
Active Member
Hi all,
I have a legacy non-touch G3X which came with a SD card when I bought the aircraft (I did not build it). I just pulled the card to look at it on my MacBook using a basic card reader via the USB port on the Macbook.
I am not seeing the expected files - ie flights and engine data.
I would like to track and access my engine data (and flight logs would be nice). I believe the unit should be doing this automatically, but it doesn't seem to be happening.

The only 3 folders on the card are:

fc_tpc (empty folder)
ldr_sys (also empty)
Garmin (with only "gupdate.gcd" in the folder)

The manual I found online states that the flight and engine data is automatically recorded on the SD card, but provides no other information about how to access that data.

So now what?
Is this SD card an update card only and I need to install a new unused SD card?
Anything I need to do on the G3X unit itself to get engine data logging to work?

Separately, if I did want to do an update to this unit, would I need to get a specific SD card from Garmin themselves?

Thanks for any help with this - most info available online refers to the newer G3X touch systems.
That card was likely used for database updates.

Garmin recommends a ridiculously small card (by today's standards) - 2 GB - but I've been using these SanDisk Ultra 16GB cards without issue.

The data log files would show up as .csv files. It should log data automatically if the card is properly formatted. I'm not certain whether it matters if the card is inserted in the PFD or MFD (assuming you have at least two GDU's) but I keep mine in the PFD. Try reformatting the card using the FAT32 standard.

You don't need special cards and all of the update and database information is transferred from the SD card to the GDU, with the exception of Chartview files, if you're subscribed to them.

The OS update files for the GDU-37X can be found here. Information on database updates can be found here.

VFR G3X database updates are free, as discussed here.

Here is a link to Rev Q of the G3X Pilot's Guide, which includes non-Touch information.

Here is a link to the G3X/G3X Touch Installation Manual, Rev AU. It contains information about SD cards and how to update G3X software and databases.
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Thanks - one more

Thank you Dad's...
I think you've mostly answered my questions - but could you expand on the formatting part please.
If this card was indeed used for updates, is it formatted differently, and such a card would not receive engine/flight data?
I will plan to buy a new card, so do I need to format it myself before using it (by using my macbook to do the formatting), or will the GDU (I only have one) format it once I insert the card??
I did read that upon inserting the card, I should see some info on the screen as the GDU sets up the card - is this correct? Is this when it's formatted for the G3X system?

The lack of CSV files indicates there was no engine or flight data on the card, so something was wrong. The folders and file were dated 2015, so it could be a very old update card.

Thanks again for the info and links!
Thank you Dad's...
I think you've mostly answered my questions - but could you expand on the formatting part please.
If this card was indeed used for updates, is it formatted differently, and such a card would not receive engine/flight data?
I will plan to buy a new card, so do I need to format it myself before using it (by using my macbook to do the formatting), or will the GDU (I only have one) format it once I insert the card??
I did read that upon inserting the card, I should see some info on the screen as the GDU sets up the card - is this correct? Is this when it's formatted for the G3X system?

The lack of CSV files indicates there was no engine or flight data on the card, so something was wrong. The folders and file were dated 2015, so it could be a very old update card.

Thanks again for the info and links!

You will format the cards in your PC. I don't use Mac but I assume you can format an SD card with Mac as well. Just make sure to format the card using the Fat32 format. All cards regardless of what you use them for (data logging, database updates, software updates) should all first be formatted using Fat32.

If you insert a blank (formatted) card into the PFD, you won't see any kind of acknowledgment. It'll just create a data log passively. But if you insert a card with database update files before powering-up then yes, you should be see an automatic prompt asking if you want to update the databases after power-up.

I have several cards but I always format them each time I use them. You'll want the OS update (which typically only come out once or twice a year) and the database updates on separate cards. I just keep them in labeled Ziploc bags (data log, database, OS Update, etc).
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Also don't forget to make sure the card is unlocked. (little sliding tab on the left edge of card is in the UP position)
...I will plan to buy a new card, so do I need to format it myself before using it (by using my macbook to do the formatting)...

...I don't use Mac but I assume you can format an SD card with Mac as well. Just make sure to format the card using the Fat32 format. All cards regardless of what you use them for (data logging, database updates, software updates) should all first be formatted using Fat32...

Here's a timely and helpful post regarding formatting SD cards on Mac devices.
Some progress - maybe

Thank you for all the replies and good info.
I have re-formatted the original SD Card (8GB size) using the program for Macs mentioned above. It seems to have formatted in the FAT32 standard using the Quick Format setting - great.
So I will try using that card initially for data logging.

I also purchased the smallest card I could find at the local office store - it is a 64GB size, and when I tried to format this card, I got the message confirming it had been formatted in the exFAT standard. I assume this is because it is a much newer SD card.
I am wondering if the old G3X can work with this exFAT format? I didn't see a way to force the FAT32 format on the new card.
I was hoping to do an OS update with this new card and possibly also a VFR database update.

Regarding the Garmin updates - the website seems overly complicated for getting a simple OS update and the VFR update, with many pages of registration including some fields that have no valid options yet are still required. Are the OS updates free or do you have to pay for them? (The VFR updates are supposed to be free now)

I'd love to exchange info with someone who has managed to update their old G3X recently, please PM if you're willing to offer some assistance getting this sorted out.

