
Well Known Member
We are pleased to announce that G3X V8.20 software was released to our website yesterday with a couple of nice new features. There is also a new GDL 39/39R software release V2.80 included which is an enabler for one of the new G3X features. As always, these G3X system software upgrades are free and user installed.

External GPS Support for GDL 39/39R ADS-B Traffic/Weather Receiver
The GDL 39/39R has a built-in GPS receiver and antenna used internally and to provide position data to external devices connected over the Bluetooth link. If you remote mount the GDL 39/39R, you previously needed to install a remote GPS antenna to support that receiver. Well no more, because the software changes in this release allows the G3X GPS data to be provided to the GDL 39/39R automatically over the existing connection. No more GPS antenna requirements, and all devices (tablets, etc) using traffic and weather data from the GDL 39/39R are using the same great GPS data that is being used by the G3X system.

This same feature is provided if you are using an Aera 5XX, Aera 79X, or GPSMAP 69X portable GPS connected to the GDL 39 with new software we are releasing for all of these products tomorrow.

Selected Altitude Intercept Arc
G1000 has had this feature for many years, and it has been on our to-do list for G3X. You can now turn on a selected altitude intercept arc which is shown on the map ahead of the aircraft to show you where you will reach the altitude you have selected at the top of the altitude tape. Ever wonder if you present descent rate will get you below that Class B airspace segment floor before you get there? How about whether or not your present descent rate will get you down to pattern altitude before the airport? Now you will know just by selecting the target altitude and looking at the map. This feature works whether you are using the autopilot or hand flying and climbing or descending.

Stay tuned tomorrow when we will share news on a new product that we will be showcasing in our Experimental Aviation tent at Oshkosh!


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Awesome Steve!

I never did get around to permenently mounting the extra GPS antenna!

Maybe I can sell it back to Stein so I can get some of my money back :D

And you are giving us a "Banana Bar" Wahoo! The hits keep coming.

Keep up the great work.
I am out of town, so tomorrow I will try next software:D

Interesting that no one noted that Garmin is going to announce a new product tomorrow. I think I will not be able to sleep tonight:p

So does this mean that the GDL 39R has been released? It wasn't on the Garmin website the last time I checked.
I don't know whether it has been released or not, but we have been flying it for a couple of days. Today, Louise launched out of College Station in Tsam, and I launched out of Polly ten minutes later in Mikey (with the GDL-39R connected in to the G3X) with the intent of doing an ADS-B intercept. The traffic in the Houston area was well-represented and numerous - qualitativley I'd say it appeared more accurate (comparing target to out-the-window) than the TIS we have ben using. It basically just...worked!

I was able to spot her on the scope as she crossed under the Class B line, and ran an intercept to a nice position on her wing for the rest of the trip home. A fun little exercise that actually accomplished some testing at the same time. We had the latest software, so it didn't need a GPS antenna - just a ball-on-a-stick Xponder unit on the belly.

Yup - it works pretty well!

G3X Brightness

I spent a great deal of time at your tent at OSH. I love the G3X system!
There is one thing, however, that concerned me. The system was up and running in 2 RV aircraft outside your tent and in both cases I could barely see the displays. Supposedly both systems were on max brightness. Even when viewed from directly in front of the display it was difficult to see. I am building a canopied airplane so I am concerned about usability in bright sunlight.

I previously owned the Dynon Skyview and never experienced this problem. I prefer the G3X however. Any idea if there are plans to improve it's readability in bright sunlight?
Thanks very much for your thoughts!
G3X and Sun? No worries....

Never had any issue seeing my G3X screens. I think they are the same as the ones in the 695/696 that everyone raves about.

Prior to the upgrade, I had the D100/D120 combo with the superbright option and when the sun was from my back I could not see them very well. With the G3X I never have this issue.

One good thing about Garmin is that they place their display's right out in the worst conditions they can for all the world to see....

Were you wearing polarized sun glasses? If so, those can drastically effect the brightness. Did you get a chance to sit in the pilot's seat? The screens are optimized for certain angles and if you are outside those angles, this may have effected the perceived brightness.

The Skyview is a beautiful display indoors on the display tables. I have not personally inspected one in the bright Sun however so I can't comment on how they compare under the same conditions.
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I spent a great deal of time at your tent at OSH. I love the G3X system!
There is one thing, however, that concerned me. The system was up and running in 2 RV aircraft outside your tent and in both cases I could barely see the displays. Supposedly both systems were on max brightness. Even when viewed from directly in front of the display it was difficult to see. I am building a canopied airplane so I am concerned about usability in bright sunlight.

