Driving '67

Well Known Member
The Aircraft Electronics Association is offering a Avionics for Experimental Aviation course in June. I just did their basic wiring course and was one of the most useful and interesting classes I've taken. Planning to attend this one as well!

Cheers Jim

General System Overview

Understanding of core system and its LRUs
Understanding of optional LRUs
LRU choices and compatibility
Compatible 3rd party LRUs

Tools and Techniques

Tools required for G3X Installation
General installation practices and techniques
Understanding of shield termination
Shield termination practice

Mechanical Installation

General LRU installation guidelines
Specific LRU installation guidelines
Potential problems from improper LRU Mounting

CAN Bus Overview

CAN Capable LRUs
CAN Termination
CAN Bus Considerations
CAN Bus Layout Planning

Electrical Installation

System Architecture and data bus configuration

Operational Checkout

Power and ground checkouts
Initial power up
Software loading
Configuration and calibration

First Flight Planning

Planning and safety precautions
General System operational checks
First flight autopilot engagement and testing


Common Problems in G3X Installations
Basic troubleshooting
Integrated troubleshooting tools
Troubleshooting guide
Hey Jim this is Trevor. I agree, I also think these would be a good course for anyone installing in the Garmin G3x system. It would teach you proper wiring techniques, how a CAN bus works, and proper configuration of the installed equipment.
I understand that in the past Garmin has given out Seminar Bonus Bucks which helped offset the cost of the course. Don't know about their current policy. Got my fingers crossed thou ....

Cheers Jim

With regards to the basic wiring course, I learned a lot. Most of the class were licensed A&P’s or people in the industry doing licence renewals and upgrades. I haven’t worked that hard on a course in a long time.

I was partnered up with a really sharp A&P (fellow VAF'r - Tnikkel5) working for a small GA shop in the midwest. We learned pin diagrams with wiring requirements, tooling, how shielding worked and built. We then assemblied every harness from scratch (GMA 340 audio panel, GNS 530 NAV/COM/GPS, Mid-Continent CDI, Sandia Altitude Encoder, headset jacks, including C/B’s and avionic master switch). Install, ring out and then test it. Everything worked and NO smoke … woohoo!!!

As Trevor mentioned above, taking the G3X course combined with the basic wiring I hope to be in good shape for the panel portion of the build.


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Hello everyone. I'm the one teaching the course. It will be a pleasure to meet those of you that attend. I'll let you guys know about the seminar bucks thing as soon as I can. If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.

I have signed up. I'm looking forward to learning and to meeting fellow RV/VAFers.
I just signed up for the course also. Any chance anybody will be around there Tuesday evening and could give me a ride from the airport two miles away? I will by flying my '56 172 in from Michigan.
Jim, Pahan,

This course looks great, a question:

I already have a G3X panel in my plane, professionally installed. I continue to bring it back to installer for additions/upgrades (two so far) but would like to be able to do this myself, the course could pay for itself quickly. Might this be a good course for me?
