
Well Known Member
Why doesn't garmin have an email announcement list for this sort of thing?


Change History
Changes made from version 4.70 to 4.80:
Add AGL height data field
Add support for Bluetooth interface to Virb Ultra
Improve display of GDL 39 pressure altitude on datalink info page
Improve GEA 24 RPM signal processing
Improve support for pre-programmed supplemental map cards
Improve display of road labels on map
Improve GSU 73 software update process
General improvements to system operation
Includes update to GEA24 software version 2.80
Includes update to GSU 73 IGRF database version 1.03 (Base Year 2015)
Includes G5 software version 2.40
Includes GAD27 software version 2.20
Includes GAD29 software version 2.30
Includes GDL39 software version 4.70
Includes GI260 software version 2.70
Includes GMA245 audio software version 2.20
Includes GMA245 Bluetooth software version 2.00
Includes GMA245 software version 2.20
Includes GPS20A software version 2.20
Includes GSA28 software version 3.20
Includes GSU25 software version 3.60
Includes GSU73 software version 3.60
Includes GTR20/200 software version 2.80
yeah, i do too...just wondering why Garmin doesn't have an email distribution list for G3X customers...seems like a no brainer thing to do, poll them for feature requests, notify of new software updates, etc

Dynon did a great job of this when i ran their panel, the g3xpert guys are fantastic and patient, but just wondering with the product manager doesn't want some sort of constant customer contact/interaction method
There is a Garmin updates page and I receive email updates of new software builds. I would like to request the changelog be sent in the email rather than having to click through however.
Add AGL height data field

Woo-hoo! I asked about that several years ago. That was one feature my old BMA EFIS-1 had that I really missed. Thanks.
Thanks for the AGL feature. Very good to see.

Sorry to be like Oliver Twist and ask for more please, but we in Australia really would like our chart "sectionals" (VTC/VNC/WAC) to be able to be displayed on G3X. Dynon can do it via a tie up with a couple of local chart providers. Surely Garmin could do similar.

Skyview is very popular in Aus for that reason.
Garmin are a great company in so many ways. Please help.

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Where did it go?

What happened to the update? I saw it while I was at work, when I got home it was gone :-(
I was looking at GDU 37X 11.10 version update but it's not there now.
I second what John says.
I absolutely love my G3X and want to replicate my setup in the 10 I'm building.
The lack of AUS maps is almost a deal breaker now that others are providing it. :-(

Is this something that is any chance of materializing in the future?
Garmin working on it

The software updates for the G3X are no longer on the Garmin site, but they are aware and working on it. 8:45am CT
Update: They had to pull the update and it should be back within a couple days.

I also have a Garmin D2 Bravo watch and after the iSO 10 update it stopped receiving weather from my iphone. They have a new version of the connect app that will be coming out Tuesday Oct. 11 that will fix that problem.
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Theres a bug in the GEA 24 software, so they pulled the update off the website. Should be fixed in a few days.
Theres a bug in the GEA 24 software, so they pulled the update off the website. Should be fixed in a few days.

That would explain it.... I updated the day after it came out and now, when I come out of config mode, all my engine and ADHRS data flickers with Red Xs. A full reboot fixes it, but not something you want to see on the screen....

Anyone know how to get the AGL data? It doesn't appear to show up automatically.
Anyone know how to get the AGL data?

Don't know for sure cause I don't have the update, but I expect it is one of the display "Data Bar" fields.

  • Menu/Menu/Setup/Data Bar/Change
  • Touch one of the data bar fields
  • Touch a new data field from the list (in this case look for the AGL data field)
Don't know for sure cause I don't have the update, but I expect it is one of the display "Data Bar" fields.

  • Menu/Menu/Setup/Data Bar/Change
  • Touch one of the data bar fields
  • Touch a new data field from the list (in this case look for the AGL data field)

Correct, this is how AGL can be displayed, I just updated. Thank you Garmin.
Don't forget to re-pair your bluetooth devices after you upgrade.
I also updated a couple weeks ago, and was surprised to find my autopilot seemed to lose its gain settings. Either that or the updated servo software requires more gain than previous settings.

In any event I had to increase the AP gain for both roll and pitch after the update.

No big deal as they are easy enough to reset, but I have noted the settings this time and will check whenever another update is applied.
Does anybody know if finally the g3x software allows for vertical navigation (vnav) were the pilot sets the descent angle (e.g. 3 degrees) rather than the target fpm (as is in the g1000 and many other certified and non-certified efis)? This has been requested in other 2 vaf threads and g3xpert wrote he would look into it, but never came back afaik. At the moment, the way vnav in the g3x works is that the system fix the angle based on the speed of the plane around one minute before the top of descent, with no control and no visibility for the pilot of what this angle is (so no idea if the descent profile will clear terrain or obtacles, for example). In particular there is no way that the pilot can reproduce exactly the same descent angle to a waypoint on 2 different flights, despite setting the same fpm target on both flights
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