
Active Member
Having this problem with the GDL39
I have one in each plane and they all do the same thing.
Ipad 10.2 and GDL39 4.8
Have ADS-B out in all planes

Loses bluetooth and both system status boxes go Red X for about 1/2 sec about once a minute.

However If I connect my other Ipad or galaxy tab to the GDL39 it does not lose lock
It as if it is looking for a second device.
Does not change with the compatibility set on or off.

Has anyone had similar trouble,?
Is the iPad getting hot? I had this issue before I added a computer fan to the panel mounted case. Haven't had the issue since.
Not getting hot,
I can connect the second device and no drop outs, turn the bluetooth off on the second device and the drop outs resume.
It is repeatable everytime.
I recall reading there was a known bluetooth issue with the latest iOS a couple months ago. Don't know if it has been fixed as I use android.
What are the iPad models and iOS versions for each one? Seems like a hardware / bluetooth version issue with the errant iPad since one works and the other one drops connections. Anyway, major iOS updates always seem to play havoc with my car's infotainment system :) Results in vendors pointing fingers at each other until it magically disappears when Apple publishes a followup iOS update.
I suspect this vulnerability is what was behind Garmin's advice on the forum to me, to go with data (and not merely power) cables for my GDL-39 3D and Aera 795. There seemed to be a hint that I'd be happier spending the extra coin for the more capable cables, and by hard-wiring the devices together avoiding the BlueTooth connection issues that may or may not crop up. Glad I did after reading this.

I've not put many hours on my new portables in the cockpit, but they've been trouble-free regarding connectivity so far. Just a consideration/data point. Won't help at all with tablet connectivity, I realize.
Same issue

Just noticed the same issue on a recent flight (iPhone 6+), the bluetooth drops out once in a while (I get a "traffic not available" aural warning) and the blue light on the GDL39 turns off, few seconds later it come back on. This has not happened before and the hardwired connection to the 796 is rock solid.

I am running IOS 10.2 (not 10.2.1)

Any updates on this?
Same here. Seems like a recent problem. Running latest software and Bluetooth to Android/Samsung Note 4.

Added note - hardwired Garmin 660 connected to same GDL39 is working normally.
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I've had this happen after a couple of hours even with the G1000 Perspective system in a Cirrus. The only fix was to do a hard boot of the iPad.
I've had (2) GDL39's that lose bluetooth connection and then will never connect again. I've worked extensively with Garmin tech support and they ended up sending replacements on both occasions. The GDL39's work great for a couple of months, and then they will never connect again. The light turns blue, but in Garmin Pilot, it hangs at AUTHENTICATED and never fully connects. At that point, you can't even connect to upgrade the firmware on the GDL39. Tech support has me try EVERYTHING....including trying to connect the GDL39 with other Android devices and still nothing.