
Well Known Member

We released G3X Touch Version 8.70 to the software download area today. Please note from the list at the bottom that many system LRU's have new software. After updating the software in the PFD1 with the SD card, the display will reset, and at that time it is best to hold down on the Menu button while it starts up in Configuration mode. Go to the System Information page on the PFD1 and watch all devices completing the software update before taking the PFD1 out of configuration mode and verifying proper operation for the updated system.

There are a number of new features included in this update, as well some behind the scenes improvements to improve system function and reliability.

  • Support NAV Radio station identification and authentication. We modified the radio button field to shift the radio title and display a decoded station identifier to the right of the title if the station is correctly decoded and matched to the internal database.
  • Allow fuel tank alarm to be volume driven, rather than time based. This function requires a fuel flow sensor to be installed in the aircraft. The default setting is time based, but can be changed by pressing Menu twice, choosing setup, and then Alarms.
  • Added engine cycle counter. This will work for both turbine and piston engines. Engine cycle count is driven off of RPM and airborne state. Display must remain powered through engine shutdown for the cycle count to increase. Cycle count is visible in the Engine and Airframe configuration menu, under settings, as well as on the ENG page of the MFD.
  • Support for TAS based speed scheduled trim. This is defaulted to IAS, but can be changed to TAS in configuration mode.
  • Added support for GTX 3X5 diversity transponders.
  • Support for up to 6 GDU's, which required adding config ID pin assignments for PFD3 and MFD3.
  • Density altitude limit decreased beyond -1000 feet.
  • Included GSU 25D support up to 55,000 feet. This requires a MOD 1 GSU 25D.
  • Fixed Flitecharts update nuisance message.
  • Fixed TEL button display when GMA 245 is being used for a phone call.
  • Fixed IAS Limit for GSU 25D.
  • Fixed ATZ designation on moving map.

Change log:

Add support for up to six displays (PFD1-3 and MFD1-3)
Add ability to schedule fuel tank reminder based on fuel quantity used
Add support for Kavlico P4055-150G and P4055-5020-4 fuel pressure sensors
Add support for GTX 3x5D diversity transponders
Add option for trim speed control using true airspeed
Add additional autopilot configuration options
Add ability to record engine cycles
Add AFCS fault diagnostic page in config mode
Improve NAV radio status display
Improve transponder status display in config mode
Improve altitude display when adjust baro setting
Improve altitude display when below sea level
Improve density altitude display
Improve data log file processing
Change flight director ROL mode maximum bank angle limit
General improvements to system operation
Includes update to G5 software version 6.72
Includes update to GDL5x software version 2.14
Includes update to GSU25/B software version 4.10
Includes update to GSU25C/D software version 2.40
Includes update to GSU73 software version 3.80
Includes G5 boot block software version 2.20
Includes GAD13 software version 2.00
Includes GAD13 boot block software version 2.00
Includes GAD27 software version 2.40
Includes GAD27 boot block software version 2.30
Includes GAD29 software version 3.20
Includes GAD29 boot block software version 3.10
Includes GDL39 software version 4.91
Includes GEA24 software version 3.70
Includes GEA24 boot block software version 2.20
Includes GI260 software version 2.80
Includes GI260 boot block software version 2.20
Includes GMA245 audio software version 2.20
Includes GMA245 Bluetooth software version 2.00
Includes GMA245 software version 2.70
Includes GMA245 boot block software version 2.30
Includes GMC507 software version 2.90
Includes GMC507 boot block software version 2.30
Includes GMU11 software version 2.00
Includes GMU11 boot block software version 2.00
Includes GPS20A software version 2.40
Includes GPS20A GPS software version 2.00
Includes GPS20A boot block software version 2.10
Includes GSA28 software version 4.70
Includes GSA28 boot block software version 2.20
Includes GSU25/B boot block software version 2.20
Includes GSU25C/D boot block software version 2.00
Includes GSU73 IGRF database version 1.03 (Base Year 2015)
Includes GTR20/200 software version 3.30
Includes GTR20/200 boot block software version 2.30

Please let us know if you have any questions!


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I downloaded and installed this today, test flew for >1h this evening with no issues.

One note. If you are going to do the part:

"After updating the software in the PFD1 with the SD card, the display will reset, and at that time it is best to hold down on the Menu button while it starts up in Configuration mode."

