
Well Known Member

We released G3X Touch Version 8.50 to the software download area today. Please note from the list at the bottom that many devices have new software including G5, GSA 28 servos, GEA 24 engine module, GDL 5X ADS-B receiver, GMC 507 autopilot control panel, and GMA 245/245R audio panel. After updating the software in the PFD1 with the SD card, the display will reset, and at that time it is best to hold down on the Menu button while it starts up in Configuration mode. Go to the System Information page on the PFD1 and watch all devices completing the software update before taking the PFD1 out of configuration mode and verifying proper operation for the updated system.

While the majority of the changes are behind-the-scenes improvements, there are a couple of items worth mentioning.

Simplified Fuel Flow Calibration
All of us have probably gone into configuration mode, done a little math, and made adjustments to our fuel flow calibration (K) factor to make the fuel totalizer more accurate.

This is significantly faster/easier now since you can do this after fill-up from the normal mode fuel calc engine page. Just press Menu on that page and select "Calibrate Fuel Flow" and a pop-up window will show you the fuel used and allow you to enter the actual fuel added to correct the calibration. In this example, the fuel totalizer measured 35 gals since our last fill-up, and we just added 33.5 gals to fill-up.


You can do this as often as you like until the desired accuracy is obtained.

Improved NAV Radio Tuning Support for GNC 255
We mentioned when V8.40 was released that you can now view and tune the NAV radio on the GDU (as shown below), much the same as you could with a COM radio, but that the feature was only available for the SL 30 NAV radio. We are pleased to now offer this capability for the GNC 255 using currently released V2.20 software in that unit. We will add this support for the GTN 650/750 when new software is available for those units.


Touch and Change Wind Speed Field
We have received quite a few requests to be able to touch the wind speed/direction field on the PFD and quickly change the format between speed/direction and heading/cross-wind components. This can now be done.

Changes from V8.40 to V8.50
o Add support for fuel flow calibration adjustment from Engine page
o Add option to change fuel calculator units (e.g., lbs/hr)
o Add configuration of fuel type
o Add ability to touch PFD wind field to toggle its display mode
o Add support for Piper Altimatic IIIC autopilot
o Add ability to display weight & balance envelope as moment versus weight
o Add ability to configure best-glide sink rate based on distance versus altitude
o Change low-airspeed ESP to remain disarmed until airspeed exceeds minimum limit
o Improve GSU 25C/D static pressure calibration procedure
o Improve configuration for Beechcraft 102-389012 fuel flow sensor
o Improve autopilot operation during on-ground tests
o Improve engine gauge visibility configuration on 7' displays
o Improve display of GPSS data field on 10' displays
o Improve selection of AGL height data field
o Improve NAV radio tuning
o Improve verification of LRU software update data
o Improve editing of complex weight & balance envelope points
o Improve ADS-B status display in config mode
o Improve traffic data processing and display
o Improve checklist file processing and display
o Improve chart data processing
o General improvements to system operation.
o Includes update to G5 software version 6.40
o Includes update to GDL5x software version 2.13
o Includes update to GEA24 software version 3.70
o Includes update to GMA245 software version 2.70
o Includes update to GMC507 software version 2.90
o Includes update to GSA28 software version 4.50

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Thanks Steve. Could you include links to the changelogs for the associated firmwares like the G5, GEA, GSA, etc?
I like that fuel calculation feature. I seem to have a 1 gal delta... I never know if it's because I over filled or under filled. This should help me narrow it down.
I like that fuel calculation feature. I seem to have a 1 gal delta... I never know if it's because I over filled or under filled. This should help me narrow it down.

I have noticed the same with my -10. I have been resetting the total fuel to 59 after topping off. This should be very helpful to dial it in.

Ideas for Garmin for future releases:
- It would be nice to have a way to track L and R tanks separately on the screen. Something I could tap when I change tanks to see how much fuel I have drawn off of each tank. This would also be useful to see how the fuel gauges are correlating to fuel used in flight without having to write it down and do the math.

- It would also be nice to have the fuel used amount in the data logging .csv file.
Install hung

I did this install this morning and found that the install hung up on the can bus data transfer to the G5. Multiple attempts, no joy...

I'm wondering if I can just do the update to the G5 from a microSD card?
Long Update

This update took 4 hours for me. I though it was hung but waited anyway. While I waited I exchanged email with Steve and he said he never had that problem in all his updates and that it was probably a can bus issue.

I have not had any issues up until this update, and after I waited the 4 hours it did finish up and was OK, ran fine.

It took 2 hours to begin the G5 update, then at 3 hours it got to the GEA24 update. Glad to see I wasn't the only one who had the experience.

So if you run this update, make sure you have battery power for 4 hours , you don't want it to stop halfway though.
4 hours, wow!

