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Well Known Member
Hi All,

If you haven't seen it yet, Garmin has announced a new rebate for the Garmin G3X EFIS system - $3500 for the typical 2 screen system. Here are the details:

Single Screen system (no XM): $2000
Single Screen system (w/ XM): $2500
Dual Screen system (no XM): $3000
Dual Screen system (w/ XM): $3500

Here's how it works - simply buy a system from a qualified dealer and Garmin send you the customer a check directly. You'll notice the difference in rebate price just about covers the price of the XM (which is built in to the screen - no external module required). The rebate runs from July 1 - Dec 31, 2010.

Anyway, this coupled with the forthcoming giant display at OSH focused on Experimentals (and some internal happenings at Garmin) shows that they are now really serious about us homebuilders. Should be a fun OSH!


PS, sorry for the repost - me and my stubby finger managed to mis-spell Garmin on the first try! :)
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Any idea how long Garmin is going to run this rebate? I just ordered my fuse so I think it's a little early to lock in my EFIS choice.

Are there any discounts on the GSU 73 ADAHRS units that you need to display PFD info on the screens?

Just a thought...does the $3500 rebate for Dual screen (with XM) require that EACH screen have XM or does just 1 screen with XM qualify for the $3500? I was planning for only one XM screen in a Dual screen IFR configuration. Also, given this new program, should we expect a delay in availability of the G3X from Garmin between now and 12/31/10?


Just a thought...does the $3500 rebate for Dual screen (with XM) require that EACH screen have XM or does just 1 screen with XM qualify for the $3500? I was planning for only one XM screen in a Dual screen IFR configuration. Also, given this new program, should we expect a delay in availability of the G3X from Garmin between now and 12/31/10?


Hi Victor,

Here is the exact text from Garmin:

$3,500 Dual Screen System to include; GDU 375, GDU 370, GSU 73, GMU 44 and GTP 59
$3,000 Dual Screen System to include; 2 GDU 370?s, GSU 73, GMU 44 and GTP 59
$2,500 Single Screen System to include; GDU 375, GSU 73, GMU 44, GTP 59
$2,000 Single Screen System to include; GDU 370, GSU 73, GMU 44, GTP 59

I can't specifically comment on future avaialability (perhaps someone from Garmin will interject), but Garmin usually ships off the shelf with no lead time on their EFIS leat that's been the case since it was introduced. I suppose it all depends on how many of these things get sold, I'm betting it will certainly drive up demand by some amount.

So what is the bottom line cost then for a dual set up of G3X with ems and probes.?

Good question. I've looked at numerous dealer sites along with the main Garmin page and no one has prices listed. Not that I'm buying, this stuff is waaay outta my league, but just curious about what these things cost.

Thank you for the clarification, it was pretty much as I expected, and just what I have in mind. Regarding the lead time and Garmin... I can guess that whatever backlog developes for the 3GX, Garmin will be able to handle the volume and will honor pricing for orders placed before 12/31/10. You guys may get very busy with G3X panels soon... :)

Thanx again,

Found one site publishing G3X combo price...

$13789 for G3X with GDU375(XM capable display), GDU370(no XM display), GSU73(ADAHRS), GMU44 (Magnetometer) not including the applicable Garmin rebate. It goes up from there with temp probe, autopilot, engine probes, subscriptions, antennas etc. Thats a 2 screen system.
As is common, if you call the vendors and talk over what you are looking for you should get some better pricing. I think its a ''list'' price and ''dealer price'' thing.
I got all excited for a few seconds, then realized the dollar amounts shown were just rebates.

Garmin remains too expen$$$$ive for me. :mad:
End of Model Year Sale, perhaps?

DR Pohl

I could imagine very subdued demand for luxuries in the current economic environment.

I really don't understand why many aviation manufacturers, and many other industries for that matter, are so coy with the RRP price of their gear, especially in this electronic age.
I got all excited for a few seconds, then realized the dollar amounts shown were just rebates.

Garmin remains too expen$$$$ive for me. :mad:

Yeah. You can get a 10" Dynon Skyview for the price of Garmin's rebate!;)
Yeah, I agree..

Yeah. You can get a 10" Dynon Skyview for the price of Garmin's rebate!;)

I have a lowly D-100 and D-120 in my -10 and routinely fly IFR/IMC and they're sooo much easier to fly approaches with than the old round steam gauges.

Do you really need all that?

I got all excited for a few seconds, then realized the dollar amounts shown were just rebates.

Garmin remains too expen$$$$ive for me. :mad:

As long as I'm whining......:D
Why a rebate? Why not just lower the price?
Leaving the invoice price high just adds more cost to the buyer in the form of sales tax, etc. I have never understood this form of marketing. There must be some tax advantage or ?? for them.

OK </Whine> */Whine mode off
A few post up....I imagine that the "other stuff" you need could really bump up the price from here...but this is pure speculation, call Stein for a quote to be sure.