Pay close attention on PFD1, as the PFD updates pretty quickly. I was doing something else and missed it. The rest of the updates to all of the LRUs probably took 20 minutes, and I wasn't really sure when they were done as I couldn't monitor in config mode.

Is there a way to get into config mode if you miss the initial reboot of the PFD?
Stopped talking to the GTX23

I did the update this morning. After reboot the transponder had a big RED X.

Called the G3Xpert line and after discussing the problem it looks like the new G3X software stopped communicating with the GTX 23 box. My latest GTX 23 software was from an Oshkosh visit to the Garmin Booth about 3 years ago. The new G3X software expects to see the latest software on the GTX23, as least that's the conclusion we came to.

As the current update doesn't pass CAN bus updates to the GTX23 the only way to get transponder software current is to remove and take to a shop. Currently waiting on them (local Garmin Dealer) to do the update and see if that fixes the issue. Can't fly with the Transponder out because of ADSB :-(

So if you have a GTX23 that's not current, best to wait to do the latest G3X update until you can update the GTX23 transponder.
GSU 25 Software

I did the update this morning. After reboot the transponder had a big RED X.

Called the G3Xpert line and after discussing the problem it looks like the new G3X software stopped communicating with the GTX 23 box. My latest GTX 23 software was from an Oshkosh visit to the Garmin Booth about 3 years ago. The new G3X software expects to see the latest software on the GTX23, as least that's the conclusion we came to.

As the current update doesn't pass CAN bus updates to the GTX23 the only way to get transponder software current is to remove and take to a shop. Currently waiting on them (local Garmin Dealer) to do the update and see if that fixes the issue. Can't fly with the Transponder out because of ADSB :-(

So if you have a GTX23 that's not current, best to wait to do the latest G3X update until you can update the GTX23 transponder.

Good Morning,

Can you power on your GDU in configuration mode and confirm that your GSU 25 successfully updated to software 4.10?


When is a new standalone G5 version going to come out? The latest experimental version on your website is 6.30 but the G3X update says it includes version 6.72.
I had the same issue with 23ES not working after installing updates. My 23ES software update was from 2019 Oshkosh.

Hanger Neighbor has the same issue with the 23ES after installing updates

Garmin been great to work with. They are going to call me back.

"Can you power on your GDU in configuration mode and confirm that your GSU 25 successfully updated to software 4.10?"



Checked my installation and the GSU25 software is 4.10.


software for GDU and both GSU 25 successfully updated to software I watched from configuration mode to make sure Everything got updated.
Transponder Configuration Lost

I loaded the new software yesterday.
I followed the instructions and watched each component update. The ADHRS took three attempts before it reconfigured.
The transponder and ADSB In are now faulted with a big red X.

I suggested everyone stop loading the new software until Garmin sought out the bugs.

I loaded the new software yesterday.
I followed the instructions and watched each component update. The ADHRS took three attempts before it reconfigured.
The transponder and ADSB In are now faulted with a big red X.

I suggested everyone stop loading the new software until Garmin sought out the bugs.


Hi Alan, What model is your transponder? If it's a 23ES, what's the software version?
No transponder after update

No transponder after update here also. Wish I had read this thread before the update. Reloaded the software twice and cycled the power on the transponder twice to no avail. Sent an email to G3Xpert?s who are traditionally very prompt and thorough.
I received a reply back from Garmin very quickly, they've always been very responsive. They've instructed me to reload the previous 8.61 software until the issue can be resolved.

My transponder that was affected is a GTX 33ES. Garmin told me today that not all transponders are affected.

I think Garmin should tell everyone which transponders are affected quickly
Just curious, where do you download the previous version of the software? Or do you have to be lucky enough to have not overwritten the files on the SD card? Maybe I need to be using a second set of update cards and rotate them at each update.

I tend to keep a few software revisions just in case, but Garmin sent me the link to re-download. See below.


Press Menu twice, Tools, Database Info, and then Menu once more. Select Load Software, with the card in the display.
Software Revision 8.71

We replaced software version 8.70 with 8.71, to address a communication issue with the GTX 23ES transponders. If you do not have a GTX23ES transponder, and have already updated to software version 8.70, no action is required. If you have GTX 23ES transponder and are having issues with software 8.70, go ahead and load 8.71 and everything will sync back up.


