
Well Known Member
Looks like my AFS 4500 AHRS is toast, though it might be a simple magnetometer change. Either way, I've now decided to do a new panel in my RV8 come fall.

I'm going to go with a Garmin G3x Touch, and was wondering about options. I'm very behind the curve on all the glass gadgetry. I took 22 years off of aviation, and just came back last year, so all this new stuff is sorcery to me.

I see that I can use a 10" or 7" screen, and it looks like everything is basically a remotely mounted "module".

So I could remotely mount the radio and transponder, and eliminate them from the panel, right? They both could be controlled from the G3 screen? Any reason not to?

Will I need to keep my PS1000 Intercom?

For a GPS, I was thinking to mount an Aera 760 Touch vertically on the left. I'm open to suggestions here.

I've got a brand new Sandia 340 backup instrument I could mount right of the G3.

I'd like to get XM radio, and ADSB in/out.

I'm currently working on my IFR rating, though I don't foresee myself doing any flying in the soup in my 8 at this time. If that changes, what would I need to add to make this panel IFR certified?

Anything I'm missing here, or should add? Attached is a rough sketch of what I'm thinking, using an online panel designer.



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When I spec'd my G3X, I tried to stay away from remote modules as much as possible; I found that the interfaces aren't as user friendly as the hardware option usually is. Transponder is fine, as it's mainly automatic these days. But I personally can't stand a comm radio that's not hardware based.

I had room for a 10" G3X, G5, Audio Panel, Comm Radio, GTN650, and autopilot on my panel.
Looks like my AFS 4500 AHRS is toast, though it might be a simple magnetometer change. Either way, I've now decided to do a new panel in my RV8 come fall.

I'm going to go with a Garmin G3x Touch, and was wondering about options. I'm very behind the curve on all the glass gadgetry. I took 22 years off of aviation, and just came back last year, so all this new stuff is sorcery to me.

I see that I can use a 10" or 7" screen, and it looks like everything is basically a remotely mounted "module".

So I could remotely mount the radio and transponder, and eliminate them from the panel, right? They both could be controlled from the G3 screen? Any reason not to?

Will I need to keep my PS1000 Intercom?

For a GPS, I was thinking to mount an Aera 760 Touch vertically on the left. I'm open to suggestions here.

I've got a brand new Sandia 340 backup instrument I could mount right of the G3.

I'd like to get XM radio, and ADSB in/out.

I'm currently working on my IFR rating, though I don't foresee myself doing any flying in the soup in my 8 at this time. If that changes, what would I need to add to make this panel IFR certified?

Anything I'm missing here, or should add? Attached is a rough sketch of what I'm thinking, using an online panel designer.


Several of the traditionally panel mounted items can be remote mounted and controlled through the display as you mention

  • Transponder (GTX 35R or 45R)
  • COM Radio (GTR 20)
  • Audio Panel (GMA 245R)
  • Autopilot Controller (Can be controlled directly through the display)

The GMA 245R audio panel has a very nice interface through the display, as does the GTR 20. The GMA 245R would be required if you want 2 COM radios in the cockpit, in order to switch between the two separate COM transceivers. If you only want a single COM radio, you can do away with your current intercom, as the GTR radio's has a built in two place intercom

Some like to have a panel mounted COM #1, and a remote mounted COM #2, which is an option. The GTR 200 is the panel mounted version of the GTR 20 remote COM radio.

The G3X Touch display has a built in GPS receiver, so all you have to do is add an antenna to it and you will have GPS navigation for VFR use, no need for the Aera 760 in addition to the G3X Touch display for those purposes.

For ADS-B In and Sirius XM information, the GDL 52R would be a good choice. It is a remote mounted unit and connects directly to the display to send weather, traffic and music to the system.

For a basic IFR Navigator, you can add the GPS 175, which is a very basic IFR GPS navigation source.

One piece of equipment you may be interested in is the GNX 375. It provides the same IFR GPS Navigation ability as the GPS 175, and has a built in ADS-B In/Out transponder. In that case, you would not need the GTX 45R, and would only need the cheaper version of the GDL 52R, the GDL 51R, which is SiriusXM only, since the GNX 375 would be providing the ASD-B In information.

Please feel free to send any further questions to us directly at [email protected].


One of my favorites. GTN650, com 2 remote mounted, G5 backup, ADS-B in/out via remote transponder, autopilot, etc..

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One of my favorites. GTN650, com 2 remote mounted, G5 backup, ADS-B in/out via remote transponder, autopilot, etc..


My favorite, too, Walt. I hope you don’t mind but I copied it for my panel for the most part, except using GNX 375 instead of GTN 650. I couldn’t find a better laid out full IFR panel than this to my liking!


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Thanks Robert, glad you're using it, standardization is a good thing.
The GTN series has a few things going for it especially if you are using the airplane to get your IFR rating in.
Moe, you would do well to consider Walt’s panel for inspiration as you go about your panel rebuild. My $ .02
My only suggestion based on your initial thinking is to ditch the idea of the Sandia Quattro 340 and go with a Garmin G5. I know you already have it in the box but do yourself a favor and put it up on eBay or Barnstormers. Reasoning?

