
Well Known Member
Any updated words from Garmin about the availability date of the GDL 82? For months the Garmin site has posted Quarter 4 of 2017. Any updated information would be appreciated!

Been flying with Scout and the GDL 39 3D for months, and depending on nearby ADSB-Out aircraft to get my FFlight traffic updates.

Definitely more Situational Awareness and success seeing nearby VFR aircraft aided by ADSB-In data on the iPad and the G 660. I'm usually aware and scanning for the nearby plane(s) before ATC/Flight Following calls with the advisories.


I talked with Stein last week (12/7 I believe). They have been told by Garmin Dec 15th will be their first shipment.
I talked with Stein last week (12/7 I believe). They have been told by Garmin Dec 15th will be their first shipment.

Thanks for the info...

Without FCC approval (according to the Garmin website today) I wonder if they would ship to dealers and keep the units under embargo, waiting for the FCC approval.

Fed civil servants often use up leave in December, IMHO I wouldn't expect any decisions between now and Jan 2., especially if FCC engineers are still running cert. tests or writing reports that need reviews and signatures.


Im waiting on delivery too.

Interested in any reports by VAF members of shipping notifications by sellers.

ACS says Feb 07, 2018 for shipment

ACS website currently says February 7, 2018 for shipment.
Garmin website information changed

Fri., 12/15/17 - Garmin Website changed overnight:

The statement that Garmin was waiting for FCC approval for the GDL 82 and units cannot be sold is GONE today. That statement was removed in the last 24 hours. I've been checking daily and the "can't sell" statement was there yesterday.

I hope that is a positive sign of progress.

Now Shipping


Thank you for your patience. We began shipping GDL 82 units today.

Thanks! Manual pdf?

Thanks for that great news Steve. Any idea when the manual will be posted on your website?

"And it's available and ready for installation today." ???

Hi Steve,

Today I got an advertising email from a popular newsletter, which featured the GDL 82. The emailed advertisement included the following statement:

"And it's available and ready for installation today."

Is there a website or location that will sell me one right now, and it will be delivered in the next few days? The vendor I've selected is guessing late January at the earliest. Similar estimates at other vendors.


I was able to find an avionics shop that had ONE of their first order NOT spoken for. :D

They are getting them in this Friday the 22nd and shipping mine out to me. Should have it next week!!!!

Merry Christmas to me, very excited. :D

I found another shop in Georgia that has one for sale but they dont accept CC and wanted me to actually mail a check. :eek: I didn't think anyone used checks anymore. :p
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?? to G3XPERT

Hi Steve

I will be buying a GDL-82 soon and was wondering if the Wass Antenna could be mounted under the cowling or the instrument panel and still get good reception??

I running out of room to mount antennas on my RV-4..


[email protected]
I have two units on order with ACS. Since July. I just called them today (12/20) and the customer service representative I talked to checked with their purchasing agent and they are still maintaining a February ship date. I mentioned G3Xpert telling us they were shipping on the 15th of December but they didn't know anything about it.

?? to G3XPERT

Hi Steve

I will be buying a GDL-82 soon and was wondering if the Wass Antenna could be mounted under the cowling or the instrument panel and still get good reception??

I running out of room to mount antennas on my RV-4..


[email protected]

Hello Bruno,

It is best to follow the GPS antenna installation guidance in the GDL 82 installation manual. It is only 1 page, and an easy read.

Both of the locations you mention would likely have enough airframe shadowing to fail to meet the low angle performance required for ADS-B Out position sources.

Additionally, the GA 35 and GA 36 antennas which are capable of meeting the ADS-B Out performance requirements have an operating temperature limitation of -55C to +85C (185F), and we don't recommend mounting them at the top of the cowling where post-flight temperatures can damage a very expensive antenna.

None of us like to mount antennas to the outside of our aircraft, but sometimes we can't avoid it.

Hi Steve,

Today I got an advertising email from a popular newsletter, which featured the GDL 82. The emailed advertisement included the following statement:

"And it's available and ready for installation today."

Is there a website or location that will sell me one right now, and it will be delivered in the next few days? The vendor I've selected is guessing late January at the earliest. Similar estimates at other vendors.



Carl and Jim,

Sorry, but we don't have any visibility into which of our many dealers do and don't have GDL 82 inventory.

The pre-orders likely depleted the initial shipments, but hopefully we will catch up to the backlog soon so dealers will have them on their shelves when customers need them.

Thank you for your patience and support,

Hello Steve

Thank you for the reply.

