
I'm New Here
So we have recently completed our RV 10. Busy with proving flights. We have a G3X installed.

I have found the mechanism to alert Flap overspend, which uses Invisible points. These logical measures are super, but on approach Mavis pipes up constantly Terrain, terrain, pull up,pull up.
This is most distracting, I know I am going to land as I have extended Flap and airspeed is low. Is there any way to use the same logical points to switch off the voice alerts if the flaps have been deployed.

I cannot seem to be able to find the correct place.

Otherwise I will consider disable the voice alerts alerts completely, because it is so distracting.

Great question. I have the same problem due to rising terrain on the approach end of 33 here in Joseph, OR. KJSY
The terrain alerting settings are user configurable... refer to page 232 in the current G3X Touch pilot's guide (revision U).

The terrain alerting function is also sensitive to the proximity of airports. I see that the OP is posting from outside the US, where it's more common to visit airports that aren't in the database. If this is true for your condition, try creating a user waypoint with appropriate elevation and airport icon.
She, Mavis aka Bit**ing Betty, was absolutely losing her mind last week going into Johnson Creek.
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Waypoints creation in G3X AND GTN

She, Mavis aka Bit**ing Betty, was absolutely losing her mind last week going into Johnson Creek.

I have found creating airport waypoints not only in the G3X but in the GTN data bases has helped the "pull up, pull up, terrain" warning. Doesn't bother me any longer but does get my passengers attention.
She, Mavis aka Bit**ing Betty, was absolutely losing her mind last week going into Johnson Creek.

My experience at Johnson Creek added “traffic, traffic” to “terrain, terrain” as I was following another plane. Fortunately, I wired sound to an Aux channel on the GMA245 (against Garmin advice) allowing me to silence her.
The terrain alerting function is also sensitive to the proximity of airports. I see that the OP is posting from outside the US, where it's more common to visit airports that aren't in the database. If this is true for your condition, try creating a user waypoint with appropriate elevation and airport icon.

Interesting. I wonder if there is a little more info on how this works? I wonder if the alerts are inhibited within some radius around the airport or if it's just near runway finals. At my local airport, I tend to get terrain warnings on downwind when facing a hill, but not on the opposite runway's base which also faces a (closer) hill.
I won't even hook up aural warnings. B Betty can KMA. Even if I didn't find her unacceptably annoying and decided to bring her into the mix, the constant nagging would psychologically place her right up there with the "boy who cried wolf". Might as well bring the ex along. So what's the point.
The terrain alerting settings are user configurable... refer to page 232 in the current G3X Touch pilot's guide (revision U).

The terrain alerting function is also sensitive to the proximity of airports. I see that the OP is posting from outside the US, where it's more common to visit airports that aren't in the database. If this is true for your condition, try creating a user waypoint with appropriate elevation and airport icon.

Thanks Matt,

I had looked at this option and I guess it is where we can say Sayonara to Mavis or Betty. You are correct I am located in South Africa and the Garmin databases , as well as Jepp do not have all of our airfields listed in them. Dont fully understand why, but would not be surprised if our illustrious CAA (Clowns Against Aviation) a body which should be serving the same purpose as your FAA but does not, had something to do with it.

I now need to find a way to import a bunch of waypoints into the system. I have an RV7 which has an MGL EFIS in it and all of the fields and obstacles etc are readily visible and easy to upload from a number of different sources.

Am new to the Garmin world, so trying to find my feet still.

To me the correct solution is to have a menu permitting a similar logic to the settings for a text annunciation , but linked to the verbal message. As an IT (ex programmer) type, this is not difficult to do.

Thanks for your interest and the points you make.