1.) The Quattro 340 was a trail blazing instrument and very innovative. Unfortunately it is an unreliable backup attitude indicator. PM me for more information as I don't want this public thread to drift over to the 340 and Sandia is actually a really good company.

2.) The Garmin G5 is not only a reliable EFIS and attitude indicator it is a full G3X system backup where it can provide a complete air data computer/ADHARS platform for the G3X. In other words if the G3X primary ADHARS LRU goes down the system switches over to the G5 as a replacement and the G3X keeps on trucking on that data without going down. No other backup instrument can do that. Not even the newer GI 275.

The layout shown by Walt above is one of the best configurations. And very common in the RV-8. Many builders have gone round and round and many who want a G3X Touch IFR panel end up with something just like that. In my RV-8 I even went so far as to try to go with a GTN 750 rather than a GTN 650 but in the end the RV-8 panel ends up looking forced with that and the larger screen of the 750 isn't so important with a big screen G3X. If you nave aspirations of IFR flying then consider an approved WAAS navigator up front. Otherwise just use the internal VFR GPS in the G3X and go with a couple of comms like a GTR 200 and a GTR 20.
If you slide the G3X a bit to the right, you have room for a standard avionics rack, like Walt shows. Then you just have to decide how to load it (and, you can change it around later if you want) Plenty of room on the right for a standby.


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Is there a reason the autopilot module takes up the most prime real estate on the panel?

I’d move the EFIS up to the top, autopilot module below it.

Is there a reason the autopilot module takes up the most prime real estate on the panel?

I’d move the EFIS up to the top, autopilot module below it.


That’s how mine is setup. All the airline guys want the autopilot up top, but I figured I wanted the EFIS close to my line of sight, and the autopilot near the stick. I’m very happy with my setup, and would spec it the same way if I did it again! Also, Walt did all the work and I couldn’t recommend him more. He’s an artist.

Edit: Not sure why the picture is inverted…anybody know how to fix?


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Rotate in MS Paint (included in Windows), save, and re-post.


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I see that I can use a 10" or 7" screen, and it looks like everything is basically a remotely mounted "module".

So I could remotely mount the radio and transponder, and eliminate them from the panel, right? They both could be controlled from the G3 screen? Any reason not to?


While the G3X Touch display software does an amazing job of supporting control of remotely mounted devices, I am solidly with others in thinking that it is much better to have a radio stack with a group of high value buttons and knobs.

Below is the radio stack that I have been flying with in my G3X Touch aircraft for several years, and I couldn't be happier.

Need to adjust the intercom or music volume? There are dedicated volume knobs for that for both the pilot and copilot. If either the pilot or copilot doesn't want to listen to music, they can turn it off with the volume knob or turn it down to a non-interfering level.

Need to turn the music on/off with a single pilot action? There is a dedicated MUSIC button for that.

Need to adjust the radio volume to better hear a weak transmission? There is a dedicated volume knob for that. Need to turn on/off COM radio standby freqquency monitoring? There is a dedicated MON button for that.

Need to open the squelch on the active COM radio before calling the tower to make sure that the COM radio volume is set to a good value to hear the response? Just push the center of the PWR/VOL knob for that.

Need to quickly arm the autopilot for the active approach? There is a dedicated APR button for that.

Need to change the selected HDG/TRK or ALT for the autopilot? There are dedicated knobs for that.

I could go on-and-on, but you get the idea. After you fly a panel like this for a while, your muscle memory kicks in and you are super efficient at controlling everything.

Additionally, all these devices are available for use even if the big touchscreen display(s) become unavailable.


Here is another example..

Full layout details and schematics at Google link below



Hi Sir, I'm researching building an IRF panel for my "newly acquired" RV-8. The panel layout you have looks amazing. My only question is - why do you have 2x G5 backup displays? Is it simply if one goes down or do you get additional uses out of them that the primary displays are not giving you? Sorry if this is a newbie question, but I'm just dipping my toe into all these new toys. Thanks in advance!
A few more thoughts for a VFR panel:
* The aera 760 is a great backup nav in case of electrical or GPS failure. I'd keep it, maybe wire its serial ports into something useful.
* You only need one G5 backup. (I've done simulated IFR total electrical failure with the PFD turned off on my side, flying the approach with only the G5 and aera 660. Only a mild challenge, less than that the second time. And since this was simulated emergency with a safety pilot, I didn't care about al of the IFR-isms.)
* The G3X Touch is available with Sirius Xm built in
* I have the autopilot on the top of the center stack in the RV-9A, but I'm not sure I'd want it on top of the G3X
* There's lots of debate about where to put the radios in a plane with a control stick, and I've changed my mind at least several times over the years. In the RV-9A, no question, they go into the center stack. But now, having seen how many button pushes and knob twirls I use (granted, flying from an airport with Class C airspace), I'd put all those radios on the right. I'm right handed, and those have knob placements designed for the right hand. Swapping hands on the stick ain't that big a deal, unless you're doing formation or aerobatics or something like that -- which you wouldn't to in the traffic pattern.
* If you go IFR, I'd seriously consider the GTN750 for more screen real estate.

Have fun!
