Ian Coates

Active Member
I am setting up my G3X touch and about to do the magnetometer calibration and the procedure does not specify if the engine needs to be running or not for the interference or calibration checks, I have a new engine fitted and am trying not to run it too much prior to breaking in.

All input appreciated.
I don't know anything about the G3X, but if it was me, I'd have everything on that would be on during flight. Break the engine first so you don't have to worry about it, then do the calibration.
I am setting up my G3X touch and about to do the magnetometer calibration and the procedure does not specify if the engine needs to be running or not for the interference or calibration checks, I have a new engine fitted and am trying not to run it too much prior to breaking in.

All input appreciated.

Hello Ian,

It is best to perform the magnetometer calibration with the engine running, but no problem if you are not comfortable using your new engine at this time to perform the calibration.

Just rotate the aircraft by hand as instructed on the display to complete the calibration.

You can always go back and repeat the magnetometer calibration with the engine running later on when you are comfortable doing this if you are not happy with the results of the engine off calibration.
