The answer is yes - we also have the Garmin pitot and G3X touch on our RV-6 and it works great.
This is RV-12 part of forum.....which has a unusual set up. I installed a static port rivet @ 30 degree down angle on wing. Have yet to complete interconnect tubing. Hoping to do that soon and will report.
Yes, the RV-12 has the pitot at the prop spinner which doesn't allow for the AOA sensor at that location. The RV-12 users put the AOA sensor on the leading edge 30 degree down. That has been done with the Dynon system but I don't know if it's been done with the Garmin system. I'm guessing it would be the same for the Garmin system.
Yes, the RV-12 has the pitot at the prop spinner which doesn't allow for the AOA sensor at that location. The RV-12 users put the AOA sensor on the leading edge 30 degree down. That has been done with the Dynon system but I don't know if it's been done with the Garmin system. I'm guessing it would be the same for the Garmin system.

I am sure that unless Garmin has specifically tested it, they won't comment on if it will work or not.

The two systems have very similar principles of operation and can be user calibrated so my guess is that if it works for the Dynon, it will work for the Garmin but the accuracy may be reduced since Garmin says that their pitot has been optimized for the best results.