
Well Known Member
I currently have a dual screen G3X in my RV12 and love the system. And now I'm within about 6-8 months of being ready to mount avionics my my RV-10. I noted that Garmin now has rebates available, which is the normal "Oshkosh" time of year to do discounts and rebates.

Which brings me to the $30,000 question...should I take advantage of discounts and rebates now (before July 31st...), or hold off and see if there's something new and whammadyne released at the end of the year?

I could start mounting stuff now, so having it on hand would be good, BUT, any ideas on when the G3X will see a significant hardware update? I think the G3X Touch has been out for at about 6 years, so I'm wondering if there's a new and flashy model to be released? If not within the next 6 months, I'm probably money ahead to buy it all now during the sale.

Funny you brought this up as I was just wondering the same thing. Starting to design a new panel for my Lancair and don't want to end up with last years stuff once I get it done this winter.

One thing I do wonder is if they will do a TXi version of the G3X like they did with the G500 and 750s etc.
In Early 2014 I decided to upgrade my 2005 era panel with a dual G3X non touch system.
My friendly avionics shop ?strongly suggested? that I hold off a few weeks.
End of March 2014 G3XT announced....

I?m not far off making decisions for my 10 now as well. 6y is a long time for no hardware refresh these days. So I?m wondering exactly the same thing Ron.
The Garmin New Horizons Rebate runs through July 31st, 2020 and includes some great savings. Additional details are included in this thread.

While Garmin is always looking to the future for product enhancements, you'll be safe taking advantage of this opportunity!



Edit: Most products do carry a 2 year warranty from date of purchase. You might take this into consideration when purchasing. The experimental support team, however, does work to be reasonable if you encounter certain issues outside of the warranty time frame.
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Great timing on this question... I am working with the guys at SteinAir on the panel for my 10, and I have this little voice in the back of my head nagging me to wait a bit, as an improved G3X screen has to coming somewhere in the near future.

I appreciate the previous post from Garmin that to me implies that the rollout of an improved G3X screen won't be for sometime yet.

I do wonder why? I think the non-touch G3X screens came out somewhere around 2010, with the touch screens rolling out in 2014. Here we are 6+ years later without any updates. While there isn't anything really wrong with the current G3X screens, I think an update similar to the xi update to the 650/750 with better resolution and faster processors is a bit overdue.
Any updates to the G3X next model rumors?

It has been a couple years since the end of this thread.

Anyone have any reliable info or even decent rumors on when the next Garmin G3X model might be released? I expect to be ordering my avionics mid-2023.
G3X is a great platform and it already has "touch" so I'm not sure what could be added that couldn't be added through a software update.


Between the G3X, Dynon HDX and Advanced stuff I don't know how much better they can really get... The only thing that comes to mind is an integrated IFR navigator but I'll believe that when I see it.
If Garmin is taking suggestions I would love to see the same form factor and pin outs for the GDU460’s but with less plastic border and therefore a larger touch screen.
I am thrilled that I have a panel I bought early 2016 that is still top of the line. Things that have been added like Smart Glide, ESP, and all the updates keep my system running amazingly. Any questions I have get quick response from Garmin and Stein!
G3X is a great platform and it already has "touch" so I'm not sure what could be added that couldn't be added through a software update.

I'm happy to hear people like their G3X systems - I've heard that from a lot of people - just was wondering if an upgrade was near.

I know the G1000 (2004) system was upgraded with NXi (2017) which had very similar function, but a faster processor. A system like G3X that came out in 2014 might be due for a processor upgrade and I'd heard rumors that could be coming.
I would choose AFS

had an RV6A and installed the ASF5600 touch and loved it. I currently have another plane that already had a G3X and put 170 hrs on the plane so far. AFS is more intuitive, easier and quicker to get to the page or you want. I have emailed Garmin multiple times for improvements and falls on a deaf ear.

When you upload data to savvy analysis, there are no Hobbs or Tach time. They have every other parameter except those two, which I told them will take longer for me to ask for them to add it to the data logs. however, that’s not too big of a deal but it’s been over a year and there’s no reason why not to add it to the data logs. However, the big deal is not all of their engine parameters can be seen on the main screen like every other competitor (AFS, Dynon, GRT, etc) as well as other parameters.