Yeap, that is what I thought so I will mount it just behind the rear seat and remove the XM antenna to get the required room...

Happy Holidays

My GDL-82 is in route to me via UPS. Got the tracking number from the dealer. Santa was snowed in up in the northeast so he sent it via UPS. Should be here any day now. :D

My advice is to call around to the Garmin dealers and ask if they have any available from their initial order, it worked for me. I checked states close to mine to avoid paying sales tax also. :D
It's here! It's here! :D

I received my GDL-82, albeit Santa delivered it a few days late, I have it. :)

I'm gathering the few parts needed to get it installed. I should make my 2/2/18 deadline for the rebate. :D

Hey Garmin guys, I am needing to know if there is a specific distance needed to separate the GDL-82 GPS antenna from any other GPS antenna. Where I am looking to mount the GPS antenna could be anywhere from 1-2 ft from an existing GPS antenna for my GDU470. Will this cause any reception issues?
Hey Garmin guys, I am needing to know if there is a specific distance needed to separate the GDL-82 GPS antenna from any other GPS antenna. Where I am looking to mount the GPS antenna could be anywhere from 1-2 ft from an existing GPS antenna for my GDU470. Will this cause any reception issues?

Steve, this is covered on page 30 of the manual. Section 4.5.2 covers all the GPS antenna considerations. It talks about center to center distance for other GPS antennas.

7. A 12 inch center-to-center spacing between GPS antennas is required to achieve the best possible
low-elevation antenna gain by minimizing pattern degradation due to shadowing and near-field interaction.
When practical, 12 inch center-to-center spacing between GPS antennas must be used. If 12 inch spacing is
not practical, the maximum center-to-center spacing possible must be used, but never less than 9 inch
center-to-center spacing. Spacing less than 9 inches center-to-center results in unacceptable antenna pattern
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Yes, thanks. The Garmin guys also sent me an email directing me to the same information. I appreciate the quick replies both from here and from the Garmin g3Xpert group.
RS-232 function on the two types of GLD 82's

On the GLD 82 the RS-232 (pins 8&9) are shown attached to a WAAS GPS navigator like a Garmin GTN.

For those of us with the GDL 82 with GPS/SBAS, can we get WAAS quality info to an efis, datalogger, 406 ELT, etc?

The install manual is quite clear in the first scenario, and perhaps I've missed it on the second.
On the GLD 82 the RS-232 (pins 8&9) are shown attached to a WAAS GPS navigator like a Garmin GTN.

For those of us with the GDL 82 with GPS/SBAS, can we get WAAS quality info to an efis, datalogger, 406 ELT, etc?

The install manual is quite clear in the first scenario, and perhaps I've missed it on the second.

Hello Stan,

No, the GDL 82 doesn't currently output any GPS data, but we haven't totally ruled out providing ADS-B+ or MapMX like the GNS/GTN/GTX 335/345 w/GPS.

The G5, for example, uses MapMX format data from a GTX 335/345 with internal GPS so it can use that GPS data instead of needing its own GPS antenna.

It isn't, however, common for devices like ELT's to know how to use data in this format.

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Steve and team -

With the GDL82 SBAS (which is the model currently shipping, with the built in GPS and antenna), can one choose to not use the antenna and go to the GTN or GNS navigator instead? I see the GNS480 is on the list of approved position sources with the latest software, but wanted to be sure the shipping unit with built in GPS capability also has that option? Thx.
Steve and team -

With the GDL82 SBAS (which is the model currently shipping, with the built in GPS and antenna), can one choose to not use the antenna and go to the GTN or GNS navigator instead? I see the GNS480 is on the list of approved position sources with the latest software, but wanted to be sure the shipping unit with built in GPS capability also has that option? Thx.

Hello Greg,

Yes, you may use an external source of ADS-B+ from a GNS/GTN instead of installing the provided antenna and using the GDL 82 built-in GPS receiver.

As shown in section 7.3 of the GDL 82 installation manual, the PC configuration tool allows you to specify whether the GPS source is Internal or External.

GDL 82 Initial Power-up, Install Tool Software

First power-up for the GDL 82 today, although not securely installed yet in the plane. Only powered-up after making connections to the Sandia 165 transponder and the Comant Blade Antenna to make sure the 82 did not transmit an RF signal down a cable without an proper antenna/attenuator/load.

It isn't clear to me that the 82 can be safely powered up to run the Install Tool software on the shop bench without a transponder and an antenna connection.

