
Well Known Member
Saw this morning that as of Jan 1 2018 the XCUB certified under Part 23 will have the option of the Non-TSO G3X. TeamX: Can you add anymore details? Are we going to start seeing more certified aircraft have the option of cheaper avionics like the experimentals enjoy?
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They were very busy in their booth today at OSKH with all hands on deck, but I did hear that question come up a lot while waiting for a TX up-date. The gest of what I got was it is kind of like wanting a turtle to get across the road, some times you just want to jump out of the car and go help, but at the same time not get run over. Garmin and many others are working hard to get this done with the FAA's agreement. I to would like to see that turtle cross the road.
Yours, R.E.A. III #80888
The $27k "upcharge" to add the G3X seems very pricey when compared to the Dynon announcement of their HDX for $16k.

I have a feeling Garmin just got overshadowed in their Osh Kosh announcements by what Dynon released. However, competition is good!
The $27k "upcharge" to add the G3X seems very pricey when compared to the Dynon announcement of their HDX for $16k.

I have a feeling Garmin just got overshadowed in their Osh Kosh announcements by what Dynon released. However, competition is good!

Garmin is never going to be the low-cost provider. They will however respond to market pressure, and Dynon is about to provide a healthy measure of that.
In the experimental world they are basically a wash when you compare apples to apples the best you can. I would expect similar in this case as well. There won't be a huge delta as proposed here.