I have an ELT that was programmed for Aviation protocol. ELT’s accepts 2 types of formats, Aviation protocol or 4800 NEMA. Unfortunately I have an Artex345 and it has to be programmed at the factory for one or the other unlike other elt’s where they have both types programmed into the unit and the user can jumper the format type. Well the G3X doesn’t have Aviation protocol as one of the 8 or options for their RS-232 choices so now I have to pay $200 to have the elt reprogrammed and 5 week lead time. Thanks Garmin. Garmin plans to add Aviation protocol in the 9.2 s/w update. 9.1 still hasn’t rolled out yet. FYI, AFS can output Aviation protocol to their RS-232’s. I bet Dynon and GRT can output Aviation protocol. Yes I’m annoyed

I have an ELT that was programmed for Aviation protocol. ELT’s accepts 2 types of formats, Aviation protocol or 4800 NEMA. Unfortunately I have an Artex345 and it has to be programmed at the factory for one or the other unlike other elt’s where they have both types programmed into the unit and the user can jumper the format type. Well the G3X doesn’t have Aviation protocol….

Do you have a GTN navigator? If so, you could take the Aviation Protocol from there. Just an additional option.
I have an ELT that was programmed for Aviation protocol. ELT’s accepts 2 types of formats, Aviation protocol or 4800 NEMA. Unfortunately I have an Artex345 and it has to be programmed at the factory for one or the other unlike other elt’s where they have both types programmed into the unit and the user can jumper the format type. Well the G3X doesn’t have Aviation protocol as one of the 8 or options for their RS-232 choices so now I have to pay $200 to have the elt reprogrammed and 5 week lead time. Thanks Garmin. Garmin plans to add Aviation protocol in the 9.2 s/w update. 9.1 still hasn’t rolled out yet. FYI, AFS can output Aviation protocol to their RS-232’s. I bet Dynon and GRT can output Aviation protocol. Yes I’m annoyed

Although good to have set when you order the unit, any good avionics shop should be able to reprogram the Artex 345; it's simply a bit change that is done via serial cable.
I have a GPS175 which has 3 RS-232 ports, however two of the RS-232 ports are used for the G3X and the 3rd port is used for the GTX-35R for the ads-b Out which needs a waas signal.
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ELT reprogramming

Thanks for letting me know that an avionics shop can reprogram it. Artex should have told me an avionics shop could do it especially since it was going to take them 30 days or so to reprogram it. Artex was going to charge me $175. A local avionics shop said $110 which is their hourly rate. I’m sure it probably will only take them 15 min or less between setup and programming but at least I’m saving $ and getting it done the same day
G3X is a great platform and it already has "touch" so I'm not sure what could be added that couldn't be added through a software update.

Here's part of my hardware wish list:
* Database updates transfer from one screen to the other. Probably requires more than CANbus.
* Video screen capture, not just screenshot capture
* Video capture of video input
* Extra high capacity SD cards for video capture and general use
* Audio capture synched to screen capture
* Video output of displayed screen, optionally including synched audio
* Higher digital flight data recording rate, at least 8 Hz for pitch, roll, AOA, G; and at least 2 Hz for airspeed. (Requires more processor speed.)
* Flight plan upload via bluetooth without requiring the extra hardware
* Screenshot and recorded digital data and flight log download via bluetooth

You can guess how long my software wish list is...

Be well!

Thanks for letting me know that an avionics shop can reprogram it. Artex should have told me an avionics shop could do it especially since it was going to take them 30 days or so to reprogram it. Artex was going to charge me $175. A local avionics shop said $110 which is their hourly rate. I’m sure it probably will only take them 15 min or less between setup and programming but at least I’m saving $ and getting it done the same day

Glad that helped. And 15 minutes probably includes getting a cup of coffee ;)
Resurrecting this thread from the deep for the same reason David above did, to see if there is any new information on a G3X Touch replacement. The platform is almost ten years old now and I'm just days away from ordering avionics. I could rearrange my build and put the avionics off until Spring of 2023 if I knew something new was on the horizon. Anyone have any updated information?
The bezel size is the biggest issue. This is especially apparent with the 7” units. Higher resolution screen would be nice. Given how many feature updates they are releasing for the current unit I’d guess we are a couple years out yet.

I just started my kit so I have probably another year before I need to order avionics, other than things like the magnetometer and pitot tube which I assume will not change.