
Well Known Member
My Garmin GLO was working with Foreflight on both my iPad and iPhone just fine up until about a week ago. The Bluetooth pairing is working just fine, but I'm getting no position info in Foreflight now.

Anyone had this problem? Buddy took it flying with his iPad mini and had the same issue. Good pair, no data. GLO is showing good GPS Aquisition too.

iPad and Bluetooth

Be sure to close and restart FF, and any other app using location services. Double click the round activate button and all the running apps will appear on the bottom of the screen. Press and hold one of them until a red circle with a dash appears on all the icons. Press the red circle on the ones you want to close (I'd do all of them). Then press the activate button again to return the normal screen.
Then open FF again and see if it works.
I regularly close apps this way just to 'clean out' memory. IOS keeps them active in the background until you do this. Probably lets them relaunch a bit quicker, but sometimes they 'remember' connectivity stuff they shouldn't.
Be sure to close and restart FF, and any other app using location services. Double click the round activate button and all the running apps will appear on the bottom of the screen. Press and hold one of them until a red circle with a dash appears on all the icons. Press the red circle on the ones you want to close (I'd do all of them). Then press the activate button again to return the normal screen.
Then open FF again and see if it works.
I regularly close apps this way just to 'clean out' memory. IOS keeps them active in the background until you do this. Probably lets them relaunch a bit quicker, but sometimes they 'remember' connectivity stuff they shouldn't.

Oh man thanks, I never knew you could close stuff. Every app on my phone was open. We'll see if that fixes it today. Thanks!!!
Mine worked fine yesterday. I have the GLO Aviation. Works GREAT with ForeFlight in a biz jet at FL410 and 450kts.
Mine worked fine yesterday. I have the GLO Aviation. Works GREAT with ForeFlight in a biz jet at FL410 and 450kts.

Once I closed everything out, it ran great on a coast-coast-coast two day trip. Saw 675 ground at FL450. The best part is having every SID and STAR, plugging them in and it dropping them right into your Navlog. Used Foreflight to file all my flight plans too, filed one from the cockpit via my phone and it was there when I called clearance 5 minutes later. I'm falling in love all over again with my iPad!

I have the exact same problem, with the same equipment. However, I tried closing out all programs, but it doesn't fix the problem. Any other ideas?

Vince - today's tablets and smartphones are really just "computers". Try rebooting it :)

for iOS devices, press and hold the power button until you get the "slide to power off" message. Then "slide to power off". Wait a few seconds for the shutdown process to finish and the spinning indicator to disappear. Finally, press and hold the power button again for 2-3 seconds. You should get the "apple" logo and the device will boot up again.
I have had this problem every time I do a operating system upgrade on mt iPad. Here are the instructions from foreflight on how to fix it. I have never needed the last step.

Go to the main iPad Settings app.
Tap on ?Privacy?.
Tap on ?Location Services?.
Toggle the top row to ?Off?. This will turn off location services for all of your apps.
Reboot your iPad (press-and-hold the top button for 5 seconds, slide the red slider to power off, wait 5 seconds, then press the top button to turn your iPad back on).
Go back to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services and turn location services to ?On? for your iPad. Also make sure that location services are set to ?On? for ForeFlight Mobile.
Leave your iPad connected the Internet for a few hours (the screen can be off). This might not be necessary, but we have encountered a few rare cases where this fixed the problem.
Garmin Glo (Aviation Version)

I thought I had this problem figured out. Then (Resetting the location services did the trick!) I read this thread.
I fly with a Garmin 430, and KX155 (number 2) and a Ipad Mini using Flight Guide. Both are plugged into the aux pwr to keep them charged. Last weekend wife wanted to go on a 450KM trip. About half way through the Garmin Glo seemed to fail, I think. This was after I started using the Number 2 transmitter
and a number of freqs. Could it be the interference freqs that jam the handheld
GPS units, maybe IF freqs, maybe 12th, 13th harmonics. I don't know, anyway, the Glo never came back on line the rest of the trip but the Mini continued to work with Flight Guide but with no geo/ref. On the way back Sunday never had a problem with the Glo, but did take a different route and different center/approach freqs used. The only difference was no aux power to the Glo.

Am I on the wrong thinking path here or not?:confused: You guys are great. Every time I've figured it out, a thread pops up to correct me.