
I am considering the new Garmin G5 for my -4. It looks like a perfect instrument for the small panel in the 4. If anyone has experience with it, I would appreciate any comments on it you could provide.

I am putting the panel together for my RV-8 after having built an RV-6 (that had no attitude source). I wrestled with the choice. Turn needle only (same as my RV-6), G3X (single Garmin GDU370 non touch), or G5? I ended up deciding to go with the G5, the GMC 307 autopilot control panel and the two GSA28 servos.

The big deciding factor for me was that with the G5, I wouldn't have to install a temp probe, a magnetometer and a ADAHRS rack. Its just a much simpler install. Fewer wires, probes, brackets, fuss. And the autopilot user interface is a bit easier with the GMC 307 control panel. My G3X (non touch) install plan had me interfacing with the autopilot thru the GDU370 and not installing the GMC 307 control panel.

And the overall cost of the G5 with GMC 307 control panel and servos, was still well below the G3X (non touch) single PDF system I had in mind. But the deciding factor for me was ease of installation. I'll post some pictures as I get closer to completion. Good luck with your choice!
To build a little on Sam's comments, the GRT Mini is a pretty simple installation. It's ADAHARS is internal. If you go for the basic Mini, all you have to do is hook up power, ground, pitot, static and the included GPS puck. Going to the Mini-X means adding a magnetometer; GRT has gone to a "smart" magnetometer that no longer needs to be installed in perfect alignment with the aircraft axes, so installation is again considerably easier than previous generations.

The internal battery on the Mini lasts a LONG time. If you back the brightness down from a setting of 10 to 8, which is still plenty bright, the battery goes well past 2 hours of endurance. I seem to like a brightness setting of 6 or thereabouts; I haven't tested endurance of the internal battery using this brightness setting, but I know I would be more worried about my personal endurance than battery endurance. Ours is the Mini-X with terrain and mapping. While we're not yet flying our project airplane, I really like this little EFIS.