mike newall

Well Known Member
We don't have XM over here but I want to mount my GA56 antenna under the cowling.

Does anyone have a template that I can use please.

I know I could fold one out of card but all you helpful chaps and chapesses out there will surely have done one before me :D

If anyone can help, please email

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Hi John, saw that which prompted me to ask about the plain mount for the GA56. I don't think I have that much space left on the firewall for your mount but the GA56 only in CAD would be perfect. Email should be under my profile - thanks.

We won't get XM ever - wrong part of the planet so they say, we get digital radio instead - good but none of the add ons that XM has :(
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Mike - sorry for the slow response. I've been tied up the last few days. Didn't realize you were not in North America.

I will put something together this week if you don't mind waiting a couple of days.

Bubblehead - thanks, I'm a very patient person :D

Bigginsking - thanks, I have a tip up and don't want the cable getting in the way, but a neat solution for the 8.
This isn't very sophisticated, but it works just fine. I made a mount out of 2 .063 angles and a base plate. Using an adel clamp on the motor mount made it very solid. Took about 2 hours to do.