My can bus is solid, and the rest of the devices updated quickly. While watching the devices, the G5 showed the update failed and it proceeded to all the rest quickly and with no problem. Upon reboot, it tried the G5 again and I let it run for about 45 minutes. Something isn't quite right here...
I did this install this morning and found that the install hung up on the can bus data transfer to the G5. Multiple attempts, no joy...

I'm wondering if I can just do the update to the G5 from a microSD card?
Hello upperdeck,

One thing to try in a case like this is to power off everything but the PFD (which pushes software to all the other devices) and the G5 (the device you are trying to program).

Making the entire CAN bus bandwidth available to push software with no interruptions from other devices will likely do the trick. An aircraft with a solid CAN bus will normally not have to do this.

As mentioned in the original posting, we also like to put the PFD in configuration mode when doing updates to both simplify system communications and provide visibility into when each device has received the software version identified above.

Please contact us directly if you have questions.

Hello upperdeck,

One thing to try in a case like this is to power off everything but the PFD (which pushes software to all the other devices) and the G5 (the device you are trying to program).

Making the entire CAN bus bandwidth available to push software with no interruptions from other devices will likely do the trick. An aircraft with a solid CAN bus will normally not have to do this.

As mentioned in the original posting, we also like to put the PFD in configuration mode when doing updates to both simplify system communications and provide visibility into when each device has received the software version identified above.

Please contact us directly if you have questions.



I'll try that.
This update took over 4 hours for me as well. The G5 was the big problem. After 2+ hours it initially said it failed but immediately started again so I let it go for another couple hours with only the pfd and G5 powered up. I thought it had completely messed G5 up but it eventually rebooted and updated to v6.40.
certified vs. experimental

I wonder if the update is valid for both Certified and Experimental G3Xs and G5s and it that would make any difference in the update completion?
For those of you that the update took multiple hours, did you install while in Config mode?

Those that installed in Config mode, did your update take hours or install normally?

I have a few flight to San Francisco in the next week so I?m going to hold off since v8.40 has been solid.

I updated my system today with no issues, the G5 always takes a little longer but it didn't seem any different than any other update.
Mine was in config mode (I don't think this affects the speed of the update) and while the G5 always takes longer, this update was extreme.

We released G3X Touch Version 8.50 to the software download area today. Please note from the list at the bottom that many devices have new software including G5, GSA 28 servos, GEA 24 engine module, GDL 5X ADS-B receiver, GMC 507 autopilot control panel, and GMA 245/245R audio panel. After updating the software in the PFD1 with the SD card, the display will reset, and at that time it is best to hold down on the Menu button while it starts up in Configuration mode. Go to the System Information page on the PFD1 and watch all devices completing the software update before taking the PFD1 out of configuration mode and verifying proper operation for the updated system.


So, I?ve got two G3X displays, do I still update the right screen first, like I normally do, without adhering to the above by going into Config mode?

Then follow the above for my left G3X?

We released G3X Touch Version 8.50 to the software download area today. Please note from the list at the bottom that many devices have new software including G5, GSA 28 servos, GEA 24 engine module, GDL 5X ADS-B receiver, GMC 507 autopilot control panel, and GMA 245/245R audio panel. After updating the software in the PFD1 with the SD card, the display will reset, and at that time it is best to hold down on the Menu button while it starts up in Configuration mode. Go to the System Information page on the PFD1 and watch all devices completing the software update before taking the PFD1 out of configuration mode and verifying proper operation for the updated system.


So, I?ve got two G3X displays, do I still update the right screen first, like I normally do, without adhering to the above by going into Config mode?

Then follow the above for my left G3X?
Hello RV12JT,

Yes, that is a good procedure. The PFD1 display does all the software loading of the other devices (besides the other GDU 4XX units), so it is a good idea to update all displays except for the PFD1 display first and get that out of the way. I have a separate power switch on my MFD display, so I always shut it off and leave it off after updating until the PFD1 display is done updating the rest of the aircraft.

Next, update the PFD1 display, and when it resets, hold down the menu button to bring it up in config mode after which it will update the rest of the devices in the system.

Here is another tip. I like to insert the software loader card into a display with it powered off, then power up the display while holding IN on the right inner knob. This will cause the display to immediately load the software on the card before doing anything else. You can release the inner knob as soon as you see the "Loading" message on the display. If you use this method, just be careful to make sure that your loader card has the new software on it, because this method will also "force load" older software to the display if used.

One more tip. When taking the PFD1 display from normal mode to configuration mode, there is no reason to power cycle it. Just press the MENU, BACK, and NRST keys together (which will reset the display), then immediately hold in on the MENU button until it comes up in configuration mode. You can go in/out of configuration mode all day without ever cycling power.

I updated my system today with no issues, the G5 always takes a little longer but it didn't seem any different than any other update.
Hello Walt,

That was exactly my experience. The G5 always takes a little more time to update than most of the other devices, but this update took no longer than the previous updates.