Connected a Dell Laptop to the 82, via USB, and launched the GDL 82 Install Tool software. After a few seconds the laptop recognizes the new USB connection, and the Software indicates a GDL 82 is present.

Initially it took a few minutes for the 82 to determine the location using the Internal GPS. The GPS did determine the location a bit quicker after later power cycles, but still takes longer than the typical car or hiking GPS, requiring maybe 3-4 minutes. The rough guess, from observing the satellite status page, is that the 82 "accepts" the GPS position accuracy only after locking-in GPS Differential signals on 5 or so satellites.

While still searching for satellites the Software Tool indicates a Fault. The tool actually displays a Fault count, another fault can be that the transponder is either off or in standby mode. Interesting that these Faults do not turn on the Failure Annuciator light. Therefore it does not appear that the pilot has any information that the Internal GPS has captured enough satellite signals to have a valid position.

The Failure Annunciator light is turned on momentarily during power up. At least the multimeter chirped to indicate a momentary continuity to aircraft ground.

During Anonymous mode testing the unit changed from displaying my N number and HEX address to VFR as my Flight ID and another HEX address. It took a couple of power cycles for that "random" HEX address to actually change to a different HEX value. Just cycling the Anonymous switch does not change the "random" HEX value.


Once the 82 is powered the 165 indicated a very regular interrogation rate. It appears that the interrogate light blink can no longer accurately indicate if just ATC radar is interrogating the transponder.

My ground test location today did not have direct ground-level ATC radar coverage. Foreflight and a GDL 39 never displayed my position/squawk/flight id/etc.

Your Mileage May Vary!

We have a couple flying

got ours 1/18 ordered about 3 weeks ago. Anyone have theirs working yet? BH
There are couple in the Oklahoma RV contingent installed and working, with two more that I know of in progress.
Once the 82 is powered the 165 indicated a very regular interrogation rate. It appears that the interrogate light blink can no longer accurately indicate if just ATC radar is interrogating the transponder. Carl
I can verify that the reply indication on my GTX 327 does not flash any longer. This concerned me at first but I have asked center for a transponder check on my test flight and yesterday on a lunch fly out I was in contact with Vance approach and they confirmed radar contact as well. I assume this is normal. My unit passed the ADSB FAA flight test on the first try and I received an email stating the rebate is on the way.
When our flight of two split up yesterday, we tried the anonymous mode and it took a few minutes before the displays switched from showing our N-number to VFR but it did work.

almost done with my install

One of the other installs in Okie land, finished except for hooking up the GPS puck (the two TNC connectors I ordered for the RG142 shipped a week ago USPS from Missouri, currently tracked to St. Louis, MO, then to Charlotte NC, then to Memphis TN, and now to GKW??:mad:). I would like to fire up the unit to check out the configuration etc. but not sure it would be OK to do so without the GPS puck attached.
Assuming the USPS delivers in the next couple of days I hope to fly the check ride this week.

Biggest install issue was figuring where to mount the unit as it was longer than I expected particularly with the connector and getting behind the panel on a -7 slider is no fun. Also the data wires on the usb pigtail are very small wires and it is easy to break off the pin when crimped :eek:
Additional GDL 82 ground testing

My ground test location today did not have direct ground-level ATC radar coverage. ForeFlight and a GDL 39 never displayed my position/squawk/flight id/etc.

Completed more GDL 82 ground testing today. The GDL 39 and ForeFlight did momentarily display my N number and Altitude Difference 0 before syncing as "ownship". When ForeFlight determines the ADS-B data is "ownship" Foreflight stops displaying Flight Id and Altitude Difference. Then using ForeFlight/More/Devices/Ownship provided a display of the 82's and the Mode C transponder parameters. Not as much data as the 82 Install Tool, but still many data parameters.

Selecting Anonymous Mode seems to cause ForeFlight to temporarily drop "ownship" status and displays VFR and Altitude Difference on the map for a few seconds. Then "ownship" status resumes and the display of VFR and Altitude Difference on the map terminates.

BTW using a Scout and ForeFlight on an airliner has provided a relaxed environment to experiment with ForeFlight and discover the ADS-B IN system interaction with ForeFlight.

GDL 82 flight test

Finished the install and flew the test flight yesterday, 43 minutes in the system, 12998 data points and zero errors. System appears to work as advertised:D.
rs-232 follow up

Hello Stan,

No, the GDL 82 doesn't currently output any GPS data, but we haven't totally ruled out providing ADS-B+ like the GNS/GTN/GTX 335/345 w/GPS.


