
Well Known Member
I noticed that a new software update is available for the G3X Touch. Updates are below but I just have to say how impressed I am with the G3X team. A couple of the updates are something I requested just a few weeks ago in the wish list thread. Now maybe somebody beat me to the punch and it was already on the task list for this update but you gotta love when a team responds so nicely to the end user input! Well done TeamX!!

Changes made from version 5.10 to 5.20:
Add support for GDU 470 7' portrait display
Add support for GMU 11 magnetometer
Add support for Rotax 915iS engine FADEC interface
Add support for ULPower engine FADEC interface
Add support for Nearest Airports inset window on GDU 46x PFD
Add ability to edit comment text for user waypoints
Add option for half-volume music muting for GTR 20/200
Add support for discrete input on GTR 20/200 to toggle COM radio MON mode
Add support for displaying fuel economy in nm/gal units
Add configuration option to hide on-screen controls for panel-mounted COM radios
Add display of Rotax FADEC maintenance status information in configuration mode
Change envelope protection to allow pitch, roll, high airspeed, and Mach limit protection to operate when AGL height is unknown
Change GMA 245R to enable COM MIC 1 and pilot to copilot intercom when GDU displays are inoperable
Improve GPS data processing
Improve Connext flight plan transfer to GNS navigator
Improve COM radio RS-232 configuration on PFD2/MFD2 displays
Improve GTX x5R/3x5 transponder RS-232 port configuration
Improve engine gauge display for twin-engine applications
Improve GMA 245/245R music volume
General improvements to system operation
Includes update to G5 software version 3.00
Includes update to GEA24 software version 3.10
Includes update to GMA245 software version 2.30
Includes update to GSU25 software version 3.70
Includes update to GSU73 software version 3.70
Includes update to GTR20/200 software version 2.90
Includes GAD27 software version 2.20
Includes GAD29 software version 2.30
Includes GDL39 software version 4.80
Includes GI260 software version 2.70
Includes GMA245 audio software version 2.20
Includes GMA245 Bluetooth software version 2.00
Includes GMU11 software version 2.00
Includes GPS20A software version 2.20
Includes GSA28 software version 3.20
Includes GSU73 IGRF database version 1.03 (Base Year 2015)
Good to hear Darin. I am on the 3rd or 4th update and Im still building!!
Just about finished with my cowling and front skin. I put a couple access panels in and they slowed me down. Im hope to be painting next week if it warms up a bit.

Have fun - we were just up in your neck of the world last weekend visiting our daughter in Seattle.
And you didn't stop by? ;-)

Can't wait to see your bird on the ramp at KPLU all painted and pretty!
And you didn't stop by? ;-)

I would have loved to come up and go for a ride. We spent most of the time building an arbor and landscaping. Any extra time was spent eating at some of the great places to eat in Seattle. We lack interesting places to eat in the Boise area!
wish they'd put the XM controls ON PFD and MFD, and/or show artist/track/station somewhere other than that page
i just recently noticed the XM-weather has turbulence forecast and icing forecast products, is this something added within the past few releases?

curious why the turbulence forecast only reads 18,000 and up