I previously owned the Dynon Skyview and never experienced this problem. I prefer the G3X however. Any idea if there are plans to improve it's readability in bright sunlight?
Thanks very much for your thoughts!


Thank you for coming by to visit us at Oshkosh and for sharing your enthusiasm.

As Brian reported, the displays have excellent sunlight readability and myself and others fly with G3X under a canopy and don't have any usability issues.

I've been flying with the 696 for quite a few years (I believe the same screen) with absolutely no issues in sun, even with these old eyes. After visiting with Steve at Osh I can tell you that a G3X system is most definately in my future (as soon as funds allow :D).

I have absolutely no problems reading the G3x screens in my 8 even with the sun astern. I have noted that in display viewing the brightness does not accurately represent what you get when seated in front of the screens.
Piling on...

16 hours plus to Osh and back. Never wanted more brightness. Perfectly readable at all times. No "head cocking" or shading required. Visibility of the screens is not an issue with the G3X.
G3X readability

Thanks guys for all the readability advice. I'm really glad to hear it because I really like the system.


I remember talking to you about bright light readability. I repeat, there simply is no problem! This might help:

Back in my airline days, I found that when I looked outside at the bright defused light, my eyes would close down, and then took several seconds to adjust to viewing the panel. That was true for the 727 with its steam gauges, and the 777 glass panels. I found that Serengeti aviators worked very well in both cockpits. They were dark enough so that my eyes were comfortable looking outside, and still gave easy viewing when looking back at the instrument panels. Other pilots found the same relief with Ray Ban sun glasses.
Green Bananas Rock!

Having flown climbs and descents with the Green Banana in my GRT-equipped airplane for almost eight years, the lack of it was always very obvious in the G3X. Now That I've flown it from Houston to Oshkosh to Reno, I am quite happy - really makes descent execution precise and easy - I hate getting too low too early when it's hot....
Plus another

I had the privilege of flying dual-system G3X in full bubble canopy both going up (the -3) and coming home (the -6) and there was absolutely no issue with seeing the screens at any time (or in any past experience). Flying xc with them was absolutely awesome! Once I better master the GTN650 (still some work to be done there), I look forward to doing a lot of IFR filing to get more comfortable with working within the IFR system.
Readability in Bright Sunlight

Thanks to all of you who commented on this subject! Makes my decision easy.
I do appreciate it,
Danny, thanks for showing me your system at OSH!
Hey G3X Guy

I like the fact that Garmin has filled the gap with G3X EFIS price, but one thing you guys don't have is a GPS/Comm like the 250XL or 300XL.

I have been looking for something like that and between $0 and $7000+ there is nothing that I can find new unless I have missed something. What's up with that??
I like the fact that Garmin has filled the gap with G3X EFIS price, but one thing you guys don't have is a GPS/Comm like the 250XL or 300XL.

I have been looking for something like that and between $0 and $7000+ there is nothing that I can find new unless I have missed something. What's up with that??

Hello N38139,

How about a GPS400W for $3,995 (purchased with a G3X system) and a 10W GTR200 COM radio for $1,199?

Neither of the units you mention support flying WAAS approaches, but with the GPS400W you can fly all of the WAAS approaches including LNAV+V, LNAV/VNAV, and LPV with coupled lateral and vertical guidance.

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Hey G3X Guy

Well your assumption is that everybody wants to fly IFR approaches or have an IFR equipped airplane. I fly IFR approaches for a living and when I fly my RV, that is the last thing I want to do. Soooooo why not have an inexpensive GPS/Com like you've done that with the G3X? The 300xl's and 250xl's sell like hot cakes when you can find a good one. What you suggested still takes up alot of panel space and don't you have to buy a G3X to get the good deal price on a 400W? I'm not complaining because I'll just find a 250xl but there is a VOID in the market you guys could cash in on. :cool:
If you don't need a certified box, the G3X has a smokin GPS built into each screen. Add the new GTR200 for $1200 and you have a lean mean VFR cruising machine!

I have a GTN650 but just for fun I used the G3X internal GPS all the way to and from Oshkosh. It works great!
I am not sure what advantage a 250 or 300XL would have over the G3X/GTR200 combo.
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I'm not buying a G3X. I'm just saying, there are NO com/gps units under about 7K anymore, that was my only point to Garmin.