Justin, I was one of the ones with the GTX23es and had gotten the dreaded red X for my transponder. Reloaded 8.61 to get back to where everything worked.

Thank you guys for getting on this so quickly.

Tom Hanaway

We replaced software version 8.70 with 8.71, to address a communication issue with the GTX 23ES transponders. If you do not have a GTX23ES transponder, and have already updated to software version 8.70, no action is required. If you have GTX 23ES transponder and are having issues with software 8.70, go ahead and load 8.71 and everything will sync back up.


G5 Software

When is a new standalone G5 version going to come out? The latest experimental version on your website is 6.30 but the G3X update says it includes version 6.72.

G5 software for experimental aircraft is due for an update, this one is not too far off.


G3X Software

Justin, I was one of the ones with the GTX23es and had gotten the dreaded red X for my transponder. Reloaded 8.61 to get back to where everything worked.

Thank you guys for getting on this so quickly.

Tom Hanaway


We are happy to help! Glad everything is back up and running.


Transponder GTX 33ES

I note Garmin feel the issue with the software was only applicable to the GTX 23ES. I have a GTX 33ES and I lost my transponder with the big red X.

Garmin Australia advised me to update the GTX 33 ES Software to version 8.04 per Service Bulletin 1734. Which I have done. Now I have lost ADBS.

If I were to update the G3X with the 8.71 software, will this fix it?

Installed 8.71 in my GDU 460/GSU 73/GTX 23ES system today and all seems to work. The GDL 39 took the longest to update but did complete.
8.71 adhars transfer failure

Dual g3x, dual Gsu 25, lots of other Garmin stuff on can bus.

Trying to update g3x. Consistent error message when trying to update 2nd gsu25. Transfer rate error of 30. Spoke with Caleb (sp?). He suggested disconnecting other instruments from canbus to force concentration on gsu25.

Also, the gsu 25 #1 is updating with no issue..

I’m reluctant to start disconnecting instruments in middle of an upgrade. Any other suggestions?

If I revert to vers. 8.61, everything loads with no issues.

Tom Hanaway
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GSU 25 Software Update

Dual g3x, dual Gsu 25, lots of other Garmin stuff on can bus.

Trying to update g3x. Consistent error message when trying to update 2nd gsu25. Transfer rate error of 30. Spoke with Caleb (sp?). He suggested disconnecting other instruments from canbus to force concentration on gsu25.

I?m reluctant to start disconnecting instruments in middle of an upgrade. Any other suggestions?

If I revert to vers. 8.61, everything loads with no issues.

Tom Hanaway


You already have GSU 25 software from 8.61 software load on the GSU 25, so it is not having to update when you revert to 8.61.

The GDU only sends software to one LRU at a time, so there is no problem with pulling other items off the bus as Caleb suggested. I suspect if you pull a few items off of the bus using your circuit breakers, the GSU software will zip through in just a few seconds.

Send us an email and we can take a look at your CAN diagnostics after the update just to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary there.


Considering there has been a number of issues and some people had had to revert back to an older version, I was wondering if it would be prudent for Garmin to warn people who might not be following all these reports and perhaps even pull the update till a fix has been made. Honestly, since this is not the first time that a new version has caused issues, my confidence is not very high to right away install the newest version and if trend continues, then fewer and fewer folks will be willing to be the first
Won?t be quite that easy since units aren?t on separate circuit breakers. I?ll have to pull panel apart and pull pins from various systems.

Just to make sure. If all other instruments are disconnected other than the PFD and 2nd gsu 25, the update will only try to update that unit. Assuming that forces the update, I can then reconnect other units and continue with the upgrade.

G3Xpert Support

Honestly, since this is not the first time that a new version has caused issues, my confidence is not very high to right away install the newest version and if trend continues, then fewer and fewer folks will be willing to be the first

I will continue to install new updates, have gotten fantastic support from the G3Xpert group Justin, Steve, Mike, and the phone support when needed. I've had to fall back to earlier versions of updates before this one, and because of the continued great products and support I will test whatever needs testing.

Only time I would delay is if I had scheduled an IFR flight in the next few days before I had a chance to test fly VFR.

Won?t be quite that easy since units aren?t on separate circuit breakers. I?ll have to pull panel apart and pull pins from various systems.

