
I ordered a dual G3X package just before Christmas and Stark's needs to know the wiring lengths to make up the wiring harnesses. I had achilles tendon surgery recently and am just now getting to the point where thinking about getting into my RV6 doesn't cause an involutary spasm in my foot.
For those of you that have installed the magnetometer on the shelf in front of the vertical stab, and installed the ADHRS unit on a shelf behind the instrument panel, what wire lengths did you use?
I do plan to go out to the hangar as soon as it warms up a bit to make my own measurements, but I would like to compare mine with someone who has been there before me to make sure that I don't mess up big time.
I can't wait to get this package installed and flying.
Hobby Stevens
N41HS, RV6, 275 hrs. flying
Abilene, Texas