
Well Known Member
When using the Garmin Pilot app on the iPad with the GDL39 operating, will a non 3G iPad pickup the GDL39 gps info and use it to drive the moving map capability?


Bluetooth GPS

I have not yet tried it but believe the GDL39 GPS is iOS compatible and will act as a blutooth GPS for any Ipad application (MotionX etc), it will even drive the GPS element of Foreflight. Essentially acts like the Bad Elf or Dual GPS. I read somewhere this was driven somewhat by Apples requirements.
Works fine as iOS GPS

Tried the system yesterday on flight to LOE, GDL 39 connected to my WiFi iPad via bluetooth and the system provided the GPS input to Foreflight and MotionX just like the Bad Elf or Dual GPS would. Worked fine.
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