
Well Known Member
Im setting up my pitch and roll servos G3X system in RV 7A. For the servos there is a gain and torque value of each. I wonder if anyone can suggest a preliminary starting value for:

Pitch gain and torque
and Roll gain and torque

as a starting point toward getting them adjusted.

Thank you
There are many threads about this subject. The values below are what Steve at g3xpert recommended a few months ago for the values they use in their RV-7A.

Roll Servo
Max Torque = 15%
Servo Gain = 0.40
Fine Adjust Amount = 1
Fine Adjust Time = 0.20

Pitch Servo
Max Torque = 30%
Servo Gain = 1.30
Fine Adjust Amount = 1
Fine Adjust Time = 0.20

Pitch Gain
Min Airspeed Limit = 65 kt (or as preferred)
Max Airspeed Limit = 180 kt (or as preferred)
Vertical Speed Gain = 1.00
Vertical Accel Gain = 1.00
Airspeed Gain = 1.00
Airspeed Accel Gain = 1.00

Electric Trim
Airspeed Thresholds = 80 kt / 150 kt
Roll Trim Motor Speed = 100% / 25%
Pitch Trim Motor Speed = 100% / 25%
Mark thats great, tommorow I plug all that in. Got my Cert of Airworthiness last week and would like to have all the G3X stuff configured for actually flying the plane which I hope will be the next sunny day. Of course weather here is supposed to be 10 days of rain according to the forecast
Thank your the info