Just to make sure. If all other instruments are disconnected other than the PFD and 2nd gsu 25, the update will only try to update that unit. Assuming that forces the update, I can then reconnect other units and continue with the upgrade.



Can you email over a picture of your system information screen, in configuration mode to [email protected]? We can take a look at one is on the bus and help to sort through this for you.


Problem with 8.71

I would caution anyone with a GTX 23 ES and a GDL 39R to not update to 8.71

I'm going to pass a note to the G3xperts but the current software load for 8.71 appears to try and load an old version of the GDL software and continuously loops trying to install it.

The transponder throws a 'Configuration Error'.

Going back to 8.60 resolved everything.

The curious part is - after going back to 8.60 - the GDL 39R is now at version x.91 but the 8.71 software appeared to be loading version x.81
Problem with 8.71

Thanks for the information regarding this update. Unfortunately, I waited for the 23ES fix and updated to 8.71 this weekend - it failed with a XPDR CONFIG ERROR message and a red cross!

I'll contact Garmin later but I wondered how I can now roll back to 8.60? I don't have that update on an SD card and if I did how would I initiate the roll back given that the system seems to only respond to auto updates.

Any practical help would be appreciated.


Thanks for the information regarding this update. Unfortunately, I waited for the 23ES fix and updated to 8.71 this weekend - it failed with a XPDR CONFIG ERROR message and a red cross!

I'll contact Garmin later but I wondered how I can now roll back to 8.60? I don't have that update on an SD card and if I did how would I initiate the roll back given that the system seems to only respond to auto updates.

Any practical help would be appreciated.



Check post #17, for a link to 8.61.
I have the 23ES with GDL50R, updated and flew this weekend with no issues. The 50R did take about 15- 20 min to finish. All good on a test hop.
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G3X Touch V8.71 Works Fine

I upgraded a system from V8.60 to V8.71 this weekend. The system had a GDL 39R connected with RS-232 using V4.81 before the upgrade.

The GDL 39R upgraded with no problems to V4.91 the first time in the normal time frame.

The system was updated properly by powering up PFD1 in configuration mode (after loading software to PFD1) and watching the System Information page for all devices to complete the upgrade before restarting in normal mode.

I upgraded a system from V8.60 to V8.71 this weekend. The system had a GDL 39R connected with RS-232 using V4.81 before the upgrade.

Steve, do you have a GTX 23ES as well? That seems to be the common link with the problem.
Thanks for the information regarding this update. Unfortunately, I waited for the 23ES fix and updated to 8.71 this weekend - it failed with a XPDR CONFIG ERROR message and a red cross!

Nick, you seem to have the same behavior as mine. The posted link to the older version should set you right.

Out of curiosity, does your ES23 and 39R share a RS 232 connection? I have to go back to the hanger to look at my wiring diagram, but I think that is the one shared RS 232 connection in my plane. Not positive, but will confirm.
Nick, you seem to have the same behavior as mine. The posted link to the older version should set you right.

Out of curiosity, does your ES23 and 39R share a RS 232 connection? I have to go back to the hanger to look at my wiring diagram, but I think that is the one shared RS 232 connection in my plane. Not positive, but will confirm.

23ES serial data is from the GSU25, GDL serial is from the display.

You may want to verify software level in the 23ES.
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Steve, do you have a GTX 23ES as well? That seems to be the common link with the problem.


No, this installation did not have a GTX 23ES, but having a GTX 23ES installed should have nothing to do with communicating/updating a GDL 39/39R.

The GDL 39/39R communicates directly over RS-232 with one of the displays.

The GTX 23ES communicates over RS-232 to the #1 GSU 25/73 ADAHRS, which then communicates with the display over the CAN bus.

GTX Config Error

I would caution anyone with a GTX 23 ES and a GDL 39R to not update to 8.71

I'm going to pass a note to the G3xperts but the current software load for 8.71 appears to try and load an old version of the GDL software and continuously loops trying to install it.

The transponder throws a 'Configuration Error'.

Going back to 8.60 resolved everything.

The curious part is - after going back to 8.60 - the GDL 39R is now at version x.91 but the 8.71 software appeared to be loading version x.81


Do you have a value entered for GPS antenna offset in the Transponder configuration menu? Just as a reminder, this value is defined as the distance from the nose of the aircraft to the GPS antenna for the GPS receiver providing position information to your transponder.