$13789 for G3X with GDU375(XM capable display), GDU370(no XM display), GSU73(ADAHRS), GMU44 (Magnetometer) not including the applicable Garmin rebate. It goes up from there with temp probe, autopilot, engine probes, subscriptions, antennas etc. Thats a 2 screen system.
As is common, if you call the vendors and talk over what you are looking for you should get some better pricing. I think its a ''list'' price and ''dealer price'' thing.

Here is what you get back from the autoquoter from Stark Avionics:


Complete Electronic Flight Display System: GDU-370, AHRS, REMOTE MAGNETOMETER $9500

Complete Electronic Flight Display System with XM weather/music: GDU-375, AHRS, REMOTE MAGNETOMETER $10,250

Complete DUAL Electronic Flight Display System with XM weather/music: GDU-375 and GDU-370, AHRS, REMOTE MAGNETOMETER $13,475"
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According to a recent Dynon presentation, they have more than 50% share of the uncertified EFIS market (by units) and 80% of the LSA market (by manufacturer).

This puts Dynon directly in the crosshairs of Garmin. In this market, Garmin can only grow the G3X business by taking market share from someone else. This could get interesting, with collateral damage to the smaller EFIS vendors.

Whether or not it's a successful strategy remains to be seen. The G3X stuff is still way overpriced, even with the rebate.

The G3X stuff is still way overpriced, even with the rebate.


Yep, if their target is Dynon, they missed the boat on the pricing....Bad thing is for Garmin, I don't think they will steal too many Dynon customers as much as they will take away from the G?00 systems that those with big bucks would have bought before they had a less expensive alternative in the G3X stuff.

EDIT...Removed anything that could even remotely be offensive to anyone...
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Yeah. You can get a 10" Dynon Skyview for the price of Garmin's rebate!;)

Yup - and you can get a a dozen Ford Focus's for the price of a BMW.;)

And....the truth is, most of us can get by with the Fords! For a great deal of the builder population, the high-end EFIS features and functions are not required for the kind of flying they do. But for a few, the added functionality adds a significant increase in utility and safety. I have a very capable airplane, but I only use the full capability a few times a year. Is that worth it? Personal decision - for me, I have spent enough time in marginal airplanes in marginal conditions that I opted for the "luxury" of full EFIS capability. {and we STILL canceled a trip for this weekend becasue of weather - dang hurricane....}

For everyone contemplating a new panel, I recommend the "process". Determine your actual needs (requirements), then list all the functions you have to have to fill those needs, then start comparing the available systems to fill those functions. Spending a dime more than you need to fulfill your needs is not necessary - you might chose to do so for the luxury factor of course, and that's OK. It's a choice!
Yep, if their target is Dynon, they missed the boat on the pricing....But there are always those with more money than they know what do do with... Bad thing is for Garmin, I don't think they will steal too many Dynon customers as much as they will take away from the G?00 systems that those with big bucks would have bought before they had a less expensive alternative in the G3X stuff. How the heck do normal people afford this stuff anyway???? Tripple screens, dual 430w's, Custom AP's, Doug needs to let us in on the secret... He must have won the powerball!!!

Satements like the above aren't entirely accurate and don't add anything to people trying to get accurate information. Each persons choice is based on their circumstances, budget, needs, flying, etc.. others make choices based on their own reasons, budgets, needs, etc...

Here's some actual data that is objective.

A fully equipped dual screen Skyview 10" is about $11-$12K real world. Since I'm sure there will be an immediate "how did you get that price" here it is:
Display Bundle x 2: $7200
ADAHRS: $1200
EMS Module: $600
GPS module x 2: $400
Mapping software: $500
Network Cable: $50
ARINC module (use HS34 for now because it's what we have to work with) :$650
XM module (just an estimmate, again could be +/-): $600
Probes/Sensors: $750
Fuel flow: $200

TOTAL: $12,150

A dual screen G3X system is now about $12-13K.

Single screen Skyviews end up comparing similarly when similarly equipped.

My 2 cents as usual! I'm about trying to keep things level and answer questions of value to those trying to make decisions based on reality, not personal biases. I'll happily sell you what makes the most sense for YOUR individual needs.

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Thanks for the comparison Stein. I had started to do the exact comparison you just did this morning, thinking that, Garmin's getting serious about us "experimental" guys. I came to the same conclusion you did, and if I was to build again I seriously would consider the G3X, because when the shakeout eventually happens, I think they'll for sure be around.
The respect is mutual and I'll edit my post to remove any perceived pissiness (because that wasn't my intent) with subsequent apologies on my part. The intent was to show that assumptions on pricing can often be wrong and it wasn't intended as an attack.

Nothing against Dynon or any particular EFIS mfgr for that matter - we sell a whole lof of their stuff (as a fact more Dynon EFISes than Garmin EFISes) and have a Dynon in my own plane...we also sell a whole of other peoples stuff to. Just wanting to keep the facts straight and the subjectivity out of it. Have a good holiday everyone!

