
Just replaced GSU 25 because of hard failure, no oat,altitude or airspeed. Unit is only 9 months old. Flew one flight with no issues and encountered another hard failure on second flight taxi out. Any one else having issues with G3X ? They will replace part but no labor, any ideas?

Just replaced GSU 25 because of hard failure, no oat,altitude or airspeed. Unit is only 9 months old. Flew one flight with no issues and encountered another hard failure on second flight taxi out. Any one else having issues with G3X ? They will replace part but no labor, any ideas?

Been flying mine over 2 years and no problems with it. Should be an easy swap out, two connectors and 3 pitot/static lines.
Have you worked with TeamX to troubleshoot? I assume not since you are asking for ideas here on the forum.

If you have, advice is to follow their suggestions.

If not, contact [email protected] and they will take care of you.

Not heard of any GSU25 failures that were not explainable.

As for labor to replace, this is a super easy task as long as access to the unit is good. You will have to go back thru the calibration process called out in the manuals.
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i had a servo failure (GSA28), don't assume the equipment is faultless/bulletproof

traditional thought would have been that this is an experimental airplane and it has to be a wiring issue, but a quick RMA swap got me back up and running, glad I did not start rewiring things
Just replaced GSU 25 because of hard failure, no oat,altitude or airspeed. Unit is only 9 months old. Flew one flight with no issues and encountered another hard failure on second flight taxi out. Any one else having issues with G3X ? They will replace part but no labor, any ideas?

Not sure if you're saying you had 2 failures but thats the way I read it, if so I would double check the installation as its highly unlikly that you would have 2 ADAHRS failures. Good possibility its an install issue. I've installed a pretty fair number of these as well as have dual units on my own aircraft with 0 issues.
Garmin g3x

I have talked to Tim at Garmin, my avionics tech with over 40 years experience can't figure it out, Garmin is sending out another gsu25 because they believe this is the problem, Thanks
G3X ahars failure

Yesterday after takeoff in my RV10 the AP kicked out due to loss of gps on the internal gps. I then had a dual ahars failure. The system then started to realign in flight. With no sucess. I landed immediately and tried to fault find with my avionics guy. Took off again and had gps working intermittently. Returned home. Am highly concerned about this and the dual ahars failure. Have emailed garmin. Eagerly awaiting their feedback.
How many flight hours on your ship? How many flight hours with the G3X
What GPS navigator are you using? GTN 650?, 430W? And perhaps most importantly what age is the Ant. for the navigator GPS? There have been SB's issued for cerain age and serial # antenna in the past. There have been a few reports over the years of a single faulty GPS ant. making every GPS on the AC useless.

Usually when the faulty unit is shut off, the remaining good ones come back to normal. Also IIRC one or two cases of coax routing too close to a com line that takes out the GPS when the PTT makes a Tx and energizes the com ant. cable.

Some brilliant soul might assemble a section of common trouble shooting threads from past lessons learned and printed on this forum. One for common GPS faults, Alternator issues, etc. It might save the manufacturers and builders a lot of telephone and email time.
Yesterday after takeoff in my RV10 the AP kicked out due to loss of gps on the internal gps. I then had a dual ahars failure. The system then started to realign in flight. With no sucess. I landed immediately and tried to fault find with my avionics guy. Took off again and had gps working intermittently. Returned home. Am highly concerned about this and the dual ahars failure. Have emailed garmin. Eagerly awaiting their feedback.

First, I find it highly unusual that we have 2 first time posters with supposedly unexplainable simultaneous dual G3X failures.

Second, in a properly installed system with dual screens and dual ADAHRS (each screen has a built n GPS receiver and back up data lines to each ADAHRS) the chances of this happening to both systems simultaneously seems almost impossible unless perhaps you got hit by an EMP pulse!
Walt, what is you meaning regarding first time posters?

My RV was professionally built and we took delivery in Nov 2014. I have about 80 hours on it and the plane has flow 350hours. The external GPs is the 650.
It has been flawless up until now.

Steve at Garmin has been extremely helpful and the builders have gone through the avionics. We did a software update. We also had a GPS reception problem at the same time, so have now installed a 3rd GPS antenna.
Second, in a properly installed system with dual screens and dual ADAHRS (each screen has a built n GPS receiver and back up data lines to each ADAHRS) the chances of this happening to both systems simultaneously seems almost impossible unless perhaps you got hit by an EMP pulse!

I'm seriously thinking about adding a second ADHRS to my G3X system. I have the older GSU 73 and flying this past weekend in some pretty sporty turbulence, I lost my attitude indication (no red X but it went into alignment mode which it couldn't complete due to the turbulence) for most of a 50 min flight (I was creeping along at Va). Now I was VFR and I still had air data and magnetometer (so partial panel plus I have a standalone backup PFD), but I still wasn't happy and had I been in IMC less happier still.
It sounds like the GSU73 may be mounted on a surface that has too much flex and vibration. I have both a GSU73 and GSU25 and have never seen a hardware failure in 650+ hours. I do suggest dual ahars if using your aircraft in IMC.
Intermittent OAT

I had a GSU25 issue where the OAT was intermittent. It would show up some days and other days it would have a big red X through it. Seemed highly unlikely to be a problem with the system so I checked my wiring numerous times. I measured the proper resistance values across the pins every time. I consulted with Garmin and although they were also skeptical at first (I don't blame them, I'm sure 95% of the time it IS a builder / wiring issue) they eventually sent me a replacement through Steinair and the issue went away. OAT comes up every time I switch on the system now! I was very happy with Team X help to troubleshoot the issue and the resolution of sending out a new GSU25 which solved the problem.