Thanks again to all.
I also purchased the smallest card I could find at the local office store - it is a 64GB size, and when I tried to format this card, I got the message confirming it had been formatted in the exFAT standard. I assume this is because it is a much newer SD card.
I am wondering if the old G3X can work with this exFAT format? I didn't see a way to force the FAT32 format on the new card.

Unfortunately I'm afraid that this card isn't going to work. The people who make SD cards have made this more complicated than you'd think, because there are multiple types of "SD cards" that all look the same but work differently. Oversimplifying a bit, cards up to 32 GB capacity are typically SDHC or earlier formats, and cards over 32 GB are always SDXC or SDUC format.

Quoting from the installation manual:

SD or SDHC cards up to 32 GB using the FAT32 file format are supported, SDXC cards are not supported.

(this doesn't mention SDUC cards, since they were created after this manual was written, but you may assume they are also not supported)

Since SDXC and SDUC cards are not supported by your displays, your 64 GB SDXC card won't work. What you want is a card that's 32 GB or less, and is either marked "SD" or "SDHC" and not "SDXC" or "SDUC".

After you get the right card in your hands, you'll also need to make sure the file system is formatted as "FAT" or "FAT32", but not "exFAT" or anything else.

Regarding the Garmin updates - the website seems overly complicated for getting a simple OS update and the VFR update, with many pages of registration including some fields that have no valid options yet are still required. Are the OS updates free or do you have to pay for them? (The VFR updates are supposed to be free now)

It sounds like you are on the Fly Garmin website, which is where you will get your database updates. Yes, free VFR databases for the US are available there.

System software updates for your G3X system are available here, and yes these are also free.
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Hi all,
I have a legacy non-touch G3X which came with a SD card when I bought the aircraft (I did not build it). I just pulled the card to look at it on my MacBook using a basic card reader via the USB port on the Macbook.
I am not seeing the expected files - ie flights and engine data.
I would like to track and access my engine data (and flight logs would be nice). I believe the unit should be doing this automatically, but it doesn't seem to be happening.

The only 3 folders on the card are:

fc_tpc (empty folder)
ldr_sys (also empty)
Garmin (with only "gupdate.gcd" in the folder)

The manual I found online states that the flight and engine data is automatically recorded on the SD card, but provides no other information about how to access that data.

So now what?
Is this SD card an update card only and I need to install a new unused SD card?
Anything I need to do on the G3X unit itself to get engine data logging to work?

Separately, if I did want to do an update to this unit, would I need to get a specific SD card from Garmin themselves?

Thanks for any help with this - most info available online refers to the newer G3X touch systems.

garmin recommends separate cards for updates and data logging. Wouldn't be surprised that if the system sees the update file on the card, it will refuse to send log data to that card. Try deleting the update file and see if it starts making log files.
Thanks Matt,
I'll get the appropriate SD card and try that OS page.
Much appreciated!

FYI - since I have four GDU’s in the family fleet, I bought a five-pack of 8 GB cards from Amazon (next day delivery is great when you live out in the wilds of Nevada with no real stores other than Walmart) for something like 30 bucks, and those are what ride around in the slots all the time. I have separate cards for SW and Database updates that live on my desk so I (sometimes) remember to do updates…..
Anything I need to do on the G3X unit itself to get engine data logging to work?

Don't forget to follow the configuration guidance in the installation manual and go into configuration mode and enable SD card data logging.

Unless this feature is enabled in configuration, it will never log flights to the SD card.

G3X Data Log Enable.png

Don't forget to follow the configuration guidance in the installation manual and go into configuration mode and enable SD card data logging.

Unless this feature is enabled in configuration, it will never log flights to the SD card.

View attachment 51969


Good point, Steve. I'd forgotten that data logging is a configuration option.

I'd recommend the OP spend time going through the configuration pages. After several months of ownership, I'm still tweaking, changing and adding things in the configuration.

The previous owner and builder flew this plane for nearly 10 years and 800 hours and I was amazed at how many things were either misconfigured, poorly configured or had never been configured or calibrated at all.
Thanks for the extra info

Thanks again to everyone for the great information - with your guidance and input, I think I'll get this sorted out eventually.
Just like Paul, I live in an area best served by Amazon - so I'm hoping the appropriate (small and old) SD cards arrive soon and I'll be on my way.
In the mean time I have reformatted the original 8GB card and loaded it with the OS update. That will be the first step.
Then I'll go into the configuration settings as suggested and make sure they look right (to the best of my very limited knowledge), now that I have downloaded the installation guide. Silly me, I was thinking the Pilot's guide would have all that. :eek:

Finally, I'll try to get the new free VFR database installed (using the new SD card) and that should be as good as I can get the elderly system.

Now, anyone have issues with a GDL39 disconnecting right about the time you're taking the runway and refuse to reconnect the remainder of the flight?
I bought a Sentry to use with my iPad running Foreflight and I'm glad I did - the GDL is no longer wanting to play.
I should probably start another thread for that - but lots of other things to get sorted before I can fly again, so it's lower on the list.

Thanks again for all the help.