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Warranty work or out of Warranty

I fly behind Dynon EFIS/EMS equipment and Garmin Radios. If you ever have sent in equipment or needed to speak to someone right now Dynon is far an above easier to deal with (For obvious reasons) along with most other smaller Companies like PS Engineering and TruTrak. If you’ve had a Garmin repaired out of Warranty you know the standard rate costs for replacing a bulb or a complete overhaul $$$). The good thing with that is that is if the unit is trashed, it’s the same cost but still a large % of a new unit. Look it up on their website. All I'm saying is that this also needs to be considered when making your decisions.

We are the largest gathering in Experimental and giving insentives to them like Building Panels for us or displaying a full Garmin Panel at OSH is a smart thing to do in Business. People will fall off the fense for the right price.
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You you priced 10" SkyViews against 7" Garmin G3X units. We do sell 7" SkyViews which are the same size screen as the G3X units.
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You you priced 10" SkyViews against 7" Garmin G3X units. We do sell 7" SkyViews which are the same size screen as the G3X units.

You are correct on both points ...the 7" screens would reduce the package price by about $900 ea (total $1800) I think.

As long as I'm whining......:D
Why a rebate? Why not just lower the price?
Leaving the invoice price high just adds more cost to the buyer in the form of sales tax, etc. I have never understood this form of marketing. There must be some tax advantage or ?? for them.

From the perspective of a manufacturer, a rebate results in an "effective" price reduction for the consumer while creating a "value perspective" in the consumer's mind (the product is effectively on sale, but only for a limited time). The upside for the manufacturer could include 1) clear out excess inventory (probably not the case with the Garmin G3X), 2) incentivize sales due to soft market conditions, 3) undercut competitors and/or buy market share. Another factor to keep in mind is that once the actual price of a product is reduced it becomes virtually impossible to subsequently increase the price if/when demand increases or market conditions improve because consumers usually won?t accept it (absent atypical circumstances such as zero competition). So rebates give consumers the economic benefit of a price reduction, create a motivation for consumers to buy (limited time offer) and leave the manufacturer with a more viable option to move back to the original (higher) price if/when market conditions permit.
Satements like the above aren't entirely accurate and don't add anything to people trying to get accurate information. Each persons choice is based on their circumstances, budget, needs, flying, etc.. others make choices based on their own reasons, budgets, needs, etc...

Here's some actual data that is objective.

A fully equipped dual screen Skyview 10" is about $11-$12K real world. Since I'm sure there will be an immediate "how did you get that price" here it is:
Display Bundle x 2: $7200
ADAHRS: $1200
EMS Module: $600
GPS module x 2: $400
Mapping software: $500
Network Cable: $50
ARINC module (use HS34 for now because it's what we have to work with) :$650
XM module (just an estimmate, again could be +/-): $600
Probes/Sensors: $750
Fuel flow: $200

TOTAL: $12,150

A dual screen G3X system is now about $12-13K.

Single screen Skyviews end up comparing similarly when similarly equipped.

My 2 cents as usual! I'm about trying to keep things level and answer questions of value to those trying to make decisions based on reality, not personal biases. I'll happily sell you what makes the most sense for YOUR individual needs.


Good analysis, but Dynon's (heated) pitot/aoa and cost effective autopilot upgrade have been left out. If these functions are important to have, then It's much more favourable to Dynon (especially so if 7" screens are used).

Personally, I like the G3X architecture. The form factor is more usable for dual-screen systems (in a tandem) and the Garmin variant of the CAN bus is a long-term advantage. Assuming Garmin can find a way to duplicate the high levels of personal support that the smaller players provide, they will be a formidable competitor.

A nice price war is always interesting. If I were Dynon, I would focus on the key differentiators... heated pitot/aoa, low cost autopilot support and good support. If I were Garmin, I would reveal more of the product roadmap and stress integration with other instruments.

I'm leaving my panel decisions on my HRII to the very last minute so I can choose the best in class for my needs. Stein wins either way in this scenario.

If I were Garmin, I would reveal more of the product roadmap and stress integration with other instruments.
Interesting thought. I had always thought that the G3X was a very attractive platform, mostly because of screen layout and the human interface. It's obviously overkill for VFR flight unless it's dark-of-night VFR.

For IFR the G3X seems great, but the bummer is that you need to use an external IFR NAV in order to be legal. The interface of the G430/530 is awful compared to the G3X. If you're having to use the G430 for IFR, you loose much of the advantage of the G3X's human interface.

I think perhaps a new thread comparing efises may be in order...this thread was/is not for that purpose. Naturally we can compare every little detail of Garmin, Dynon, GRT, AFS, MGL, etc... Which has been done many times before. Each EFIS from each mfgr is not a panacea for every builder & pilot. If someone tells you that there is a perfect solution for 100% of builders, then they are either uninformed or just wrong. Literally every mfgr has things that others do not and are better for some and therefore the level of value differs between builders. Each product has it's pro's and con's, but depending on your viewpoint these will differ.

Anyway, I vote that if someone is unable to find info on specific Efises that you start a new thread. This wasn't a "popularity contest" thread, just simply pointing out a rebate from one mfgr. Some replies have been informative, but others are just not entirely factual....

Happy 4th and enjoy the fireworks!

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