
Well Known Member
The single display G3X panel shown below is at the other end of the spectrum from the great 3 display panel that Matt posted, but it shows what you can do in an aircraft with a small instrument panel like the Longez.

The most important engine gauges are shown at the top of the PFD. There is a separate engine page that shows the less critical gauges that can be selected to the bottom of the PFD.

The XM radio and audio alert connections from the GDU375 are tied into the GMA240 audio panel which is great for this because it has a dedicated music volume knob and a quick access Music on/off button.

Separate GPS and XM antennas are mounted inside the aircraft under the access hatch you see in the linked picture of the aircraft. Since the XM receiver and GPS are built into the GDU375 display, the antennas are very small.

The AHRS/Air Data/engine interface is mounted forward of the instrument panel just aft of the canard on a bulkhead. The magnetometer is mounted in one of the wing strakes.

Since the Longez doesn't have the heat generator up front, you have more flexibility in mounting the OAT probe. This one is mounted in the nose gear retract mechanism area (not sticking out to cause drag). The air temp in this area is always the same as outside air.

The last picture was taken this weekend just before the first flight. This was the first flight of a G3X system in a homebuilt aircraft.


Panel all wired up and ready to head to the airport.


Link to picture of aircraft showing access hatch to antennas:

Panel installed in aircraft just prior to first flight.

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Looks great Steve! Congratulations on your new panel.

Also, good to know the G3X system will work in plastic airplanes that fly backwards. ;)


So it appears that you have the AHRS (or whatever they're calling it) unit? I didn't think it was shipping yet.
Steve is a special guy

Let's just say that he and I eat lunch at the same cafeteria...


This looks really neat, and these are the only pictures I have seen with engine guage screen shots...

So, in typipcal fashion, all I can say is I want more....pictures/screen shots that is.

How about shots of the various setup options...can there be a 4 egt/ 4cht display? Pics of the various split screen settings...show it off man!

This looks really neat, and these are the only pictures I have seen with engine guage screen shots...

So, in typical fashion, all I can say is I want more....pictures/screen shots that is.

How about shots of the various setup options...can there be a 4 egt/ 4cht display? Pics of the various split screen settings...show it off man!


It is a bit early in the development/testing cycle to show off some of the engine gauge configuration screens. I can provide an updated post at some point with more detail.

I get claustrophobic just looking at that instrument panel with the legs sticking through it :).
good job

ouch! Pavlov's rule is stsrting to set in on this end... Thanks Steve. I see other good aircraft people read here too.. If you can do this with one of Burts long-ezes, I think you have my tip of the hat. This is much what I have in mind for my RV-8. You have moved this system up on my list, and I will be studing this one a lot harder this year. I would think that the big roll out would be up at Wisconsin this year and that timing may be just right for me as I will be ready for an EFIS late this year!!!!
Much thanks, yours as always! REA III #80888

Hey Steve,
Thanks for posting the pics. Zoomed in (way in!), it almost looks like the boxes for HITS in the background in the PFD. Will the G375 PFD have Garmin's SVT?
Hey Steve,
Thanks for posting the pics. Zoomed in (way in!), it almost looks like the boxes for HITS in the background in the PFD. Will the G375 PFD have Garmin's SVT?


If I zoom in THAT tight I think I can see flying monkeys chasing Dorothy!

Just kidding - sorry, but I can't comment on possible future features. After flying my Longez with steam gauges for the last 11 years, I haven't even worn the new off having an EFIS much less worrying about seeing synthetic terrain inside the cockpit!

I am most impressed that I no longer have to constantly scan my oil pressure and voltage gauges since aural and visual alerts let me know if I am losing the alternator or oil pressure. So much more relaxing to fly and let the system monitor itself.

That "whoop", "whoop" CHECK GEAR alert is also nice to prevent that embarassing condition known as a gear up landing.:eek:

Glad you enjoyed the pics.

Let's just say that he and I eat lunch at the same cafeteria...


Is all that development for X96 and G3X systems done around that KS cafeteria, or do you let your friends in Salem join the fun? I have been thinking of sending my resume down that direction...