After reading some of the emails above about G5 loading times, I reloaded my G5 from the PFD while timing it, and it took exactly 1 minute and 40 seconds from start to finish.

Looooooooong time to update...

It might be a good idea to check the health of the CAN Bus >before< attempting this update...

We were stuck trying to update the GSA 28 (Pitch Servo). After rebooting the PFD and entering configuration mode, we could see the Network Error Rate for ALL of the devices on CAN Bus (GSA 28, GEA 24, GSU 25, etc.) bouncing around 10%.

Once the update completes (probably around 3 hours...), we'll dig into the devices/wiring and try to figure out the cause of the errors.

My G3X Touch software V8.50 update took a few minutes. I don't have a G5. I think CAN bus node length can be a factor. My CAN bus daisy chain laces the shielding together at each node and only connects the shielding at the two end node backshells. That was per the original installation instructions; Later revisions changed this to add bonding of the shielding to every backshell at every intermediate node in addition to the ends.

But the reports coming in from the field in the last two days does bring back shades of V5.70. This was a G3X Touch update back in February 2018 that really stressed the CAN bus. On one aircraft it took me 4 hours to install. It caused all sorts of trouble including LRU interface failures and was somehow related to the G5 update. Every G3X Touch I updated that had a G5 had major autopilot issues and one even had a GSA 28 autopilot servo hardware fail that Garmin replaced under warranty. I guess the stress put on the system flushed out marginal components. The one system without a G5 (mine) had no issues with V5.70. Things got so bad Garmin provided a roll back to V5.60 while they worked out a newer corrected update.

V8.50 doesn't seem to be as wonky as V5.70. "Yet". But there is no question these types of comprehensive updates flush out sub-par CAN bus wiring.

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Hello RV12JT,

Yes, that is a good procedure. The PFD1 display does all the software loading of the other devices (besides the other GDU 4XX units), so it is a good idea to update all displays except for the PFD1 display first and get that out of the way. I have a separate power switch on my MFD display, so I always shut it off and leave it off after updating until the PFD1 display is done updating the rest of the aircraft.

Next, update the PFD1 display, and when it resets, hold down the menu button to bring it up in config mode after which it will update the rest of the devices in the system.

Here is another tip. I like to insert the software loader card into a display with it powered off, then power up the display while holding IN on the right inner knob. This will cause the display to immediately load the software on the card before doing anything else. You can release the inner knob as soon as you see the "Loading" message on the display. If you use this method, just be careful to make sure that your loader card has the new software on it, because this method will also "force load" older software to the display if used.

One more tip. When taking the PFD1 display from normal mode to configuration mode, there is no reason to power cycle it. Just press the MENU, BACK, and NRST keys together (which will reset the display), then immediately hold in on the MENU button until it comes up in configuration mode. You can go in/out of configuration mode all day without ever cycling power.


Thank you Steve, for the quick reply and awesome ?TIPS?! Very much appreciated.
Just in case... which file updates the G5? If I remove that file from the card, then I don't have to worry about a possible four hour upload until I have four hours to let it cook...


I asked in another thread but what is the most reliable means to transfer updates to the Garmin system (aka do I need to buy a windows laptop?)
Did I miss an update?! The screenshot on the first post shows Checklists as a page you can twist to. THIS IS HUGE!!

Thank you very much.

Edit: it was included in the 8.4 update. I'm so happy about this one!!
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Installing mine now..... 30 seconds for everything but the G5 ..... it’s been 2:15 minutes and just now @ 75% ........ should have set the alarm and took a nap.
RV3B N931M

Total load time was 3hrs 20mins start to stop everything seems to be working normal.
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Just completed my update, no issues. Did my MFD first, shut it down after re-boot , then updated the PFD1. When that completed, I turned on my avionics, G5 and A/P, all while watching the updates completing in Config mode. Easy peasy, thanks again to G3Expert.

By The Way, the G5 update went smoothly and under 2 minutes.
Well, I just installed the update in my ELSA RV12. All Garmin including servos .. wiring as supplied by Stein .. strictly ELSA .. no G5 .. no wiring changes. So I assume wiring is correct including the can bus wiring.

For the past 4 years I have installed every software update as they were released. So have done many installs. Typically, they have only taken several minutes.

This time, it took a few hours .. didn't time it, but it took a loooong time. Watched in config mode (when I didn't get tired of looking) and no can bus or other errors noted. Seemed to complete ok.

