and a G500. Yea its alot. Owner likes toys. I would go a GTN750. Heres why. You enter freq's EASLY! Same with Transponder codes. Destinations TO are so simple! Approachs, almost a no brainer. Radio (comm) is So clear and picks up from a long way. Now with the BIG screen that the GTN750 has you find it a perfect fit in the RV. Now lets consider C172 weight and that of the RV. Now the bumps in the air are a little more noticeable in the RV. The GTN750 has a raised edge along the outside of the GTN750 faceplate to put your thumb on while touching the screen with your index finder. Now if its real bumpy there are knobs too to input freq's. . Garmin did a great job on it. I believe there's training DVD or CDROM for your home computer to play just like the real think as far as using the the screen.Hope it helps.

Ron in Oregon
Rich, It really comes down to your role with the plane. We bit the bullet with the GTN750 and after the sticker shock we are pleased with the outcome. As a matter of vision it is great from a more senior point of view.:D Space was an issue in our 6 so we also opted for the remote transponder. That too is a plus on getting the TIS information within Class B & C airspace. It really comes down to the cost but if you can swing it you will be out in front of the technology for a good six weeks.
Go with it!!!

The 430/530 series are on their way out. For basic functions they are great. I have a 430 in my plane and fly behind one in the helicopters I fly for work. Unless you do it daily, setting up approaches is a pain as is entering Lat/Long that we use for work.

On my new 7 I'm putting in a GTN 750. I already had a 330S but will remote mount it. Remote audio panel as well. I haven't flown with it yet but have played with it on the iPad App. Very easy to use. As noted the Comm and transponder use is simple. Lots more money but I think it is worth saving a few more bucks.

The GTN 650 will require a panel mounted audio panel (if you use one). Also the transponder function requires more of a scroll to get all of the numbers.

The 650 isn't much more than the 430 in the overall scheme of the project.

You won't go wrong with the 430/530 but might have buyer remorse after seeing or experiencing the 650/750 in action.

NO REGRETS:D Check with Stein for prices!!!
You can monitor the GTN stand-by freqs, not so with the GTS. Almost like having a second nav/comm.
Well... I bought the 430W from Stein....

Then he refunded 100% as it was still new in box and I bought the GTN750 from him at a good price. By the way, he sold the 430W in one day. The big screen is great and it very easy to use and it's going to be supported longer than the old series 430W. It's the way of the future.
Just out of interest, what does blokes like Stein charge for the -750?

List price is $14,750, but most places discount that somewhat. Our price varies depending on what else (if anything) you're buying, how complicated of a wiring harness you want/need, where it's being shipped to (Australia, Europe, US), how much programming you want us to do for interfaces, whether you need an 8130 or not, if you want the remote audio panel already mounted to the 750 tray, how much tech support you want/need, etc...

There are a number of variables which mean we do not have a single price for everyone. So the price from one person may not match the exact price for another.

What really concerns me is what happens to the remote mounted transponder and audio panel if the GTN 750 for some reason fails / blanks out !
What really concerns me is what happens to the remote mounted transponder and audio panel if the GTN 750 for some reason fails / blanks out !

Well...the fan on front doesn't quit turning if either happens. Regarding the audio panel, it fails over to a straight pass through to whichver radio you have set to #1. The txpdr isn't a big emergency either - most everyone is going to a remote mounted transponder either controlled through the EFIS or the radio, so you're in the same boat either way.

That being said, you're certainly not forced into using remote anything. We do a lot of stacks with GTN's that still have panel mounted txpdr's and audio panels. Note that you can take a regular old Garmin transponder, leave it panel mounted and still control it from the GTN (or EFIS) if you want!

Thanks for the quick answer. The reason for my question is because, in my understandig, the GTN 750's best integration is with the GMA 35 and the GTX 32/33.
That being said, you're certainly not forced into using remote anything. We do a lot of stacks with GTN's that still have panel mounted txpdr's and audio panels. Note that you can take a regular old Garmin transponder, leave it panel mounted and still control it from the GTN (or EFIS) if you want!


Is there a reason, assuming you already own a 327 or 330, not to remote mount it?

If you have full control of the functions, the extra panel space might be more useful than dedicated transponder buttons.