You may want to verify software level in the 23ES.

That was next on my list. My 23ES needed repair late last fall. When I sent it in they said they updated the software as well. I was assuming I had the latest version. Never verified what they installed.

Do you have a value entered for GPS antenna offset in the Transponder configuration menu?


Justin, I will check on Wednesday when I'm next at the airport. I do remember setting that value. I'll see if it's still there.
GTX Config Error - fault found

Nick, you seem to have the same behavior as mine. The posted link to the older version should set you right.

Out of curiosity, does your ES23 and 39R share a RS 232 connection? I have to go back to the hanger to look at my wiring diagram, but I think that is the one shared RS 232 connection in my plane. Not positive, but will confirm.

Hi, no I don't have a 39R. I've been in contact with Garmin and with their help it was down to the GPS offset measurement not being filled in in the 23ES Configuration Screen. I'm not sure if I'd left it blank when I initially configured it but it was blank after the update and Justin (Garmin) prompted me to check and enter a value.

Everything is fine now although the 23ES goes through a different sequence of 'error' and 'config' red cross displays before it finally settles down during power up.

Thanks for everyones help and especially G3xpert.


Installed 8.71 in my GDU 460/GSU 73/GTX 23ES system today and all seems to work. The GDL 39 took the longest to update but did complete.

8.71 updated fine for me.
But, one thing is different now: with earlier releases, upon startup, system would boot up with transponder in 'GND' mode and automatically go to 'ALT' once airborne. Now, it boots in 'STBY' and have to manually select 'GND' each time.
Yes, when updating software, the xpdr starts up in 'STBY' but once you select 'GND' it boots that way on subsequent startups. Not anymore.
No, this installation did not have a GTX 23ES, but having a GTX 23ES installed should have nothing to do with communicating/updating a GDL 39/39R.

True, but the reason for the 8.71 update was because of it's effect on 23ES transponders. My 23ES transponder was showing "Xpnder Config Error" after updating with the new 8.71 release as well as having an issue with the GDL 39R update.
Installed 8.71, short test flight and GPS approached coupled to the 507 AP, normal avionics operations on that flight.

Justin, what is the easiest way to display density altitude on my GDU 460? I see it in the weather tab also.
Do you have a value entered for GPS antenna offset in the Transponder configuration menu?

Checked and the field was blank. I entered the value and reinstalled 8.71 with no issues.

Not sure why field was blank. Is that value stored in the transponder? Could the servicing of my transponder last winter have caused the value to be lost?
GDU Configuration Module

Checked and the field was blank. I entered the value and reinstalled 8.71 with no issues.

Not sure why field was blank. Is that value stored in the transponder? Could the servicing of my transponder last winter have caused the value to be lost?

That value is saved in the configuration module of the GDU. So far, all of the occurrences we have seen never had the field filled out, or had mistaken the field for a lateral offset from center-line, rather than distance from the nose of the aircraft to the GPS antenna, so they had entered zero. When your transponder was serviced there should not have been any change to the settings held in the GDU's configuration module.

In any case, the system is just now a little less tolerant of a value of zero for that field and flags us if it sees it, it is an easy one to correct.


Map display screen

Unexpected behavior of map screen on G3X.

Prior to the update my zoom setting of the map in full screen mode would be locked in if I switched to another page (ie the engine instrument display screen). While looking at the engine new page the current map page would show in a small selection of the screen in the lower left corner. When I pressed the back button to return the map to the main screen and drop the engine instr page, the map would return but the zoom had expanded to the maximum setting and I have to manually reduce it to my prior desired setting.

It never use to do this, it always kept the original setting regardless of how many times I switched to other pages and back again.

This new behavior is very time consuming and annoying. I have gone into setting and change the auto zoom feature in as many ways as I can see and have not been able to get back to the way the earlier G3X software behaved before the update.

Another very minor glitch observed when changing to this version:

The time based switch tank warning is turned off when upgrading.

After about 40min of flight I was starting to wonder why I got no message, then went into the menu and saw that this warning was turned off. I set it to the new warn at a volume instead :D

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I flew the other day for over an hour, I?m set for tank change every 30 minutes and just realized, I didn?t get a notice to switch tanks at the 30 min mark.

I?ll be checking the configuration today when I update my maps.