I find it interesting that others have had varying update times. Something is different this time. It's not a super big deal, but I was not expecting the long wait .. didn't get to fly since it got dark while waiting. I wonder if G3Expert has any idea what caused this.
Adding to my last post, I wonder if the long install times that some have experienced (including myself) is indicative of some problem with any of the LRU's. Even though everything seems to be working correctly, I'm curious if it might be indicative of an impending failure or marginal LRU. Could G3Expert address this?
Adding to my last post, I wonder if the long install times that some have experienced (including myself) is indicative of some problem with any of the LRU's. Even though everything seems to be working correctly, I'm curious if it might be indicative of an impending failure or marginal LRU. Could G3Expert address this?
Hello Richard,

No, we don't think this is an indication of an LRU problem. Email sent.

I feel like a fool but I'm on the updates and download section for the G3x and all I see is v8.4. I cannot find v8.5 anywhere. What am I missing?
Turned off everything except the PFD, updated it. Then did the G5 with PFD in co gig mode so I could watch progress. Took less than two minutes.
Version 8.5 temporarily withdrawn

FYI, Garmin have informed me that they have temporarily withdrawn the 8.50 version as they identify why some people are having lengthy loading issues.
G3X Touch V8.60

Good morning,

We released GDU 4XX V8.60 software to the software download page today.

The V8.60 software is the same as the V8.50 software discussed above with additional improvements to increase software loading speed.

While the PFD is capable of updating the other devices in the system in both normal and configuration modes, it is still a good idea to first load the new software to the PFD, and when it resets, hold down the Menu button to bring the PFD up in configuration mode where you can watch the PFD update all the other devices in the system that have new software on the System Information page.

Even if you previously updated to V8.50, you should still update all displays to V8.60.

Please email or call us directly if you have questions.

Steve, should we allow all LRUs and G3X devices to complete updating their software before updating the MFD?
Steve, should we allow all LRUs and G3X devices to complete updating their software before updating the MFD?
Hello Charley,

It takes less than 30 secs to update each display, so I would leave the MFD powered off until the PFD has completed its work of pushing new software to the devices that require it.

You can also update the MFD first if you prefer.

You can also update the MFD first if you prefer.


In my case I can't cut the power to either panel without physically removing the connector. I typically upgrade my MFD first, then the PFD.. do the menu thing then turn on all the avionics. Seems to work fine.
Went quick

Hi Steve, installed the new 8.60 software today and it went in real fast. I had installed the 8.50 and it took four hours while it installed all the LRUs along with the G3X.

This update didn't seem to install any LRUs, only the G3X, was that expected?

Everything is working fine, thank the support team!
This morning I installed v8.60 (never installed v8.50)

MFD took approx. 30 seconds.
PFD took approx. 30 seconds.

All other components (including all below) loaded in approx. 5 minutes total.
-GSU 25
-GEA 24
-(2x) GSA 28
-GAD 27
-GAD 29
-GMA 245
-GMC 507
-GEA 24
-GMU 11
-GTR 200

Glad to see AGL back in the Data Bar, helpful practicing Eights on Pylons.
Hi Steve, installed the new 8.60 software today and it went in real fast. I had installed the 8.50 and it took four hours while it installed all the LRUs along with the G3X.

This update didn't seem to install any LRUs, only the G3X, was that expected?

Everything is working fine, thank the support team!
Hello Steve,

Yes, for those that installed V8.50, the LRUs were already up-to-date with the new software versions released in V8.50, so the only update was to the GDUs when installing V8.60.

I tried to update mine to 8.6 yesterday and, while the screens updated in minutes, everything else took substantially longer (hours). My transponder still isn't back up and is showing as a red X on the screens.

Now, I haven't flown yet (getting close!) and so this was the first upgrade done since I installed the panel. The previous version was old (maybe v6.x?), but I wouldn't think it would hang the entire process.

I don't know what to try next, but I'd like to see the process complete and my transponder come back, that's for sure.
I tried to update mine to 8.6 yesterday and, while the screens updated in minutes, everything else took substantially longer (hours). My transponder still isn't back up and is showing as a red X on the screens.

Now, I haven't flown yet (getting close!) and so this was the first upgrade done since I installed the panel. The previous version was old (maybe v6.x?), but I wouldn't think it would hang the entire process.

I don't know what to try next, but I'd like to see the process complete and my transponder come back, that's for sure.
Hello Ken,

It would be best to contact us directly via email so we can ask some questions and request some screen shots. No one else has seen these delays, so there is something else going on.

Hello Ken,

It would be best to contact us directly via email so we can ask some questions and request some screen shots. No one else has seen these delays, so there is something else going on.


Hi Steve,

Email sent. Thanks for any assistance you can render.
LRU file corrupt or missing

I tried to upgrade a friends RV-14 (SLSA), it was being upgraded from 7.00 to 8.60. Update did take a long time and it would display "LRU file corrupt or missing" message. It would also update the internal databases, but continues to try and complete one of them and save it complete, but after re-inserting the SD card it would do it all over again with the same result. Any ideas?


Ray Doerr