The OB had installed what I think was the stock bent tubing pitot adjacent an inspection plate. When I installed a Garmin AOA pitot tube with mast, I put the G3X temperature probe in the old pitot hole. Easy, and far enough outboard to be out of the exhaust stream and prop wash for the most part.
I placed mine in the bottom of the right wing in the second inspection access cover so it was far enough away from any engine heat and on the cool side of the wing. I also used some heat sink compound in between the sensor and the aluminum skin and then attached it with glue. Securing the wires so if the glue comes loose the probe will not get into the aileron controls. :)
I just returned from the AEA experimental avionics installation class and they were very clear that the probe needed to be exposed to the outside air. They cautioned against ?hiding?the probe as it would give erroneous readings.
I just returned from the AEA experimental avionics installation class and they were very clear that the probe needed to be exposed to the outside air. They cautioned against “hiding”the probe as it would give erroneous readings.

While excellent generic advice, the wing root location on the RV has shown good results. No noticeable delay, no sun or engine heating, and accurate reading within the sensor to sensor variation. Other "hidden" locations certainly may not perform the same. One does not have to locate it there, just don't discard the possibility on generic advice when data is available.
The class mentioned above is based specifically on the G3X system and daughter by an expert that has done many installs so I would not consider this generic advice.

If I remember correctly, the GEA-24 takes in to account the ram air Pressure and compensates accordingly to reach an accurate temperature reading. Without that ram air pressure, the compensation still occurs so your indication would then be inaccurate.

I?m not posting to conflict your real world experience. I only wanted to share the information I recently received from the experts with the original poster so he could make his own decision.

I just mounted mine today and went with the second inspection panel on the left wing as my location of choice. Hopefully that works out. That?s me speaking without any real world data so take that for what it?s worth.
The class mentioned above is based specifically on the G3X system and daughter by an expert that has done many installs so I would not consider this generic advice.

If I remember correctly, the GEA-24 takes in to account the ram air Pressure and compensates accordingly to reach an accurate temperature reading. Without that ram air pressure, the compensation still occurs so your indication would then be inaccurate.

I?m not posting to conflict your real world experience. I only wanted to share the information I recently received from the experts with the original poster so he could make his own decision.

I just mounted mine today and went with the second inspection panel on the left wing as my location of choice. Hopefully that works out. That?s me speaking without any real world data so take that for what it?s worth.

Well, this certainly worthy of further investigation. I have the GSU-73.