
Hey Gang,

Looking into EFIS for and upcoming (just started) RV8 and had a question regarding the GPS aided ADAHRS that garmin advertises.

Does anyone know what happens if the GPS signal fails?


According to the Pilot's Guide (there is a drawing in the System Overview section), it will do just fine as an Attitude/Air Data platform with Magnetometer and Air Data only.

If I read the drawing correctly, of course.

Short answer, it'll still tell you correct attitude information, you just won't have 2D/3D position information.

i.e. you'll know which way is up, but you'll have to navigate the old fashion way.
I hope I'm not asking an obvious question (I did run a search).
What happens to attitude information on G3X if pitot blocked?
Attitude is derived from solid state. Pitot/static info remains the same, it just all runs through the same magic box. Think old school steam gauges, but solid state instead of a vacuum and gyro.