Thanks for the reply. Yep, please pass on my vote to the team, having the WAAS quality data stream would be helpful. The ADS-B GPS data is better than none or the non-waas stream from older gps units.
GDL 82 GPS output question

For all practicable purposes how would the waas gps output from the GDL 82 compare to my current 796 gps output that feeds the GDL 39, autopilot, D100 etc.
Garmin GDL 82 Available

I applied and got a reservation for the rebate on the last day, September 18th. I had planned to use the GDL-82 but the 90-day install deadline was around December 18th. So it there a way I can get the rebate if I get my hands on a GDL-82, install it, flight tested before February 15th, and still qualify for the rebate??
What about the part of the FAA program that states the unit must be installed in 90 days from Sept 18th??
What about the part of the FAA program that states the unit must be installed in 90 days from Sept 18th??

Installed within 90 days, then you have 60 days to do the rebate flight in rule airspace. The FAA doesn?t know when it was installed, but they will know when the rebate flight was done, so that really gives you 150 days, which ends on Feb 15.
What about the part of the FAA program that states the unit must be installed in 90 days from Sept 18th??

A number of us installing the GDL 82 followed Jesse's approach, filed in Sep (GDL 82 was not on the list so picked a Garmin product), received the unit from Stein this month, installed and flew the check flight, applied for rebate (GDL 82 now on the drop down list), and rebate was approved.

I will say that when they state fly in "rule airspace" they do mean within the boundary, in my case I was in class C area under approach control but ATC had me flying just outside the boundary as they were very busy. When I checked my GAIRS report I had a FAIL with respect to flying for 30+ minutes in rule airspace.
Fortunately I did not have to re-fly as a FAA administrator reviewed the data and approved my rebate :D.
I did the same thing, filed 2 days before the deadline and chose another Garmin product. When I validated the GDL-82 was on the drop down list. My deadline was 2/2/18.

Since my airport is inside the Tampa mode c veil I didn't have to hunt down "rule airspace", I was in it. :D
I applied and got a reservation for the rebate on the last day, September 18th. I had planned to use the GDL-82 but the 90-day install deadline was around December 18th. So it there a way I can get the rebate if I get my hands on a GDL-82, install it, flight tested before February 15th, and still qualify for the rebate??

What about the part of the FAA program that states the unit must be installed in 90 days from Sept 18th??

Installed within 90 days, then you have 60 days to do the rebate flight in rule airspace. The FAA doesn?t know when it was installed, but they will know when the rebate flight was done, so that really gives you 150 days, which ends on Feb 15.

A number of us installing the GDL 82 followed Jesse's approach, filed in Sep (GDL 82 was not on the list so picked a Garmin product), received the unit from Stein this month, installed and flew the check flight, applied for rebate (GDL 82 now on the drop down list), and rebate was approved.

I will say that when they state fly in "rule airspace" they do mean within the boundary, in my case I was in class C area under approach control but ATC had me flying just outside the boundary as they were very busy. When I checked my GAIRS report I had a FAIL with respect to flying for 30+ minutes in rule airspace.
Fortunately I did not have to re-fly as a FAA administrator reviewed the data and approved my rebate :D.
What Jesse and Figgs said! The FAA is using the performance flight date as its monitor. It does not know when you installed, most likely they really don't care when it was installed either. They do care that you are broadcasting your signal correctly. That is what they want to know about.

Frankly, this is a poster child example of the adage:
"Rules were meant to be broken!" :p
head start

What about...??

Time is getting a bit short. I'd suggest downloading the install manual, plan you mounting, order your wire, etc... so when you get your box, you aren't then ordering the materials needed for install. Good Luck!
Time is getting a bit short. I'd suggest downloading the install manual, plan you mounting, order your wire, etc... so when you get your box, you aren't then ordering the materials needed for install. Good Luck!

My delay items were the high-density D-sub male pin crimper insert, some extra high-density male pins (with the color stripes, I built two cables), a new transponder blade antenna for the belly, connectors for the new GPS antenna cable (TNC), and BNC connectors for inserting the 82 inline into the xponder to antenna cable run.

If time is critical the installer could skip the wiring the Fault and Anonymous discrete lines, fly the test/data flight(s), and later add those discrete lines, with the panel fault light and anonymous switch.

Heads up on the L-band antenna

One thing to be aware of before going the GDL 82 route is you may need a new transponder antenna. Install manual, page 4-4 lists the antennas that apparently perform well enough at the 3 frequencies, 978, 1030, and 1090. These are not the everyday mode C antennas that are tuned for the 1030 and 1090 and are likely already on your bird.