Master Designs

Well Known Member
Looking at picking up a Garmin GDL 39 to run Garmin Pilot on my Nexus 7 and wondering if the 3D version is worth the extra $250.00 The 3D version includes a built-in AHRS so it can show a backup attitude indicator and basic synthetic vision.

GDL 39 = $599.99
GDL 39 3D = $849.00

Also, the battery is extra ($50.00). Is the battery useful so things can be programmed/set-up without firing up the motor? The GDL 39 doesn't come with a 110 volt adapter, so without the battery, you must have it plugged in a 12 volt cig lighter to operate. Is there a need to have power to the GDL 39 while on the ground?

Thanks in advance for your input. :)
I have a GDL39 3D. Good unit. I look at the extra money as buying an emergency backup attitude capability for not much $$.

I can't think of any reason to take it out of the plane, or a case where you'd need ground power. Updates are over bluetooth through Garmin Pilot and if I need it on while on the ground, I just turn on the master switch (which in my plane enables the 12V port).

I've not used it with Android version of Garmin Pilot (I have an iPad) but considering picking one up to leave in the plane full time. The Syn Viz on the iPad is pretty cool, works quite well. You even see traffic in the synviz display (when displayed - ADSB Out is required to get the traffic service).

What the battery gets you is: 1] Allows you to free up the 12V socket if needed (I actually just have extra sockets), and 2] continued service in the event of a ship electrical failure, either entirely or at the 12V socket.
Recently upgraded my GDL39 to the 3D version.

Had a battery for the original but never used it. Sold it with the original.

While the 3D does bring attitude to the portables, it is no where near as good as a real fixed AHRS and must be zero'd once straight and level in flight to be useful. I have found that it also can build up some significant errors even with relatively mild maneuvering and require zeroing it out occasionally. On the ground, accelerating and decelerating and turning can cause it to display errors as well. Hopefully Garmin still has someone working on improving the 3D features of the unit.

I would consider it a novelty for the most part (gives the occasional co-pilot/passenger and Young Eagle something to look at on there side) and a backup to the real backup D6 in my airplane. No way I would consider it as a primary backup for IMC...
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I think the iLevil AHRS has similar issues. I don't know if software could be used to account for the precession, or if these early AHRS units are just toys, and new hardware will be required to really have a reliable portable AHRS system.

I decided I will install a certified ADS-B system in my plane, and wait for new technology as far as a digital AHRS system is concerned. I just sold my iLevil unit.
Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like the battery isn't needed and the built-in AHRS system of the 3D version needs some refinement. Since it can't be determined at this time if the AHRS accuracy and errors can be fixed with a software upgrade, I think I'll save the money and go with the Garmin GDL 39 (non-3D version) and without the battery.
I bought Garmin GDL 39 3D, flying here in Chile the only thing that works is ADS-B air to air, the AHRS is workless because Pilot Garmin doesn't have support or database outside USA and I don't know why Garmin didn't let the AHRS works with other app like XAVION or Air Nav Pro.

I love Garmin product but I will not recommend Garmin GDL39 3D to anybody outside USA:(
I bought Garmin GDL 39 3D, flying here in Chile the only thing that works is ADS-B air to air, the AHRS is workless because Pilot Garmin doesn't have support or database outside USA and I don't know why Garmin didn't let the AHRS works with other app like XAVION or Air Nav Pro.

I love Garmin product but I will not recommend Garmin GDL39 3D to anybody outside USA:(

Fernando, I think Garmin Pilot now has went Global and has downloads for South America terrain so AHRS must work now. I have Garmin Pilot with subscription Global but I don't have GDL 39 so I'cant test yet.

Here in this forum has a Garmin G3Xpert <[email protected]> that could answer your question specifically have you tried contacting him through here?

** Obs this one is Air Navigation Pro compatible per specs:
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The non 3D has a lot of utility. I put mine below the panel and use the GPS signal from the other Garmin unit. A small transponder stub and it works great. The AHRS is not what I would fly in a cloud with... emergency or not.
The emergency would likely get much worse in my opinion.
The non 3D has a lot of utility. I put mine below the panel and use the GPS signal from the other Garmin unit. A small transponder stub and it works great. The AHRS is not what I would fly in a cloud with... emergency or not.
The emergency would likely get much worse in my opinion.

Flightlogic are you talking about GDL 39? Have you updated it to latest firmware?

I already have Garmin super GTS 800 active TCAS linked to a G3X Touch so I don't need GDL or Ilevil for nothing than AHRS/GPS backup on iPad app for emergency like total eletric failure of G3X.

Don't you think Ilevil AHRS or GDL in the newer version could be a good emergency backup life saver?
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Original post was from US. I use the ADS-B weather and traffic from GDL39 only.
As an attitude indicator... I would simply not trust my life to it.
Just me....
GDL 3D Attitude Indicator as Backup

So is the GDL 3D attitude indicator good enough to use in IMC as a backup if you lost your primary instruments? I see a couple of you said no. Really? If I truly want to buy a backup attitude indicator will this work? If not what's your suggestion for a real backup AI? Thanks
So is the GDL 3D attitude indicator good enough to use in IMC as a backup if you lost your primary instruments? I see a couple of you said no. Really? If I truly want to buy a backup attitude indicator will this work? If not what's your suggestion for a real backup AI? Thanks

Look at it this way. Would you trust your and your family/pax lives to an iPad or droid tablet? If you are gong to fly IFR/IMC do it right. There is no such thing as lite IFR.

Get a real backup. GRT, Dynon and others are worth every penny when you are actually playing "You bet your life"

This has been beaten to death but people keep asking.
While I would never consider any tablet based device as a first "backup" in IMC, I have found the Stratus 2 to be a reliable AHRS display. This is the dedicated AI display on the Stratus App, not the synthetic vision display on Foreflight. If the chips were down and that's all I had, I believe the display would not "make things worse". I have done some significant manuvering and so far the display tracks right along with the Dynon D 10 (when IT works). I have no experience with the GDL 39 3D.